about prestige

ABOUT PRESTIGE Advantage Prestige Business Segments Scale of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INVESTOR Presentation - About Prestige Estates - Q4 & FY14-15 - Review & Way Forward 1 ABOUT PRESTIGE Advantage Prestige Business Segments Scale of Operations Shareholding Pattern Board of Directors and Management

  1. INVESTOR Presentation - About Prestige Estates - Q4 & FY14-15 - Review & Way Forward 1

  2. ABOUT PRESTIGE  Advantage – Prestige  Business Segments  Scale of Operations  Shareholding Pattern  Board of Directors and Management  Awards & Recognition 2

  3. Iconic developments like Only Awarded with Forum Mall, Prestige CRISIL DA1* rated financial rating of Shantiniketan, UB City, Developer in India A+ by ICRA Prestige Golfshire etc 186 Excellence across all Real One of South One of South completed projects Estate Classes, i.e. Diversified Cash Flows India’s Leading Leading spanning across 62.25 Residential, Commercial, from Various Segments Developers . Mnsf of Developed Area Retail & Hospitality ADVANTAGE - PRESTIGE 68 Ongoing Projects One of the Most Trusted One of the Strong Associations with spanning Developers by Land Various Banks & FIs Over 64.98 Mnsf of Area Owners and Customers Legacy Spanning over Spearheaded by Real 28 Strong Joint Venture YEARS Estate Icon, Mr. Irfan Stable Cash Flows by partners like Razack & his brothers way of Annuity Income CapitaLand, RedFort , Mr. Rezwan and 3 etc Mr.Noaman Razack

  4. Business Segments Integrated RESIDENTIAL Apartments Villas Plotted Developments Townships Built to suit COMMERCIAL Office Space SEZs IT Parks Campuses RETAIL Malls Serviced HOSPITALITY Resorts Hotels Food Courts Apartments Sub leasing & fit Interior Design & Facilities & Project & Construction SERVICES out services Execution Property Mgmt Mgmt Services 4

  5. Scale of Operations Residential Commercial Retail Hospitality Plotted Development Total Category Area Area Area Area Area Area Number (Mnsft) Number (Mnsft) Number (Mnsft) Number (Mnsft) Number (Mnsft) Number (Mnsft) Completed Projects 67 19.96 99 28.70 6 4.81 6 1.37 8 7.42 186 62.25 Ongoing Projects 53 55.68 6 4.77 6 2.78 3 1.75 0 0 68 64.98 Upcoming Projects 23 27.61 5 6.93 2 2.10 0 0 0 0 30 36.64 Land Bank 51.05 TOTAL 143 103.25 110 40.39 14 9.69 9 3.12 8 7.42 284 214.92 5

  6. SHAREHOLDING PATTERN As on 31 March 2015 70% Category % Holding Promoters 70% 22% FIIS 22% Mutual Funds 5% 5% Retail 3% 3% Promoters Mutual Funds Retail FIIs 6

  7. Board of Directors Noaman Razack Uzma Irfan Irfan Razack Rezwan Razack Wholetime Director Additional Director Chairman & Managing Director Joint Managing Director Jagdeesh K. Reddy B.G. Koshy Noor Ahmed Jaffer Dr. Pangal Ranganath Nayak Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director 7

  8. Executive Management Faiz Rezwan Zackria Hashim Anjum Jung Zaid Sadiq Omer Bin Jung Venkat K Narayan Executive Director- Executive Director- Land Executive Director- Interior Executive Director- Executive Director- Hospitality Executive Director- Contracts & Projects Acquisition Design Liasion & Hospitality Finance & CFO Suresh Singaravelu Swaroop Anish Arvind Pai Ravinda Jain Nayeem Noor V . Gopal Executive Director- Retail, Executive Director- Business Executive Director- Legal Executive Director- Contracts Executive Director- Public Executive Director- Hospitality & Business Expansion Development Relations Projects & Planning 8

