advances in visual tracking

Advances in Visual Tracking Machine Learning Study Group Presented - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Advances in Visual Tracking Machine Learning Study Group Presented by Yaochen Xie Dec 7, 2017 Contents Visual Tracking Overview Dataset & Evaluation Methodology Traditional Approach (before 2010) Mean-Shift, Particle Filter,

  1. Advances in Visual Tracking Machine Learning Study Group Presented by Yaochen Xie Dec 7, 2017

  2. Contents ❖ Visual Tracking Overview ❖ Dataset & Evaluation Methodology ❖ Traditional Approach (before 2010) ➢ Mean-Shift, Particle Filter, Optical Flow ❖ The State-of-the-Art (after 2010) ➢ Correlation Filter, Deep Learning ❖ A Summary: Generative models and Discriminative models

  3. What is tracking in Computer Vision? ✴ Understanding geometric correspondences over time ✴ A fundamental problem in computer vision ✴ A challenging and difficult task ✴ Numerous applications

  4. Applications Surveillance Autonomous Robots Motion Analysis Image Guided Surgery Biomedical Image Analysis Human Computer Interaction

  5. Challenges Deformation Illumination variation Background Clutter Blur & Fast Motion

  6. Challenges Out-of-plane rotation In-plane rotation Scale Variation Occlusion Out-of-view

  7. Dataset OTB (Object Tracking Benchmark) The full benchmark contains 100 sequences from recent literatures. • The sequence names are in CamelCase without any blanks or underscores. • When there exist multiple targets each target is identified as dot+id_number (e.g. Jogging.1 and Jogging.2). • Each row in the ground-truth files represents the bounding box of the target in that frame, (x, y, box- width, box-height).

  8. Dataset OTB (Object Tracking Benchmark)

  9. Dataset VOT Challenge (Visual Object Tracking) VOT 2015 • 60 short sequences • Chosen from a large pool of sequences including the ALOV dataset, OTB2 dataset, non- tracking datasets, etc. • Rotated bounding boxes in order to provide highly accurate ground truth values for comparing results

  10. Evaluation ✴ Precision plot : center location error (average Euclidean distance between the center locations) / percentage within a threshold ✴ Success plot :

  11. Evaluation ✴ Temporal Robustness Evaluation (TRE) ✴ Spatial Robustness Evaluation (SRE)

  12. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Intuitive Description:

  13. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Intuitive Description:

  14. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Intuitive Description:

  15. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Intuitive Description:

  16. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Intuitive Description:

  17. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Intuitive Description:

  18. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Intuitive Description:

  19. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Assumption: The data points are sampled from an underlying PDF Assumed Underlying PDF Real Data Samples

  20. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Histogram and Back Projection Raw Image Histogram of ROI Back Projection (or other representations)

  21. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Steps of tracking an object 1. select your Region of Interest in Frame t 0 2. calculate the Histogram of ROI 3. generate Back Projection of ROI in Frame t 1 4. iterate with Mean-Shift Or, introducing similarity function to select target candidate …

  22. Traditional Approaches - Mean-shift Advantages : 1. Low computational complexity 2. Robust to partial occlusion, deformation, rotation and background movement Shortcomings: 1. Unable to deal with scale-variation 2. Low performance when object moves fast 3. Histogram is deficient in describing color features

  23. Traditional Approaches - Particle Filtering Particle

  24. Traditional Approaches - Particle Filtering Filter

  25. Traditional Approaches - Particle Filtering Particle Filtering

  26. Traditional Approaches - Particle Filtering • Initialization • Sampling • Decision • Resampling

  27. Traditional Approaches - Particle Filtering Tracking

  28. Traditional Approaches - Particle Filtering Tracking

  29. Traditional Approaches - Particle Filtering Tracking

  30. Traditional Approaches - Particle Filtering Tracking

  31. Traditional Approaches - Particle Filtering Strengths : 1. Markov model reduces complexity of calculations 2. Good description of methods 3. Able to deal with scale-variation Weakness: 1. Low performance with occlusion 2. Histogram is deficient in describing color features

  32. Traditional Approaches - Optical Flow Optical Flow: The pattern of apparent motion of objects, surfaces, and edges in a visual scene caused by the relative motion between an observer and a scene.

  33. Traditional Approaches - Optical Flow Assumptions: • Constant luminance among frames • Minor movement • Each frame is sampled consecutively on temporal domain • Spatial consistency

  34. The State-of-the-Art • MOSSE (Minimum Output Sum of Squared Error) • CSK (Circulant Structure of Tracking-by-detection) • CN (Adaptive Color Attributes) Correlation Filter based • GOTURN (Generic Object Tracking Using Regression Networks) • MDNet (Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Networks) • TCNN (Modeling and Propagating CNNs in a Tree Structure) Deep ConvNet based

  35. Correlation Filter based

  36. GOTURN Generic Object Tracking Using Regression Networks Strengths • Offline Training • Generic Object Tracking • Avoid Online Fine-turning • Regression-based Approach

  37. GOTURN Generic Object Tracking Using Regression Networks

  38. TCNN Modeling and Propagating CNNs in a Tree Structure for Visual Tracking • The width of a black arrow indicates the weight of a CNN for target state estimation while the width of a red edge denotes the affinity between two CNNs. • The width of box outline means the reliability of the CNN associated with the box.

  39. TCNN Modeling and Propagating CNNs in a Tree Structure for Visual Tracking • CNN Architecture

  40. TCNN Modeling and Propagating CNNs in a Tree Structure for Visual Tracking • Tree Construction • Tree structure: , where a vertex corresponds to a CNN, and a directed edge defines the relationship between CNNs. • The score of an edge is the affinity between two end vertices, which is given by

  41. TCNN Modeling and Propagating CNNs in a Tree Structure for Visual Tracking • Target state estimation • Candidates generate: sample from normalize distribution in (x, y, s) space, centered at target location in last frame • Target score: To define : • Select target:

  42. TCNN Modeling and Propagating CNNs in a Tree Structure for Visual Tracking • Bounding Box regression

  43. TCNN Modeling and Propagating CNNs in a Tree Structure for Visual Tracking • Update Model • Create node for new CNN associated with parent node: per 10 consecutive frames • The CNN in vertex z is fine-tuned from the CNN in using the training samples collected from two sets of frames, and .

  44. TCNN Modeling and Propagating CNNs in a Tree Structure for Visual Tracking

  45. Generative models and Discriminative models ✴ Generative models ✴ Discriminative models - Tracking-by-detection


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