access to a clean safe restroom is a

Access to a clean, safe restroom is a HUMAN RIGHT On 28 July 2010 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Access to a clean, safe restroom is a HUMAN RIGHT On 28 July 2010 the United Na-ons General Assembly through Resolu.on A/RES/64/292 declared safe and clean drinking water and sanita-on a human right essen-al to the full enjoyment of life

  1. Access to a clean, safe restroom is a HUMAN RIGHT “On 28 July 2010 the United Na-ons General Assembly through Resolu.on A/RES/64/292 declared safe and clean drinking water and sanita-on a human right essen-al to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights.” 3/29/17

  2. People for Fairness Coali.on DOWNTOWN DC Public Restroom OUR GOAL Clean, safe, public restrooms open 24/7 to everyone in needed areas of Washington DC

  3. WHAT WE ENVISION That nobody should have to walk more than 5 minutes in commercial areas of Washington DC to find a clean, safe, available public restroom

  4. THE REALITY Downtown DC Lacks Clean, Safe, Public Restrooms Available 24/ 7 We did our home work: 1. We did a feasibility study to iden-fy successful experiences with public restrooms and op.ons . 2. We carried out a restroom inventory that documented that there is a problem in Downtown DC

  5. Our objec.ves today 1. Make a convincing case for why clean safe, available public restrooms are needed in downtown DC. 2. Provide our support for Public Restroom Facili-es Task Force Bill. 3. Receive your comments/ sugges-ons

  6. Key Findings from Feasibility Study Community buy in is cri-cal : • ANCs • Ci-zen’s associa-ons • BIDs • Churches • Other community organiza-ons Appropriate si-ng is also very important: • A lot of pedestrian traffic • In open, visible loca-on • Near water and sewer connec-ons

  7. Key Restroom Inventory Findings Public Restrooms in Public Restrooms in Downtown London Downtown DC Open day only Available 24/7 7

  8. Overall findings: • Only three clean, safe public restrooms available 24/7 in all of DC • Four downtown open during the day with limited hours. • In 2015 50% (43 of 85)of private restroomsclosed to the public • In 2016 60% (53 of 85) of private restrooms closed to the public, • No signs to let you know where they are • Discrimina-on against homeless

  9. Three Public Restroom Op.ons

  10. 1. Portland Loo Designed to avoid being used for illicit ac-vi-es. Installed and successfully maintained In 12 ci-es in US and Canada; number of ci-es in US growing. Aarac-ve Open 24/7 Clean Safe $90,000 purchase $25,000 - $35,000 installa-on if close to water/sewer lines $20,000/yr. maintenance

  11. 2. Automated Public Toilet Found in New York City, San Francisco, many ci-es in Europe & Asia Aarac-ve Open 24/7 Clean Safety issues $250,000 - $1,000,000 purchase $25,000 - $35,000 installa-on if close to water/sewer lines $100,000 - $150,000/yr. maintenance

  12. 3. City of London Community Toilet Scheme Government provides financial incen-ve to private businesses to make toilets available to public. Businesses display special s-ckers in their windows. Sign s indicate where they are located Other ci-es: in England, Germany & Australia have similar programs .

  13. Why clean, safe, available public restrooms are necessary • Restroom challenged: when they have to go they have to go urgently. (examples: seniors, pregnant women, young children, people with bowel incon9nence ) • Businesses: restroom challenged shoppers more apt to come, fewer requests to use their restrooms, less poop to scoop. • Tourists/tourism: more apt to visit commercial areas and shop if public restrooms are available.

  14. Why clean, safe, available public restrooms are necessary (cont.) • Walkers, joggers, bikers: need to know they can access restrooms when they need them. • Taxi, Uber, truck, bus drivers: hard -me when driving in/ through DC finding a place to go. • Housing unstable: indignity, risk of jail/fine or both for relieving self outside.

  15. Our Strategy and What We Have Accomplished Raise consciousness/build broad support: Endorsements from: • DC Fiscal Policy Ins-tute • Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless • Fair Budget Coali-on • Miriam’s Kitchen Media exposure: • Washington Post • Washington City Paper • DC Currents • Street Sense • Kojo Nnamdi Show March 20 presenta-on at Wilson Building • Gregg Madden, manufacturer of Portland Loo, one of 3 recommended op-ons

  16. Strategy/Accomplishments (cont.) Build community support : (current focus on Dupont Circle). Endorsements from: Public Restroom Facility ANC2B • Task Force Establishment Dupont Circle Ci-zens Associa-on • Act of 2017 (B22-61) Historic Dupont Circle Main Streets • Foundry United Methodist Church • Convince Mayor and DC City “To establish a Public Restroom Facili-es Task Force to Council of the need: recommend sites and methods Two ANC resolu-ons sent to DC City • for installing public restrooms Council and to determine the best Over 1,000 pe--ons signed • method of incen-vizing Public Restroom Facili-es Task • businesses to keep their Force Bill introduced by Council restrooms open to the general Member Nadeau, inspired by our public.” approach Briefings with 6 DC Council • Members/staffers 16

  17. Thank You! Learn more about us: we-do/public-restrooms Contact us: (240) 498-4802


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