Alberta Health Services Patient and Family Advisors: Roles and Responsibilities Module 1: Patient/Family Advisor and Staff Liaison Orientation
Education Series Overview Module 1 : Module 2: Patient and Module 3: Family Staff Liaisons: Meaningful Advisors: Roles Roles and Engagement and Responsibilities Responsibilities
Key Learning Goals • Principles of Patient and Family Centred Care • Roles and Responsibilities • Sharing Your Story • Levels of Involvement • Communication Tips • Boundaries and Limitations
Principles of Patient and Family Centred Care DIGNITY AND RESPECT • Patient and family perspectives, choices, beliefs and values are listened to and honoured. INFORMATION SHARING • Patients and families receive complete and unbiased information in ways that are affirming and useful. PARTICIPATION • Patients and families are encouraged to participate in care and decision making at the level they choose. COLLABORATION • Patients and families are involved in the design, delivery, and evaluation of health services.
What Is An Advisor? Patient and Family Advisors are individuals with either a direct or an indirect health care experience as either a patient, family member or caregiver/ support person for a patient. They are volunteers who have an active role in helping to understand and improve the patient/family experience which ultimately increases the quality and safety of patient care.
Characteristics of a Successful Advisor Work collaboratively to improve the patient and family experience and bring about meaningful change Share personal stories and insights Respect and listen to in ways others can the perspectives and learn from experiences of others Patient and Family Advisors Represent the Ask patient and family questions voice by seeing and seek Maintain beyond your own clarification confidentiality personal of patient and experiences organizational information
Why Stories Matter • Stories are memorable and can inspire change • Your story is the key to why you are an advisor • You can choose how, when and the modes for sharing your story
Sharing Your Story - Important Considerations This is your story from your perspective: USE THE 5 W’s • What do you want to be different because you shared your story? WHO is it about? • Focus on experiences, not WHAT happened? people WHEN did it take place? WHERE did it take place? • Avoid personal identifiers in your story WHY did it happen? • Is this something you feel comfortable sharing?
Levels of Involvement • A dedicated member of a long-term Regular and committee, council or advisory group ongoing • Short-term working groups or design Occasional sprints or short-term • One-time consultations (brochures, policies, focus groups, surveys, etc.) One-time • Sharing your story with frontline staff, at conferences, in meetings Scope: Provincial, Zone, Site, Program or Project
Effective Communication
Advocacy vs Advisory ADVOCACY work seeks to ENSURE SPECIFIC OUTCOMES ADVISORY work seeks to INFORM PROCESS
Boundaries and Limitations Respect personal Maintain boundaries confidentiality Participate within Avoid giving the scope of your medical advice advisory position
Benefits and Opportunities Benefits and Opportunities • Educate leaders and care providers about the value of Patient and Family Centred Care • Personal growth and development • Develop personal relationships and networking opportunities • Help create a safer, more patient and family centred healthcare system
Supports for Advisors Patient Staff Volunteer Orientation and Family Self Care Liaisons Resources Advisors
For More Information Engagement and Patient Experience Website: Volunteer Resources – Patient Engagement:
References/Acknowledgements/Resources Alberta Health Services. (2017). Why Stories Matter Video with Verna Yiu. • Retrieved September 27, 2017 from Engagement and Patient Experience. (2017). Patient and Family Advisory • Group Orientation Handbook. Alberta Health Services. Engagement and Patient Experience. (n.d.). What’s Your Story? A Storytelling • Resource Kit for Patient and Family Advisors. Alberta Health Services Institute for Patient and Family-Centred Care. (n.d). Patient and Family • Centred Care. Retrieved on September 27, 2017 from Lamb, J., Lacombe, D., Smith, D. (2017). Strategic Clinical Networks TM Patient • Engagement Reference Group Orientation Handbook. Alberta Health Services. Tiffany Christensen. (2017). Exploring Patient and Family Advisor (PFA) • Communication. Retrieved on September 27, 2017 from Volunteer Resources. (2017). An Introduction to Volunteering with Alberta • Health Services for Patient and Family Advisors . Alberta Health Services.
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