adviso ry pane l 4 public he alth safe ty l o g istic s

Adviso ry Pane l 4: Public He alth, Safe ty, & L o g istic s - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Adviso ry Pane l 4: Public He alth, Safe ty, & L o g istic s Me tric s Re vie w Oc to be r 2, 2020 Co mmunity Be nc hmarks - Status 12.0 T r ailing 14-Day Avg. Daily Case s pe r 100K Population Data (fr om MA DPH we e kly r e por

  1. Adviso ry Pane l 4: Public He alth, Safe ty, & L o g istic s Me tric s Re vie w Oc to be r 2, 2020

  2. Co mmunity Be nc hmarks - Status 12.0 T r ailing 14-Day Avg. Daily Case s pe r 100K Population Data (fr om MA DPH we e kly r e por ts) 10.0 Massac huse tts 8.0 6.0 Bro o kline 4.0 2.0 Pane l 4 Re c o mme nde d Disc ussio n T rig g e r 0.0 So urc e s: https:/ / www.mass.g o v/ info -de tails/ c o vid-19-re spo nse -re po rting # c o vid-19-we e kly-public -he alth-re po rt- ; https:/ / g lo bale pide mic s.o rg / ke y-me tric s-fo r-c o vid-suppre ssio n/

  3. Co mmunity Be nc hmarks - Status 12.0 T r ailing 14-Day Avg. Daily Case s pe r 100K Population Data (fr om MA DPH we e kly r e por ts) 10.0 Massac huse tts 8.0 Bro o kline 6.0 Bo sto n-Bro o kline - 4.0 Cambridg e -Ne wto n 2.0 Pane l 4 Re c o mme nde d Disc ussio n T rig g e r 0.0 So urc e s: https:/ / www.mass.g o v/ info -de tails/ c o vid-19-re spo nse -re po rting # c o vid-19-we e kly-public -he alth-re po rt- ; https:/ / g lo bale pide mic s.o rg / ke y-me tric s-fo r-c o vid-suppre ssio n/

  4. Co mmunity Be nc hmarks - Status 40 1.00% T r ailing 14-Day T e sting Data (fr om MA DPH we e kly r e por ts) 0.90% 35 0.80% Bro o kline - 30 Po sitive T e sts 0.70% (rig ht Y axis) 25 0.60% 20 0.50% 0.40% 15 Bro o kline - % 0.30% o f T e sts 10 Po sitive (rig ht 0.20% Y axis) 5 0.10% 0 0.00% 8/ 12/ 2020 8/ 14/ 2020 8/ 16/ 2020 8/ 18/ 2020 8/ 20/ 2020 8/ 22/ 2020 8/ 24/ 2020 8/ 26/ 2020 8/ 28/ 2020 8/ 30/ 2020 9/ 1/ 2020 9/ 3/ 2020 9/ 5/ 2020 9/ 7/ 2020 9/ 9/ 2020 9/ 11/ 2020 9/ 13/ 2020 9/ 15/ 2020 9/ 17/ 2020 9/ 19/ 2020 9/ 21/ 2020 9/ 23/ 2020 9/ 25/ 2020 9/ 27/ 2020 9/ 29/ 2020 So urc e s: https:/ / www.mass.g o v/ info -de tails/ c o vid-19-re spo nse -re po rting # c o vid-19-we e kly-public -he alth-re po rt-

  5. Co mmunity Be nc hmarks - Status 8000 2.00% T r ailing 14-Day T e sting Data (fr om MA DPH we e kly r e por ts) 1.80% 7000 1.60% 6000 Massac huse tts - 1.40% Po sitive T e sts (le ft Y axis) 5000 1.20% 4000 1.00% 0.80% 3000 Massac huse tts - % 0.60% o f T e sts Po sitive 2000 (rig ht Y axis) 0.40% 1000 0.20% 0 0.00% So urc e s: https:/ / www.mass.g o v/ info -de tails/ c o vid-19-re spo nse -re po rting # c o vid-19-we e kly-public -he alth-re po rt-

  6. Co mmunity Be nc hmarks - Status 8000 2.00% T r ailing 14-Day T e sting Data (fr om MA DPH we e kly r e por ts) 1.80% 7000 Massac huse tts - Po sitive T e sts (le ft Y 1.60% axis) 6000 1.40% Bo sto n-Bro o kline - 5000 Cambridg e - 1.20% Ne wto n - Po sitive T e sts (le ft Y axis) 4000 1.00% Massac huse tts - % 0.80% o f T e sts Po sitive 3000 (rig ht Y axis) 0.60% 2000 Bo sto n-Bro o kline - 0.40% Cambridg e - Ne wto n - % o f T e sts 1000 0.20% Po sitive (rig ht Y axis) 0 0.00% So urc e s: https:/ / www.mass.g o v/ info -de tails/ c o vid-19-re spo nse -re po rting # c o vid-19-we e kly-public -he alth-re po rt-


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