act to improve enforcement of the law in social networks

Act to Improve Enforcement of the Law in Social Networks S&D - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Act to Improve Enforcement of the Law in Social Networks S&D Digital Working Groups Conference Brussels, 6 September 2017 Results Monitoring 100 90 90 80 % of unlawful content removed following 70 notification by a

  1. Act to Improve Enforcement of the Law in Social Networks S&D Digital Working Groups Conference Brussels, 6 September 2017

  2. Results Monitoring 100 90 90 80 % of unlawful content removed following 70 notification by a user 60 Jul/Aug 46 50 2016 39 40 30 20 10 10 1 1 0 FacebookYouTube Twitter St Billen | Network Enforcement Act | 31.05.2017 | page 2

  3. Network Enforcement Act • Introduction of compliance rules on social networks (more than 2 Mio. registered users) • Unlawful content  Hate crime  Fake news (if it fulfills the elements of criminal offences)  Child pornography  Promotion of terrorism St Billen | Network Enforcement Act | 31.05.2017 | page 3

  4. Instruments • Compliance rules for notice and take down management, e.g.  Deletion of manifestly unlawful content within 24h  Deletion of unlawful content mainly within 7 days  Archivation of content for evidentiary purposes  Duty to inform affected users about decisions taken • Reporting and publication obligations • Fines up to 5 million / 50 million Euros St Billen | Network Enforcement Act | 31.05.2017 | page 4

  5. More Instruments • Social networks must authorise designated person(s) to receive service and information requests • Right to information about violator. A court order is necessary to enforce this right St Billen | Network Enforcement Act | 31.05.2017 | page 5

  6. Criticism • Freedom of speech?  Compliance Rules only apply for content punishable under German penal code • Overblocking?  Fines only for systemic mismanangement and culpable violations  Not in interest of networks  Networks can delegate tricky cases to a co-regulated institution („regulierte Selbstregulierung“) St Billen | Network Enforcement Act | 31.05.2017 | page 6


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