abstract syntax trees top down parsing

Abstract Syntax Trees & Top-Down Parsing Review of Parsing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Abstract Syntax Trees & Top-Down Parsing Review of Parsing Given a language L(G), a parser consumes a sequence of tokens s and produces a parse tree Issues: How do we recognize that s L(G) ? A parse tree of s

  1. Abstract Syntax Trees & Top-Down Parsing

  2. Review of Parsing • Given a language L(G), a parser consumes a sequence of tokens s and produces a parse tree • Issues: – How do we recognize that s ∈ L(G) ? – A parse tree of s describes how s ∈ L(G) – Ambiguity: more than one parse tree (possible interpretation) for some string s – Error: no parse tree for some string s – How do we construct the parse tree? 2 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  3. Abstract Syntax Trees • So far, a parser traces the derivation of a sequence of tokens • The rest of the compiler needs a structural representation of the program • Abstract syntax trees – Like parse trees but ignore some details – Abbreviated as AST 3 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  4. Abstract Syntax Trees (Cont.) • Consider the grammar E → int | ( E ) | E + E • And the string 5 + (2 + 3) • After lexical analysis (a list of tokens) int 5 ‘+’ ‘(‘ int 2 ‘+’ int 3 ‘)’ • During parsing we build a parse tree … 4 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  5. Example of Parse Tree E • Traces the operation of the parser E E + • Captures the nesting structure • But too much info int 5 ( E ) – Parentheses – Single-successor nodes + E E int 2 int 3 5 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  6. Example of Abstract Syntax Tree PLUS PLUS 5 2 3 • Also captures the nesting structure • But abstracts from the concrete syntax more compact and easier to use a • An important data structure in a compiler 6 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  7. Semantic Actions • This is what we’ll use to construct ASTs • Each grammar symbol may have attributes – An attribute is a property of a programming language construct – For terminal symbols (lexical tokens) attributes can be calculated by the lexer • Each production may have an action – Written as: X → Y 1 … Y n { action } – That can refer to or compute symbol attributes 7 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  8. Semantic Actions: An Example • Consider the grammar E → int | E + E | ( E ) • For each symbol X define an attribute X.val – For terminals, val is the associated lexeme – For non-terminals, val is the expression’s value (which is computed from values of subexpressions) • We annotate the grammar with actions: E → int { E.val = int.val } | E 1 + E 2 { E.val = E 1 .val + E 2 .val } | ( E 1 ) { E.val = E 1 .val } 8 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  9. Semantic Actions: An Example (Cont.) • String: 5 + (2 + 3) • Tokens: int 5 ‘+’ ‘(‘ int 2 ‘+’ int 3 ‘)’ Productions Equations E → E 1 + E 2 E.val = E 1 .val + E 2 .val E 1 → int 5 E 1 .val = int 5 .val = 5 E 2 (E 3 ) E 2 .val = E 3 .val → E 3 E 4 + E 5 E 3 .val = E 4 .val + E 5 .val → E 4 int 2 E 4 .val = int 2 .val = 2 → E 5 int 3 E 5 .val = int 3 .val = 3 → 9 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  10. Semantic Actions: Dependencies Semantic actions specify a system of equations – Order of executing the actions is not specified • Example: E 3 .val = E 4 .val + E 5 .val – Must compute E 4 .val and E 5 .val before E 3 .val – We say that E 3 .val depends on E 4 .val and E 5 .val • The parser must find the order of evaluation 10 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  11. Dependency Graph • Each node labeled with E + a non-terminal E has one slot for its val attribute E 2 E 1 + • Note the dependencies int 5 ( E 3 ) 5 + + E 4 E 5 int 2 int 3 2 3 11 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  12. Evaluating Attributes • An attribute must be computed after all its successors in the dependency graph have been computed – In the previous example attributes can be computed bottom-up • Such an order exists when there are no cycles – Cyclically defined attributes are not legal 12 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  13. Semantic Actions: Notes (Cont.) • Synthesized attributes – Calculated from attributes of descendents in the parse tree – E.val is a synthesized attribute – Can always be calculated in a bottom-up order • Grammars with only synthesized attributes are called S-attributed grammars – Most frequent kinds of grammars 13 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  14. Inherited Attributes • Another kind of attributes • Calculated from attributes of the parent node(s) and/or siblings in the