achievement and

achievement and well-being for all.' Staff of St. Fergus Head - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Our Vision 'Working together to promote, excellence in achievement and well-being for all.' Staff of St. Fergus Head Teacher Mrs Mhairi McDonald Depute Head Teacher Mrs Jacqueline Rowley Class Teacher Miss Kayley Strang Classroom

  1. Our Vision 'Working together to promote, excellence in achievement and well-being for all.'

  2. Staff of St. Fergus’ Head Teacher Mrs Mhairi McDonald Depute Head Teacher Mrs Jacqueline Rowley Class Teacher Miss Kayley Strang Classroom Assistants/Additional Miss Anne Marie Fulton Support Needs Assistants Mrs Fiona Murray Mrs Jane Paterson Nursery Officer Mrs Lynn Ellis Inclusion Support Mrs Elizabeth Callery Home Link Margaret McManus Janitor Mr Scott Anderson Office Staff Mrs Anne Ingram

  3. Starting dates Thursday 15 th August at 9:15 am First Day Please enter the school from the Playground Children will be dismissed at 2:15 pm from this entrance Friday 16 th August Children will attend school for the whole day ~ 9am-3pm

  4. Free School Meals and Clothing Grants  Should you think you are entitled please apply.  Gives school additional funding from the Scottish Government via Pupil Equity fund  Families First can help you apply and send all information to the Council for you  Allows the school to apply for a range of grants  Last Session the clothing Grant was £100

  5. Are you Eligible? Free School Clothing Benefit Received Meals Grant Income Support Yes Yes Jobseekers Allowance (Income Based) Yes Yes Employment & Support Allowance Yes Yes (Income Related) Child Tax Credit with a gross annual income below £16,105 with no Yes Yes element of Working Tax Credit Maximum Child Tax Credit and maximum Working Tax Credit with Yes Yes annual income below £6,420 Support Under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Yes Yes Housing Benefit No Yes Council tax Benefit No Yes Working Tax Credit with an annual income under £16,105 No Yes Child Tax Credit with an annual income under £16,105 No Yes

  6. Settling In  Be patient with your child if they say they don’t want to come to school.  Remember that it may not always be to do with school.  Let us know if there are problems.  We are always available to listen please come into the office if there are any concerns.  Absences- Please telephone the school office before 9.15am 0300 300 1364 Please note this will be displayed as an unknown number  Late coming after 9:15am- If your child is late please enter the school by the main door and report to the school office

  7. Curriculum for Excellence  Your child has already started on their journey in their pre- school placement  Throughout their Primary and onto S 2 the will study 8 main areas  Literacy  Numeracy  Health and Wellbeing  Religious and Moral Education in The Catholic School  Expressive Arts  Sciences  Social Subjects  Technologies  National Attainments  Early Level - End of P1  First Level -End of P4  Second Level - End of p7 -  Third/Fourth Level -Secondary 1-3

  8. Your Child’s Classroom  New way of working- Primary 1 Play Based learning  There are a number of Primary Schools within Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire using this approach  Based on sound educational Research How will this change teaching in Primary 1?  No Child will have a set desk when they come into Primary 1  Play based approach and Teacher led activities  Allows more 1:1 time with each child  Encourages greater independent learning and enquiry  Greater engagement and ownership in their learning

  9. Literacy- Phonics  Sounds our main resource is Jolly Phonics  s a t i p n  These are the first 6 sounds – not names!  We can make more 3 letter words from these sounds  Sat pin nip pattip  Multi sensory approach- Looking, saying, making- Magnetic letters, painting, plasticine  Homework is connected to this – mainly a quick revision- If you are finding this is taking too long please talk to me about this.

