accountability for the cloud

Accountability for the Cloud Walid Benghabrit, Ronan-Alexandre - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Accountability for the Cloud Walid Benghabrit, Ronan-Alexandre Cherrueau , Jean-Claude Royer & Mario Sdholt Ascola team Inria, Mines Nantes, Lina Journe Cloud, Nantes France September 19, 2014 Accountability General Definition

  1. Accountability for the Cloud Walid Benghabrit, Ronan-Alexandre Cherrueau , Jean-Claude Royer & Mario Südholt Ascola team Inria, Mines Nantes, Lina Journée Cloud, Nantes France September 19, 2014

  2. Accountability General Definition “In ethics and governance, accountability is answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving. In leadership roles, accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance, and implementation within the scope of the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences.” 2

  3. Accountability General Definition – The good part! “In ethics and governance, accountability is answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation of account-giving In leadership roles, accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions, and policies including the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences.” 2 administration, governance, and implementation within the scope of the

  4. Accountability in Real Life Preventive accountability that avoids bank? Retrospective accountability that corrects and imposes consequences 3 • Two means: preventive & retrospective accountability • A real life example – The bank robbery ◦ Bank robber arrives hooded and armed ⇒ Bank security officer doesn’t let the robber enter ◦ Bank robber arrives with a hidden weapon ⇒ Bank security officer lets the robber enter ◦ It’s easy to enter in a bank for an holdup! Why everybody doesn’t rob a ⇒ Legal risks!

  5. Accountability in Real Life Preventive accountability that avoids bank? Retrospective accountability that corrects and imposes consequences 3 • Two means: preventive & retrospective accountability • A real life example – The bank robbery ◦ Bank robber arrives hooded and armed ⇒ Bank security officer doesn’t let the robber enter ◦ Bank robber arrives with a hidden weapon ⇒ Bank security officer lets the robber enter ◦ It’s easy to enter in a bank for an holdup! Why everybody doesn’t rob a ⇒ Legal risks!

  6. Accountability in Real Life Preventive accountability that avoids bank? Retrospective accountability that corrects and imposes consequences 3 • Two means: preventive & retrospective accountability • A real life example – The bank robbery ◦ Bank robber arrives hooded and armed ⇒ Bank security officer doesn’t let the robber enter ◦ Bank robber arrives with a hidden weapon ⇒ Bank security officer lets the robber enter ◦ It’s easy to enter in a bank for an holdup! Why everybody doesn’t rob a ⇒ Legal risks!

  7. Accountability in Real Life bank? Retrospective accountability that corrects and imposes consequences 3 • Two means: preventive & retrospective accountability • A real life example – The bank robbery ◦ Bank robber arrives hooded and armed ⇒ Bank security officer doesn’t let the robber enter ⇒ Preventive accountability that avoids ◦ Bank robber arrives with a hidden weapon ⇒ Bank security officer lets the robber enter ◦ It’s easy to enter in a bank for an holdup! Why everybody doesn’t rob a ⇒ Legal risks!

  8. Accountability in Real Life bank? Retrospective accountability that corrects and imposes consequences 3 • Two means: preventive & retrospective accountability • A real life example – The bank robbery ◦ Bank robber arrives hooded and armed ⇒ Bank security officer doesn’t let the robber enter ⇒ Preventive accountability that avoids ◦ Bank robber arrives with a hidden weapon ⇒ Bank security officer lets the robber enter ◦ It’s easy to enter in a bank for an holdup! Why everybody doesn’t rob a ⇒ Legal risks!

  9. Accountability in Real Life bank? Retrospective accountability that corrects and imposes consequences 3 • Two means: preventive & retrospective accountability • A real life example – The bank robbery ◦ Bank robber arrives hooded and armed ⇒ Bank security officer doesn’t let the robber enter ⇒ Preventive accountability that avoids ◦ Bank robber arrives with a hidden weapon ⇒ Bank security officer lets the robber enter ◦ It’s easy to enter in a bank for an holdup! Why everybody doesn’t rob a ⇒ Legal risks!

