
ADsafety Type-based Verification of JavaScript Sandboxing Joe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ADsafety Type-based Verification of JavaScript Sandboxing Joe Gibbs Politz Spiridon Aristides Eliopoulos Arjun Guha Shriram Krishnamurthi 1 2 3 third-party ad third-party ad 4 Who is running code in your browser? 5 Who is running

  1. ADsafety Type-based Verification of JavaScript Sandboxing Joe Gibbs Politz Spiridon Aristides Eliopoulos Arjun Guha Shriram Krishnamurthi 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. third-party ad third-party ad 4

  5. Who is running code in your browser? 5

  6. Who is running code in your browser? 5

  7. Who is running code in your browser? 5

  8. the host you visit 6

  9. the host you visit 6

  10. the host the ad server you visit 6

  11. the host the ad server you visit same JavaScript context 6

  12. the host the ad server you visit <iframe> 6

  13. the host the ad server you visit <iframe> top.location.href 6

  14. Microsoft Web Sandbox Google Facebook JavaScript Caja (FBJS) Yahoo! ADsafe All are defining safe sub-languages 7

  15. 8

  16. eval 8

  17. eval 8

  18. eval e 8

  19. eval e wrap(e) 8

  20. eval e wrap wrap(e) 8

  21. ” s r e t l fi “ eval “wrappers” e ” s r e t i r w e r “ wrap wrap(e) — Maffeis, Mitchell, and Taly, ESORICS 2009 8

  22. 9

  23. eval 9

  24. eval untrusted ADSAFE.get(obj, x) widget 9

  25. eval untrusted ADSAFE.get ADSAFE.get(obj, x) widget 9

  26. • 1, 800 LOC adsafe.js library • 50 calls to three kinds of assertions • 40 type-tests • 5 regular-expression based checks • 60 privileged DOM method calls 10

  27. ? • 1, 800 LOC adsafe.js library • 50 calls to three kinds of assertions • 40 type-tests • 5 regular-expression based checks • 60 privileged DOM method calls 10

  28. Type-based Verification of 11

  29. Definition 1 (ADsafety): If all embedded widgets pass JSLint, then: 12

  30. Definition 1 (ADsafety): If all embedded widgets pass JSLint, then: eval() document.write() document.createElement("script") 1.Widgets cannot load new code ... at runtime, or cause ADsafe to load new code on their behalf; 12

  31. Definition 1 (ADsafety): If all embedded widgets pass JSLint, then: eval() document.write() document.createElement("script") 1.Widgets cannot load new code ... at runtime, or cause ADsafe to load new code on their behalf; 12

  32. Definition 1 (ADsafety): If all embedded widgets pass JSLint, then: 1.Widgets cannot load new code at runtime, or cause ADsafe to load new code on their behalf; 2.Widgets cannot obtain direct <div> references to DOM nodes; Untrusted ADsafe <p> <div> Widget <b> 12

  33. Definition 1 (ADsafety): If all embedded widgets pass JSLint, then: 1.Widgets cannot load new code at runtime, or cause ADsafe to load new code on their behalf; 2.Widgets cannot obtain direct <div> references to DOM nodes; Untrusted ADsafe <p> <div> Widget <b> 12

  34. Definition 1 (ADsafety): If all embedded widgets pass JSLint, then: 1.Widgets cannot load new code at runtime, or cause ADsafe to load new code on their behalf; 2.Widgets cannot obtain direct <div> references to DOM nodes; 3.Widgets cannot affect the <div id="WIDGET"> DOM outside of their subtree; and Untrusted ADsafe <p> <div> Widget <b> 12

  35. Definition 1 (ADsafety): If all embedded widgets pass JSLint, then: 1.Widgets cannot load new code at runtime, or cause ADsafe to load new code on their behalf; 2.Widgets cannot obtain direct <div> references to DOM nodes; 3.Widgets cannot affect the <div id="WIDGET"> DOM outside of their subtree; and Untrusted ADsafe <p> <div> Widget <b> 12

  36. Definition 1 (ADsafety): If all embedded widgets pass JSLint, then: 1.Widgets cannot load new code at runtime, or cause ADsafe to load new code on their behalf; 2.Widgets cannot obtain direct references to DOM nodes; 3.Widgets cannot affect the DOM outside of their subtree; and 4.Multiple widgets on the same page cannot communicate. Widget A ADsafe Widget B 12

  37. eval Goal: Verify ADsafe ADSAFE.get ADSAFE.get(obj, x) 13

  38. eval Goal: Verify ADsafe ADSAFE.get ADSAFE.get(obj, x) untrusted, but passes JSLint 13

  39. eval Goal: Verify ADsafe Goal: model JSLint ADSAFE.get ADSAFE.get(obj, x) untrusted, but passes JSLint 13

