Joint Evaluation of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Accelerating Change Country Case Studies Day 2 International Conference Action to achieve commitments in UNGA Resolution 67/146 Intensifying global efforts for the elimination of female genital mutilations Alexandra Chambel and Krishna Belbase, UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Evaluation Management Group Rome, 23 October 2013 Evaluation Office UNFPA & Evaluation Office UNICEF 17/11/2014 1
Purpose of the presentation Introduce evaluation Introduce country case studies Present common lessons and conclusions of country case studies Present key recommendations from the four country case studies Countries: use of country case studies results 17/11/2014 2
Objectives of the evaluation Learning Evaluation 1. Assess the relevance, effectiveness, 3. Provide To further efficiency, and recommendations for a accelerate sustainability of the broader programming change on holistic approach and partnership FGMC/C adopted by the JP 2. Assess the adequacy and quality of the inter-agency 4. identify lessons To pursue coordination learned , and generate JP phase II mechanisms at global, knowledge regional and country levels. Accountability 17/11/2014 3
Evaluation scope • Period 2008-2012 (first Implementation and the results of the JP quarter of 2013) • Community • National All four levels of the JP scope and their • Regional interconnections • Global Selection of 4 country case studies to • Kenya • Sudan illustrate key evaluation issues, taking into • Senegal account specific national and local • Burkina Faso contexts 17/11/2014 4
Criteria for country selection Kenya (pilot) Sudan Senegal Burkina Faso Sub-region East Africa East Africa West Africa West Africa In the JP since: 2008 2008 2008 2009 Context Existence of a Influences of Existence of a law Existence of a law banning Islamic and banning FGM. law banning FGM. Arab Dynamic of FGM/C FGM. Variety of cultures. abandonment well Strong political interventions and Existence of underway. Close to will and strategies to promising tipping point? commitment to address two main social Influence of Tostan ending the challenges: marketing and its strategy practice abandon FGM/C initiative (abandonment of medicalization (Saleema) FGM/C through and community religious/cultural development) on the importance of JP design the practice Accessibility Very good Difficult Very good Excellent 17/11/2014 5
People consulted Types of respondents Number of People consulted Kenya Senegal Burkina Faso Sudan UNPFA/UNICEF 12 11 18 12 Central government 4 21 26 7 Decentralized government 4 18 56 6 UN agencies / 4 9 / / Development partners CSOs/ FBOs 25 69 39 27 Final beneficiaries 193 204 252 367 TOTAL 242 391 419 332 17/11/2014 6
Countries profile Kenya: Kenya: Senegal: Senegal: • Launched in September 2008 • Launched in September 2008 • Geographic focus : whole country, except • Geographic focus : 12 districts located in regions with low prevalence of FGM/C five of the eight provinces in Kenya (Diourbel, Louga and Dakar until 2013). Main • Main strategies : focus for UNICEF: Kolda and Tambacounda. • At the national level: strengthening the Main focus for UNFPA: Saint Louis and Matam. legal framework for FGM/C • Main strategies : technical and financial abandonment, and improving support for the implementation of the coordination among actors in FGM/C National Action Plan for the Abandonment of abandonment in Kenya. FGM/C; support to community mobilisation • At the community level: facilitating and education initiatives for the abandonment of FGM/C, in particular the Programmes de public declarations on FGM/C renforcement des capacités des communautés abandonment; encouraging alternative (PRCC) de Tostan. rite of passage ceremonies (ARP), and • Key partners : Government of Senegal working with religious leaders to (Ministère de la femme, de l’enfant et de distinguish FGM/C from religion. l’entreprenariat féminin -Direction de la • Key partner : Government of Kenya famille); Tostan and, to a lesser extent, other (Ministry of Gender, Children and Social NGOs; Development) • Budget (2008-2012): 2,908,070 USD • Budget (2008-2012): 2,023,276 USD 17/11/2014 7
Countries profile Burkina Faso: Burkina Faso: Sudan: Sudan: • Launched in May 2009 • Launched in June 2008 • Geographic focus : National level, and two • Geographic focus: National level (both geographic concentration areas UNICEF and UNFPA). Decentralized level: (Sanmatenga in the North Central region, UNICEF active in all states including the and Ganzourgou in the Central Plateau Darfur region; UNFPA focused on three region); states (Gedaref, South Kordofan and Kassala). • Main strategies : capacity strengthening and networking of key actors involved in • Main strategies : work at federal, state and FGM\C abandonment; support to the community level; support to the Saleema enforcement of FGM\C law; support to initiative; advocacy with the government medical treatment of FGM/C to modify national and state-level consequences; sensitization and legislation to include FGM/C ; creating mobilization of local authorities; advocacy networks in various community education and mobilization communities to spread awareness about (including public declarations); media FMG/C abandonment. campaigns. • Key partners: the Government of Sudan • Key partners: Secrétariat permanent du (GoS), Ahfad and Gedaref Universities for Conseil national de lutte contre la pratique Women, NGOs and private sector. de l’excision (SP -CNLPE); NGOs • Budget (2008-2012): 2,693,063 USD MWANGAZA-Action et GASCODE; 6 networks od diverse organizations; • Budget (2009-2012): 1,792,257 USD 17/11/2014 8
Across the four countries… Positive results across the four countries in view of JP relevance and contributions to outputs and outcomes ( to some extent) Some positive results, albeit with nuances, in view of sustainability, use of resources, coordination, and management Key areas for improvement: – Institutionalization and system development/capacity development at national and sub-national levels – Longer term follow up of achievements and commitments at the community level – Systematic, reliable, longer-term data collection, analysis & link to decision making – Budgeting, planning, reporting cycle (predictability of funds) – Operationalizing the regional component (inter-country) 17/11/2014 10
Common Lessons Some common lessons in operationalizing the JP approach at the country level: Level of understanding of the theoretical approach of the JP and of its catalytic nature varies greatly across stakeholders Importance of contextualizing strategies to increase ownership (e.g. human rights approach) Common challenges in determining progress towards results and ensuring sustainability due to limited follow-up and long term monitoring at community level (e.g. public declarations) Influencing social norms takes a variety of strategies and committed stakeholders. 17/11/2014 11
Key recommendations Kenya: Senegal: • Encourage the Kenyan government • Strengthen coordination to embed a coordination function mechanisms between UNFPA and for FGM/C in national structures to UNICEF and with their partners. ensure sustainability . • Enhance sustainability of results at the community level by improving • Shape FGM/C programming to monitoring and facilitating support operationalization of the resources mobilization; ensure the FGM/C Act. follow up of PRCC and public • Support partners in gathering data declaration benefits through the to develop evidence-based, establishment of strategic replicable models for community- partnerships level interventions. • Analyse potential benefits of diversifying approaches used and actors involved in working towards the abandonment of FGM/C. 17/11/2014 13
Key recommendations (2) Burkina Faso: Sudan: • Continue and deepen joint • Explore how to support national work for the abandonment of Task Force on FGM/C in its FGM/C. mandate to coordinate efforts to end FGM/C; continue support • Continue holistic approach and to national actors to strengthen efforts in two geographic areas . national legal frameworks. Prioritize interventions on the basis of respective comparative • Support national partners to advantages, and those of other systematically collect data on actors. results, strengths and gaps of promising approaches. • Explore options to mitigate negative effects of UNFPA • Further expand the reach of disbursement procedures on Saleema initiative, its linkages implementation of activities. with other initiatives, and efforts to engage religious leaders. 17/11/2014 14
Questions? Contact the joint EMG: Alexandra Chambel (Chair) Krishna Belbase THANK YOU!
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