adult mating

ADULT Mating Overwinter Oviposition Eggs hatch LARVAE PUPAE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Emerge: April-June ADULT Mating Overwinter Oviposition Eggs hatch LARVAE PUPAE Persist for Mature: July several years Winter Spring Summer Fall A C B D X X B D C A C A D B X X D B A C 25 Carrot Bait Number

  1. Emerge: April-June ADULT Mating Overwinter Oviposition Eggs hatch LARVAE PUPAE Persist for Mature: July several years

  2. Winter Spring Summer Fall

  3. A C B D X X B D C A C A D B X X D B A C

  4. 25 Carrot Bait Number choosen by wireworms 20 15 10 5 0 Corn Dandelion Potato Wheat Bait

  5. 25 Severely Damaged Percent, By Weight, of Carrots Exhibiting Damaged 20 Wireworm Feeding Damage 15 10 5 0 Control Diluted Neem Neem Wheat Wheat + Neem

  6. Barley with clover Buckwheat Brown Mustard Alfalfa Flax

  7. Alfalfa 4 Barley underseeded with Clover Buckwheat Average number of wireworms Flax Brown Mustard 3 2 1 0 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Date of trap removal

  8. Wireworm Counts for 2010 and 2011 7 2010 Counts 2011 Counts 6 Wireworm Counts (#) 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bait Trap Barley Fallow Mustard Previous Crop

  9. % Potatoes Damaged by Number % of Potatoes Damaged by Wirewromes(#) 80 % Damaged (num) % Severely Damaged 60 40 20 0 Barley Fallow Mustard


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