adt list

ADT List Pointer Implementation 3-28-2013 ADT list implemented - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ADT List Pointer Implementation 3-28-2013 ADT list implemented with nodes and pointers Singly-linked list iterators & const_iterators Reading: Maciel, Chapter 13 HW#4 due: Wednesday, 4/03 (new due date) Exampl mples s done

  1. ADT List Pointer Implementation 3-28-2013

  2.  ADT list  implemented with nodes and pointers  Singly-linked list  iterators & const_iterators Reading: Maciel, Chapter 13 HW#4 due: Wednesday, 4/03 (new due date)

  3. Exampl mples s done e in cl class

  4. struc uct Node e { T T dat ata; a; Node* e* next; t; // Co Constructor tructor Node( e(const const T& & data_item _item, Node* e* next_ptr t_ptr = N NULL) LL) : d data(da data_i ta_item tem), next( t(ne next xt_ptr _ptr) ) {} }; };

  5.  A str uct is the same as a class… truc  except that the default visibility for a struct uct is ic . publ blic  Generally struc truct s are used to define classes that only contain public data fields.  Constructors may be provided.  Other member functions (operators) are usually not defined for stru ct s. ruct

  6. Node* de* bo bob = n b = new ew Nod Node("Bo e("Bob") b"); bob bob->nex >next = h = harr rry->next; >next; // // st step 1 p 1 harry rry->next = ext = bo bob; b; // st // step ep 2

  7. Node* de* ptr ptr = t = tom om->ne >next; xt; tom tom->nex next = t t = tom om->ne >next xt->next ext; delet lete e ptr tr;

  8. Think ink throu rough gh your r solution: lution: does es your r code work k for eve very ry case? se? Test your solution on ...  the empty list  a list containing only one node (which is both first and last in the list)  a list containing two or more nodes  a node in the middle of the list  the last node in the list  the first node in the last

  9.  default constructor  create an empty list  push_back()  add an item to the end of the list  pop_back()  remove the last item from the list  back()  return the last item in the list  insert  insert an item at a given position in the list  erase  delete an item at a given position from the list  traverse: need list iterator

  10.  represent a list with three data members:  head of the list  tail of the list  current size of the list  represent contents with nodes

  11. template<classT> // // list.h, , pointer nter implem ementati ntation on class list { private: /* d decl clare are Node struct ct here */ Node* head; // hea ead of the e list Node* tail; // tail of the list int num_items; // size e of the list ...

  12. template<classT> // // list.h, , pointer nter implem ementati ntation on class list { private: /* d decl clare are Node struct ct here */ #i #incl clude ude <node de.h .h> Node* head; // head of the list Node* tail; // tail of the list int num_items; // size e of the list ...

  13. // // node.h e.h #ifndef NODE_H_ #define NODE_H_ /* A A no node e is the buildi lding ng block ck for a s singly ly-linke linked d list. . */ struct Node { T data; Node* next; Node(const T& data_item, Node* next_ptr = NULL) : data(data_item), next(next_ptr) {} }; #endif

  14. template<class T> // // list.h .h, pointer ter implemen lementa tatio tion class list { public: /* What t else will list need? ? A p publi lic c iterator tor */ private: /* d decl clare are Node struct ct here */ #i #incl clude ude <node de.h .h> Node* head; // head of the list Node* tail; // tail of the list int num_items; // size e of the list ...

  15.  An Iterator is an object that can “iterate” or “traverse” a collection of items, starting at the first item (if there is a first item) and progressing through each item on the list until it gets to the end of the list.  Each standard library container (e.g. the list) provides both an iterator and a const_iterator  The operations on them are the same, except  When a const_iterator is dereferenced ( operator* ), the value of the item referenced cannot be changed.

  16.  We use an iterator like a pointer // access ess each ch element ement of a_lis list and d process ocess it for (list<T>::iterator iter = a_list.begin(); iter != a_list.end(); ++iter) { T next_element = *iter; // do something with next_element (*iter) }  But an iterator is not the same as a pointer  ++iter advances to the next item on the list

  17.  Limitations of a singly-linked list include:  can insert only after a referenced node  removing node requires pointer to previous node  can traverse list only in the forward direction  We can remove these limitations:  Add a pointer in each node to the previous node: This is called a doub ubly-linked inked list st  Another modification:  add a dummy first node, and link the last node to the first node This is a circul rcular r doubly ubly-linked linked list ist

  18.  Implementation of Linked Lists  Maciel: Chapter 13


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