aditya v nori

Aditya V. Nori Microsoft Research Cambridge Joint work with Samuel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Aditya V. Nori Microsoft Research Cambridge Joint work with Samuel Drews, Aws Albarghouthi, Loris DAntoni (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Data is everywhere! Data analysis is big part of todays software Increasingly developers

  1. Aditya V. Nori Microsoft Research Cambridge Joint work with Samuel Drews, Aws Albarghouthi, Loris D’Antoni (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

  2. Data is everywhere! ▪ Data analysis is big part of today’s software ▪ Increasingly developers creating and using machine learning models ▪ Increasingly developers working with data that is incomplete, inaccurate, approximate 2

  3. ▪ Brin ingi ging ng da data ta in into pr progr grams ams o Numerous new sources Action Data sources Reasoning o Conversion Visualize, Report, Cleaning, Recommend Combining, Statistics, Machine Learning ▪ Rea easoni soning ng wit ith da data ta o What does correctness mean? 3

  4. How do we prove that a program does not discriminate?

  5.  Theoreticians ▪ How do we formalise fairness?  Machine learning researchers ▪ How do we learn fair models?  Security/privacy researchers ▪ How do we detect bias in black-box algorithms  Legal scholars ▪ How do we regulate algorithmic decision making?

  6.  EU GDPR R (2018) 018) ▪ “data subject’s explicit consent” ▪ “right to explanation”  Whit ite e House se repo port t (2014) 14) ▪ “Powerful algorithms … raise the potential of encoding oding discri scrimin minat ation ion in automat tomated ed decisi cisions .”  White House report (recently …) ▪ “Federal agencies that use AI -based systems to make or provide decision support for consequential decisions about individuals should take extra care to ensure e the efficac icacy y and fairn irness ess of those systems, based on evidenc dence- based ed ve verifi ificat cation on and validat idation ion .”

  7. Fairness as a program property 1) Automatic proofs of (un)fairness 2)

  8. population model Hoare triple ☺

  9. by definition of conditional probability

  10.  𝛲 : set of all possible execution paths in dec(popModel())  𝑞(𝜌) : probability that 𝜌 ∈ 𝛲

  11.  𝛲 : set of all possible execution paths in dec(popModel())  𝑞(𝜌) : probability that 𝜌 ∈ 𝛲

  12.  𝛲 : set of all possible execution paths in dec(popModel())  𝑞(𝜌) : probability that 𝜌 ∈ 𝛲 What does this mean?

  13. Each path is uniqu iquel ely represent esented ed by 3 real values Ide dea represent paths 𝛲 ℎ𝑛 as a region 𝜒 ⊆ ℝ 3 and compute:

  14.  Volume: ׬ 𝜒 1 𝑒𝑓 𝑒𝑞 𝑒𝑧 𝜒 𝑞 𝑧 (𝑧)

  15.  Represent all executions as an SMT formula 𝜒  Compute the weighted volume of 𝜒 Volume of a polytope is #P-hard [ Dyer and Frieze, 1988 ]

  16.  Rectangles are easy!

  17.  There are inf nfin init itely ely man any y rec ecta tang ngles les

  18.  Hyperrectangular decomposition ▪ consider all hyperrectangles in 𝜒  Hyperrectangular sampling ▪ Iteratively sample 𝐼 ⇒ 𝜒

  19.  Ide deal al so soluti ution: on: sample with the following objective

  20.  Approximate densities with step functions ▪ area under a step function is a linear formula

  21.  Maintains a lower-bound on volume  Converges to the actual volume in the limit  Works for real closed fields  To compute upper-bound, negate formula

  22.  Automatic proofs of (un)fairness for decision making programs  Future directions ▪ Scalability – application to real-world programs ▪ Explaining unfairness ▪ Repairing unfair programs Fai airSquare: Pr Probabilistic Ver erifi fication for or Pr Program Fai airness Aws Albarghouthi, Loris D'Antoni, Samuel Drews, Aditya Nori, OOPSLA '17


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