  40. JSLint ensures: no DOM node references <div> Untrusted ADsafe <p> <div> Widget <b> “Widgets cannot obtain direct references to DOM nodes.” 14

  41. JSLint ensures: no DOM node references bunch = { ADsafe ensures: __nodes__ : array of nodes , only “safe” append: function ..., methods on getText: function ..., bunches ... 20 functions } <div> Untrusted ADsafe <p> <div> Widget <b> “Widgets cannot obtain direct references to DOM nodes.” 14

  42. JSLint ensures: no DOM node references bunch = { ADsafe ensures: __nodes__ : array of nodes , only “safe” append: function ..., methods on getText: function ..., bunches ... 20 functions } <div> No private fields in JavaScript! bunch.__nodes__ Untrusted ADsafe <p> <div> Widget <b> “Widgets cannot obtain direct references to DOM nodes.” 14

  43. JSLint ensures: no DOM node references bunch = { ADsafe ensures: __nodes__ : array of nodes , only “safe” append: function ..., methods on getText: function ..., bunches ... 20 functions } <div> JSLint ensures: __nodes__ is bunch.__nodes__ Untrusted ADsafe <p> <div> Widget “private” <b> “Widgets cannot obtain direct references to DOM nodes.” 14

  44. JSLint ensures: no DOM node references bunch = { ADsafe ensures: __nodes__ : array of nodes , only “safe” append: function ..., methods on getText: function ..., bunches ... 20 functions } <div> JSLint ensures: __nodes__ is bunch.__nodes__ Untrusted ADsafe <p> <div> Widget “private” <b> “Widgets cannot obtain direct bunch.append(...) references to DOM nodes.” Exploit append to return nodes? 14

  45. JSLint ensures: no DOM node references bunch = { ADsafe ensures: __nodes__ : array of nodes , only “safe” append: function ..., methods on getText: function ..., bunches ... 20 functions } <div> JSLint ensures: __nodes__ is bunch.__nodes__ Untrusted ADsafe <p> <div> Widget “private” <b> ADsafe ensures: DOM nodes are “Widgets cannot obtain direct bunch.append(...) references to DOM nodes.” not returned 14

  46. eval Goal 2: Verify ADsafe Goal 1: model JSLint ADSAFE.get ADSAFE.get(obj, x) untrusted, but passes JSLint 15

  47. var n = 6 var s = "a string" var b = true 16

  48. var n = 6 var s = "a string" var b = true Widget := Number + String + Boolean + Undefined + Null + 16

  49. Widget := Number + String + Boolean + Undefined + Null + 17

  50. { x: 6, b: "car" } Widget := Number + String + Boolean + Undefined + Null + 17

  51. { x: 6, b: "car" } { nested: { y: 10, b: false } } Widget := Number + String + Boolean + Undefined + Null + ★ : Widget __nodes__: Array<Node> caller: � prototype: � ... code : Widget ⨉ ... → Widget __proto__: Object + Function + Array + ... 17

  52. { x: 6, b: "car" } { nested: { y: 10, b: false } } { __nodes__: 90 } myObj.prototype = { }; Widget := Number + String + Boolean + Undefined + Null + ★ : Widget __nodes__: Array<Node> caller: � prototype: � ... code : Widget ⨉ ... → Widget __proto__: Object + Function + Array + ... 17

  53. { x: 6, b: "car" } { nested: { y: 10, b: false } } { __nodes__: 90 } myObj.prototype = { }; function foo(x) { return x + 1; } foo(900) foo.w = "functions are objects" ["array", "of", "strings"] /regular[ \t]*expressions/ Widget := Number + String + Boolean + Undefined + Null + ★ : Widget __nodes__: Array<Node> caller: � prototype: � ... code : Widget ⨉ ... → Widget __proto__: Object + Function + Array + ... 17

  54. JSLint Widget type-checker typable widgets widgets that pass JSLint 18

  55. JSLint Widget type-checker typable widgets widgets that Claim: pass JSLint evidence: 1,100 LOC of tests or, passing JSLint ⇒ Widget-typable 18

  56. JSLint Widget type-checker type-based typable arguments about widgets widgets widgets that Claim: pass JSLint evidence: 1,100 LOC of tests or, passing JSLint ⇒ Widget-typable 18

  57. eval Goal 2: Verify ADsafe Goal 1: model JSLint ADSAFE.get ADSAFE.get(obj, x) untrusted, but passes JSLint 19

  58. window.setTimeout(callback, delay); String eval window.setTimeout Widget → Widget 20

  59. Object W i d g e t → W i d g e t g n i r t S Number /*: Widget ⨉ Widget → Widget */ ADSAFE.later = function(callback, delay) { if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw "expected function"; W i d g e t → W i } d g e t window.setTimeout(callback, delay); } String eval window.setTimeout Widget → Widget 20


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