Active / Passive Voice
Acquistion • THE PASSIVE VOICE IS EVIL. – Two exceptions: • blame-shifting • scientific writing
Acquisition • Active Voice: the subject performs the action of the verb – Example: The dog attacked my neighbor.
Acquisition • Passive Voice: the subject receives the action – Example: My neighbor was attacked by the dog.
Acquisition • Helpful hint… WWDW Who or what is doing what?
Meaning-Making • Directions: Fix the following passive voice sentences by reconstructing them in the active voice.
Meaning-Making Mr. Ranker’s computer was destroyed by the lightning bolt.
Meaning-Making The entire book was read by only two students in the class.
Meaning-Making The boy was scratched by the cat on the left nostril.
Meaning-Making My essay was graded by Dr. Black.
Meaning-Making Action on the proposal is being considered by Mr. Haggart.
Meaning-Making The door was slammed by my roommate.
Meaning-Making Many ordinary names are given by parents.
Meaning-Making Many homework problems were assigned by Mr. Lego.
Meaning-Making The wildfire was started by a careless camper.
Meaning-Making A good time was had by everyone.
More Meaning-Making The skater was slammed into the wall by Maria. The events of her childhood were described so well by the author. The book was enjoyed by me. The contract was signed by the chairman. The graphics for this website were created by Jane.
More Meaning-Making The winning novel was chosen by a panel of famous fiction writers. The book on glaciers was never sent to the bookstore by the publishers. A ball traveling at incredible speed was thrown by the veteran pitcher.
More Meaning-Making The dishes were cleared from the table by the impatient server. English sheepdogs are bred and raised by the kennel on 3rd Avenue. Adequate medical benefits should be insisted on by every employee.
More Meaning-Making A motion was made to table the matter by three committee members. A note was written on the brown paper bag by the grocery clerk. The President received faulty intelligence. Many pieces of the puzzle were broken and lost.
More Meaning-Making The bumper of the truck has been dented. The mailbox was smashed. Bad grades were earned. A cover-up of the crime was attempted. The car has been wrecked.
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