  10. Accountability in Real Life bank? Retrospective accountability that corrects and imposes consequences 3 • Two means: preventive & retrospective accountability • A real life example – The bank robbery ◦ Bank robber arrives hooded and armed ⇒ Bank security officer doesn’t let the robber enter ⇒ Preventive accountability that avoids ◦ Bank robber arrives with a hidden weapon ⇒ Bank security officer lets the robber enter ◦ It’s easy to enter in a bank for an holdup! Why everybody doesn’t rob a ⇒ Legal risks!

  11. Accountability in Real Life bank? 3 • Two means: preventive & retrospective accountability • A real life example – The bank robbery ◦ Bank robber arrives hooded and armed ⇒ Bank security officer doesn’t let the robber enter ⇒ Preventive accountability that avoids ◦ Bank robber arrives with a hidden weapon ⇒ Bank security officer lets the robber enter ◦ It’s easy to enter in a bank for an holdup! Why everybody doesn’t rob a ⇒ Legal risks! ⇒ Retrospective accountability that corrects and imposes consequences

  12. Accountability for the Cloud Why? [Sam01] 4 • General approaches are not sufficient • They are too restrictive • They are inadequate for a connected world How? [WABL + 08] • Preventive accountability policy: ◦ Prevent data from “escaping” when it’s applicable. • Retrospective accountability policy: ◦ Detective controls to identify risks. ◦ Corrective controls to correct undesired (past) outcomes.

  13. Fitness Tracker Example (Running Example) Policy Examples: 5 Fitness Tracker: StoreActivity activity Activity: Fitness 4. Compute#BurntCals - id: "Alice", Tracker [activity] - date: 2014-09-19, FT Alice 5. PrintImage chart 3. [activity] - duration: 45, Third - circuit: [GPS(...)], Application - bcals: 310 1. #BurntCals 2013 TA 2. GetActivities "Alice" 2013 • Alice only authorizes TA to get her activities, else … • Alice authorizes TA to only read id, date and bcals, else … • Alice requires FT to delete data a昁er 2 years, else …

  14. Fitness Tracker Example (Running Example) Policy Examples: ASCOLA Work 5 Fitness Tracker: StoreActivity activity Activity: Fitness 4. Compute#BurntCals - id: "Alice", Tracker [activity] - date: 2014-09-19, FT Alice 5. PrintImage chart 3. [activity] - duration: 45, Third - circuit: [GPS(...)], Application ⇒ Accountability representation framework - bcals: 310 1. #BurntCals 2013 2. GetActivities "Alice" 2013 TA ⇒ Accountability policies enforcement • Alice only authorizes TA to get her activities, else … • Alice authorizes TA to only read id, date and bcals, else … • Alice requires FT to delete data a昁er 2 years, else …

  15. Accountability Representation Framework 6

  16. 7 Accountability Representation Framework • Express accountability policies: ◦ Alice only authorizes TA to get her activities. ◦ Alice authorizes TA to only read id, data and bcals. ◦ Alice requires FT to delete data a昁er 2 years. • Readable language close to real obligations. • Help lawyers and designers to introduce accountability. • Current work [BGR + 14a]: ◦ Abstract Accountability Language ◦ Model-checking and logical proof

  17. Fitness Tracker Example: Representation Level TYPE Activity ATTRIBUTES(id, date, duration, circuit, bcals) CLAUSE cFT: ... AUDITING auditor.audit[TA FT]() EVERYDAY PERMIT[FT](aData) AND FORALL x:Agent DENY x.get[FT](aData) AND DENY[FT](aData) CLAUSE cAlice: DATA aData TYPE(Activity) Subject Alice AGENT TA TYPE(DataProcessor) REQUIRED(get) PROVIDED(#burnt) AGENT FT TYPE(DataController) REQUIRED() PROVIDED(store get) AGENT Alice TYPE(Subject) REQUIRED(store #burnt) PROVIDED() 8 Fitness Tracker: StoreActivity activity Fitness * Alice only authorizes TA to get her activities. 4. Compute#BurntCals Tracker * Alice authorizes TA to only read id, date and bcals. [activity] FT * Alice requires FT to delete data after 2 years. Alice 3. [activity] 5. PrintImage chart Third Application 1. #BurntCals 2013 TA 2. GetActivities "Alice" 2013 PERMIT TA.get[FT](,, aData,bcals) AND PERMIT alice.#burnt[TA](aData) AND MUST (FT.delete[aData]() AFTER 2 YEARS) IF_VIOLATED_THEN auditor.sanction[FT](...)


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