parse tree • Example: a line calculator 14 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  15. A Line Calculator • Each line contains an expression E → int | E + E • Each line is terminated with the = sign L → E = | + E = • In the second form, the value of evaluation of the previous line is used as starting value • A program is a sequence of lines P → ε | P L 15 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  16. Attributes for the Line Calculator • Each E has a synthesized attribute val – Calculated as before • Each L has a synthesized attribute val L → E = { L.val = E.val } | + E = { L.val = E.val + L.prev } • We need the value of the previous line • We use an inherited attribute L.prev 16 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  17. Attributes for the Line Calculator (Cont.) • Each P has a synthesized attribute val – The value of its last line P → ε { P.val = 0 } | P 1 L { P.val = L.val; L.prev = P 1 .val } • Each L has an inherited attribute prev – L.prev is inherited from sibling P 1 .val • Example … 17 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  18. Example of Inherited Attributes • val synthesized P L P + • prev inherited = + E 3 + ε • All can be 0 computed in + E 4 depth-first E 5 order int 2 int 3 2 3 18 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  19. Semantic Actions: Notes (Cont.) • Semantic actions can be used to build ASTs • And many other things as well – Also used for type checking, code generation, … • Process is called syntax-directed translation – Substantial generalization over CFGs 19 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  20. Constructing an AST • We first define the AST data type • Consider an abstract tree type with two constructors: n mkleaf(n) = PLUS mkplus( , ) = T 1 T 2 T 1 T 2 20 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  21. Constructing a Parse Tree • We define a synthesized attribute ast – Values of ast values are ASTs – We assume that int.lexval is the value of the integer lexeme – Computed using semantic actions E → int { E.ast = mkleaf(int.lexval) } | E 1 + E 2 { E.ast = mkplus(E 1 .ast, E 2 .ast) } | ( E 1 ) { E.ast = E 1 .ast } 21 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  22. Parse Tree Example • Consider the string int 5 ‘+’ ‘(‘ int 2 ‘+’ int 3 ‘)’ • A bottom-up evaluation of the ast attribute: E.ast = mkplus(mkleaf(5), mkplus(mkleaf(2), mkleaf(3)) PLUS PLUS 5 2 3 22 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  23. Review of Abstract Syntax Trees • We can specify language syntax using CFG • A parser will answer whether s ∈ L(G) • … and will build a parse tree • … which we convert to an AST • … and pass on to the rest of the compiler • Next two & a half lectures: – How do we answer s ∈ L(G) and build a parse tree? • After that: from AST to assembly language 23 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  24. Second-Half of Lecture 5: Outline • Implementation of parsers • Two approaches – Top-down – Bottom-up • Today: Top-Down – Easier to understand and program manually • Then: Bottom-Up – More powerful and used by most parser generators 24 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  25. Introduction to Top-Down Parsing • Terminals are seen in order of 1 appearance in the token stream: t 2 3 t 9 t 2 t 5 t 6 t 8 t 9 4 7 • The parse tree is constructed t 5 t 6 t 8 – From the top – From left to right 25 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  26. Recursive Descent Parsing • Consider the grammar E → T + E | T T → int | int * T | ( E ) • Token stream is: int 5 * int 2 • Start with top-level non-terminal E • Try the rules for E in order 26 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  27. Recursive Descent Parsing. Example (Cont.) • Try E 0 T 1 + E 2 → Token stream: int5 * int2 • Then try a rule for T 1 → ( E 3 ) – But ( does not match input token int 5 • Try T 1 → int . Token matches. – But + after T 1 does not match input token * • Try T 1 → int * T 2 – This will match but + after T 1 will be unmatched • Has exhausted the choices for T 1 – Backtrack to choice for E 0 E → T + E | T T → (E) | int | int * T 27 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  28. Recursive Descent Parsing. Example (Cont.) • Try E 0 T 1 → Token stream: int5 * int2 • Follow same steps as before for T 1 – And succeed with T 1 → int 5 * T 2 and T 2 → int 2 – With the following parse tree E 0 T 1 int 5 T 2 * E → T + E | T T → (E) | int | int * T int 2 28 Compiler Design 1 (2011)

  29. Recursive Descent Parsing. Notes. • Easy to implement by hand • Somewhat inefficient (due to backtracking) • But does not always work … 29 Compiler Design 1 (2011)


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