Administrative and Staff Employee Recognition Program Presentation for Admin/Staff Assembly December 14, 2016 1
R.I.S.E. Administrative and Staff Employee Recognition Program AGENDA § Program Launch § About R.I.S.E. § Program Overview § Program Committee 2
ABOUT R.I.S.E. The HWCOM Strategic Planning Subcommittee on Faculty and Staff Success identified the creation of an Administrative and Staff Employee Recognition Program as one of the main initiatives to help establish and build a culture of gratitude aligned with Goal 4, Faculty and Staff Success, in the HWCOM Strategic Plan 2015-2020: “Foster a culture of excellence, innovation and professionalism by attracting and retaining faculty and staff who embrace diversity and are lifelong learners and forward thinkers”. 4
ABOUT R.I.S.E. TASKFORCE On March 2016 a taskforce comprised of 10 Administrative and Staff employees , representing various offices within the College of Medicine, was assembled to address the development, implementation and advancement of the Administrative and Staff Employee Recognition Program Taskforce Members 1. Aldana, Scarlett 2. Chaves, Priscilla 3. Gonzalez, Charles 4. Hernandez, Natalie 5. Munoz Caamano, Karla 6. Norin Liedke, Maelyn 7. Paez, Michael 8. Perez, Odalys 9. Tavera, Deborah 10. Williams, Maritere 5
PROGRAM OVERVIEW The HWCOM Administrative and Staff Employee Recognition Program, R.I.S.E., has been designed to recognize, motivate, and reward the outstanding performance of full-time, part-time, and temporary administrative and staff employees of the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine 6
PROGRAM OVERVIEW AWARD CATEGORIES • Builds effective collaborative relationships across different departments and offices within HWCOM TEAMWORK • Successfully completes impactful project(s) • Shows respect for others and maintains great working relationships • Consistently provides excellent assistance and complete information SERVICE EXCELLENCE • Cultivates and sustains relationships that help address customer needs • Resolves concerns in a professional and effective manner • Performs above and beyond regular responsibilities • Goes out of their way to protect the reputation of EXTRA MILE the organization • Makes significant contribution(s) that positively impact the HWCOM mission 7
PROGRAM OVERVIEW ELIGIBILITY Ø HWCOM full-time, part-time, or temporary administrative and staff employees Ø HWCOM faculty and students are not eligible to be nominated Ø Group members and individual employees cannot nominate themselves Ø Nomination needs to be supported by employee’s supervisor Ø Must be employed by HWCOM for at least six months at time of nomination (except group award) Ø Employees can only receive recognition once per year, per category Ø Committee members are not eligible to vote if nominated Ø Committee members are not eligible to vote on nominations they submit Ø Committee members are not eligible to vote if a family member is nominated 9
PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHARGE The Administrative and Staff Employee Recognition Program (ERP) Committee is charged with the selection of HWCOM nominated employee recognition recipients. The committee is expected to review all nominations individually, ensuring equal opportunity to all nominees. 10
PROGRAM COMMITTEE STRUCTURE – VOTING MEMBERS 1. Committee Chair: Natalie Hernandez 2. Dean’s Office: Maelyn Norin-Liedke 3. Academic Affairs and Basic Science Departments: Lisa Riolo 4. Clinical Affairs: Charles Gonzalez 5. Student Affairs: Tatiana Felix 6. Finance and Administration: Leslie Marine Marill 7. FIU Health: Elisama Nunez STRUCTURE – NON-VOTING MEMBERS HWCOM Human Resources Department: Natacha Alonso 11
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