  10. Literacy- Reading  Real Books along side reading schemes such as Rigby Star, Jolly Phonic Readers, Big Cat, Dandelion Readers  Your child will not always have a reading book home with them.  A few strategies that we use when teaching and supporting reading are:  Can I sound it out?  Does it make sense?  Does it look right?  Can I guess the word?  Good memory  repetition and lots of practice usually helps.  Paired reading is a great way to help you child  It is a straight forward and enjoyable way for a child to learn to read. – proven to be one of the best ways.  No failure because you are there to read with them.  As you read take your finger along the line. Left to right – a very important skill.  Learning how to handle a book is part of getting ready to read.

  11. Numeracy  Recognition of numbers 1 – 10  Count on and Back  Doubles and halves  What number is missing? 5 6 ? 8  Addition and subtraction within 10  Mathematical Language – above, below, in front of, behind  Shapes, measuring, data handling  It is vital that all children have a good grasp of the basics as this will help them understand more complex number processes

  12. Assessment in Primary 1  Throughout Primary 1 your child will be assessed in a number of ways by the class teacher or Nursery officer.  From these assessments it may be the case where your child requires additional support or challenge in their learning if so Mrs Rowley will contact you to discuss supports we may put in place.  Assessment in Primary 1 focuses on:  Literacy- Phonics, Reading and Comprehension  Numeracy- Number recognition, addition and subtraction  Health and Wellbeing  At the end of P1 they will be assessed as part of the Scottish Governments Standardised Assessments

  13. Homework  Monday – Thursday which may include  Reading  Words  Phonics  Numbers  Primary 1 homework should take no more than 10-15 minutes  Please check your child’s reading diary for details and sign once completed  If you are unsure please let us know

  14. Playtime  An adult supervises the playground.  Accidents can still happen.  No hitting back. Tell buddy or adult.  If you have any worries speak to myself or the class teacher  Inhalers- named and taken into the playground.

  15. Playground rules  Play happily with others.  Look around and help others to join in.  Share and take turns.  Say sorry and accept sorry.  Say no thank you if you don’t want to play.  If someone calls you a name ignore it.  If someone keeps calling you names tell an adult.  If you are unhappy or sad tell an adult or your buddy in the playground or your teacher.

  16. Gym  In line with government push to encourage physical activity children will get 2 hours of P.E. a week. Their gym days will be marked on their diaries.  Primary 1 wear polo shirts to school on gym days as it makes it easier in the beginning for them to get changed.  Children need full kit. T shirt, shorts and soft shoes.  No jewellery at PE.  Names on all items.  Please take out earings on a gym day   Please provide your child with a water bottle.

  17. Lunch time  All children from P1-P3 are entitled to a free meal.  Packed lunches- names on boxes, lids, plastic bottles.  Lunch buddy for the first few weeks  Health Promoting School accreditation- please think about your child’s lunch and snacks, we would hope that you could support us in this initiative.  Please note that we are a NUT, KIWI & MANGO FREE SCHOOL due to children having severe allergies that could be life threatening .

  18. Positive Behaviour  We promote positive behaviour through following St Fergus’ Statement of values and making good choices  Kind hands  Kind feet  Kind words  It promotes a fair and consistent approach by all members of school staff .  Children earn 30 minutes of minute to win it time each week.  This is earned by making good choices and following our school values  God’s Love  Honesty  Respect  Responsibility  Positive attitude

  19. Child Protection  Renfrewshire Council stress that it is everyone’s duty to keep Renfrewshire's children safe  Should you feel that a child may be in some danger please contact the First Response Team 0300 300 1199

  20. Child Protection  Teachers or other staff may notice one or a combination of the following:  Unexplained bruising or bruising in an unusual place  Appear quiet or withdrawn  Be afraid to go home  Appear constantly hungry, tired or untidy  Be left unattended or unsupervised  Have too much responsibility for their age  Be acting in an inappropriate way  Be misusing drugs or alcohol  Tell us something that suggests they have been hurt by someone.

  21. All information can be found on our school website. 

  22. Wednesday 5th June  Visiting services input  Home Link  Families First  Catering  After school Care  Active School  Tour of the school  Meeting the buddy  Class Visit


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