adult reengagement

Adult Reengagement Identify and Support Returning Adults Advisory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Adult Reengagement Identify and Support Returning Adults Advisory Committee June 15, 2017 1 Todays Meeting Supporting returning adults - a critical Overview Todays Purpose: strategy Review work to date Framework Understand

  1. Adult Reengagement Identify and Support Returning Adults Advisory Committee June 15, 2017 1

  2. Today’s Meeting Supporting returning adults - a critical Overview Today’s Purpose: strategy • Review work to date Framework • Understand scope of Design Primary components of framework deliverables • Share and solicit feedback Project Technical teams, deliverables, and on project management Management timeframe • Develop and refine Focus questions for technical team related to immediate Groups Unique barriers of adult students deliverables Next Steps Technical team meetings and tasks 2 2

  3. Overview How does adult reengagement relate to state goals? 3 3

  4. Our Work to Date • 2013 Roadmap action item • 2015 laid the foundation • 2016 SHEEO technical assistance • 2017 Strategic Action Plan • 2017 Lumina Grant Collaborate with partners to develop a statewide framework to recruit and retain adult students, with an emphasis on those with some college credit but no credential. 4

  5. Growth in Credentials Required to Meet the Goals Increases in Attainment Required to Meet Roadmap 500,000 additional adults Goal of 70% Postsecondary Attainment by 2023 need to complete a 1,600,000 credential 1,415,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,100,000 1,000,000 800,000 1,020,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 - 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 Adults with certificate or higher (2012 levels) Impact of 2017 investments (new credentials) Attainment target to reach 70% by 2023 5 5

  6. Many Adults Have Credits Without a Credential 1.2 million not enrolled without a credential 400,000 have some college 300,000 one year of credit Source: WSAC analysis of American Community Survey, 2009-2013 5-Year Estimates. 6 6

  7. Framework Design What are the key components of the Framework? 7 7

  8. Washington’s Leverage Campus State Policies Based Partnerships Data Systems Initiatives 8 8

  9. Framework approach should: Ensure students are Respect institutions’ successful on their next Be cost effective business practices attempt Engage broad Highlight and expand Connect students to participation local efforts programs 9 9

  10. Washington Adult Reengagement Framework C OST C OMPLETION C OMMUNICATIONS Information Outreach and Connect Students to Assist with Transparent Provide Flexible clearinghouse marketing Affordability Programming Relevant Programs Inventory programs Broad public outreach Availability of aid Enrollment support and practices Identification of Expand and connect Short-term aid Flexible delivery students near online resources completion Include tailored Resources to evaluate information and Previous fees Share effective practices student progress other features Repayments & defaults Child care availability 10 10

  11. Reflections from Convening Outreach and Marketing: • Consider opportunity gaps at the outset • State Higher Education Executive • Explore various models of student identification Officers association (SHEEO) • Engage employers in each region • Adult Promise Convening in CO held June 4-6 • Filter out current students (enrollment management) • Teams from 4 states – ME, MN, OK, • Statewide navigators and advising are key WA • Consider online chat • Lumina sponsored 11 11

  12. Reflections from the Convening Enrollment Barriers: • Consider alleviating for some students and not others • Work with institutions to share best practices • Emergency loan – targeted information Financial Aid Barriers: • Less-than- halftime has “bridge term” allowable in State Need Grant – could this allow first term funding without meeting SAP? Messaging Affordability: • Many students in Washington do not pay tuition (public and private) 12 12

  13. Project Management What are the main deliverables, technical teams & timeline? 13 13

  14. Project Approach 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Information Preparation Development Recommendations Implementation gathering Effective Lit review and Forming Focus groups & Policy practices research workgroups regional mtgs. modification exchange Encourage and Initial asset SHEEO Expansion of promote Portal tool mapping convening programs regional efforts Funding Outreach & Initiate use of Child care request Marketing online tool Resources Micro Grant (including for barriers funding, IT, *Supported by Lumina grant. etc.) 14 14

  15. 2017 Work Plan July August September October November December Council Council Technical Technical Progress update & RFPs issued update & team team Report Advisory Advisory 15 15

  16. Project Management Role Structure • Ensure appropriate stakeholder Advisory Team Council Members, partners, participation institutional representatives, • Seek opportunities for WSAC to employer community. promote this initiative and align with other efforts • Provide guidance on development of all project deliverables • Provide technical assistance and Technical Team Advisory team and input to support the design of key additional institutional components of the Framework representatives with • Portal expertise on the meeting • Outreach & Marketing topic. • Micro Grant 16 16

  17. Communications – Portal An online tool to provide relevant, accurate and tailored information to connect returning adults to programs. What questions should the Technical Team explore to develop requirements and features for the online tool? • What are examples of tools developed by other states or for similar purposes? • Who are the key users of the tool? • What are key features and functionality to be included to connect students with programs? • How interactive should the site be? • How will program information be updated? • How will institutions receive information about interested students? • What information should be available to all inquiring students? • How will this tool interact with other sites? 17 17 • What will be required to ensure the tool is maintained long-term?

  18. State-Level Examples Tennessee Texas Texas GradTX GradTX Reconnect • Finish your • Finish your • Be a Hero. Be a college Graduate. college degree. degree. • Flexible options • Online cost-to- completion and • Flexible options for for bachelor’s time-to-degree bachelors degree degree calculators. completion. completion. 18 18

  19. State-Level Examples Tennessee Tennessee Texas GradTX Reconnect Reconnect • Finish your • Be a Hero. • Be a Hero. Be a college Graduate. Be a Graduate. degree. • Online cost-to- • Online cost-to- completion and • Flexible options for completion and time-to-degree bachelors degree time-to-degree calculators. completion. calculators. 19 19

  20. State-Level Examples Tennessee Indiana Return Texas GradTX and Complete Reconnect • You can. • Finish your • Be a Hero. Be a Go back. college degree. Graduate. • Identify, contact, • Flexible options • Online cost-to- for bachelors completion and and incentivize degree time-to-degree adults to completion. calculators. complete their degrees. 20 20

  21. State-Level Examples 21 21

  22. Communications – Outreach & Marketing What questions should the Technical Team explore to develop parameters for outreach and marketing of the portal? • In what ways should we identify and prioritize target market segments? • What are the most effective methods to identify adults with credits for outreach? • Are there systems that can be leveraged to connect students with programs? • Can regional efforts be used to engage employers and promote the tool? • How should messaging support institutional and community-based communication efforts? • What are other considerations for broad marketing efforts? • Other? 22 22

  23. Cost – Micro Grant What questions should the Technical Team with aid administrators explore to design a state- level micro-grant fund to address small dollar barriers? • What are general emergency aid approaches to support students facing challenges? • How are pre-enrollment barriers (i.e. financial holds, fees) addressed? • How would a state- level “micro grant” be best targeted? • How should the program be designed? • Administration • Institutional participation • Student eligibility • Program evaluation • Are there ideas that can inform the best practice exchange? • How can students overcome larger financial barriers (i.e. repayments, defaults, aid eligibility exhaustion) • Other? 23 23

  24. Project Management – Technical Team for Portal CTC Public 4 Private 4 Leadership Enrollment Services Other Inform the development of the portal including features, functionality, access to program information, and use of student data. Financial aid workgroup will be invited to develop the micro grant addressing enrollment barriers 24 24


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