  9. AWARDS & RECOGNITION Best Hotel Top Development Commercial Excellence Space in Developer Developer landscaping of the Top Indian year Outstanding Real Estate contribution Company 188 to Real Most Most Estate Promising Best Design Admired Awards Brand and Master shopping since planning center Certificate of inception Best Golf Excellence Development Admired Brand of Best Best Asia Residential Development Most Property And Many Marketing Admired Builder of more…… Entrepreneur Socially the year Extraordinaire Responsible Project 9

  10. Q4 & FY 2014-15 10 10

  11. INDEX Project Portfolio & Rental Portfolio & Operational & Debt Profile Guidance Vs Achieved Update Leasing Update Financial Highlights Hospitality & Receivables Property Management Proflie (Dev. Highlights Q4 & Services Sales Summary Business) FY15 11

  12. GUIDANCE VS ACHIEVED FULL YEAR FY14-15 Target for Full Year ( FY 14-15) Achieved FY14-15 137% % Achieved 113% 130% 104% 104% 100% 89% 3,840 28,500-30,000 32,317 14-16 14.63 10-12 8.92 2.00 2.73 3,700-3,900 50,000 50,135 27,000 35,184 Completions Sales Turnover Collections Launches Leasing Exit Rental (Rs. Mn) (Mnsft) (Mnsf) (Rs. Mn) (Rs Mn) (Mnsf) Income (Rs. Mn) 12

  13. Highlights FY15  Highest ever Sales of Rs. 50,135 Mn, up by 13% from FY14 & Highest sales among the listed Real Estate companies in India  Highest ever collections at Rs. 38,843 Mn, up by 32% from FY14 (Prestige Estates share of Rs.32,317 Mn, up by 31% )  14.63 Mnsft of Launches – Highest launches by a developer  8.92 Mnsft of completions  Exit Rental at Rs. 3,840 Mn, up by 30% from FY14  Inaugurated two malls (Forum) in Mangalore and Hyderabad  Successfully raised Rs.6125 Mn from QIP  Financial/Credit rating upgraded by ICRA from ICRA A- to ICRA A+ 13

  14. Highlights FY15  Re-affirmation of DA1 rating by CRISIL  Tied up for 17 new property developments  30+ Awards- Maximum number of awards  Rated as the Best in India & one of the best in Asia for Investor relations by Institutional Investor Magazine  Highest no. of projects / area under development (68 projects-64.98 Mnsft)  PAT around Rs. 1000 Mn per quarter  Crossed Turnover of Rs. 5000 Mn per quarter 14


  16. Operational Highlights MILLIONS QIV FY15 Vs Quarter Quarter Quarter FY15 Vs FY14 Particulars QIV FY14 FY15 FY14 IV FY15 IV FY14 III FY15 (% Growth) (% Growth) New Sales - Total Amount (Rs. Mn) 11109 8788 26% 10094 50135 44348 13% Area (Mnsf) 1.46 1.40 4% 1.55 7.73 7.41 4% Avg Realization/Sft (Rs) 7626 6277 21% 6504 6489 5985 8% New Sales - Prestige Share Amount (Rs. Mn) 10064 6007 68% 7594 43624 36323 20% Area (Mnsf) 1.33 0.99 34% 1.13 6.69 6.14 9% Collections (Rs. Mn) 43% Total Collections 11155 7791 9209 38843 29408 32% 38% Prestige Share 9047 6557 7561 32316 24753 31% 16

  17. Operational Highlights MILLIONS QIV FY15 Vs Quarter Quarter Quarter FY15 Vs FY14 Particulars QIV FY14 FY15 FY14 IV FY15 IV FY14 III FY15 (% Growth) (% Growth) New Leasing Total (Mnsf) 0.58 0.57 2% 0.19 2.73 2.66 3% Prestige Share (Mnsf) 0.32 0.17 87% 0.003 0.48 1.11 -57% Rental Income - 906 716 27% Prestige Share (Rs. Mn) 863 3264 2495 31% Area Delivered (Mnsf) 1.51 0.33 358% 0.66 8.92 3.18 181% Launches (Mnsf) 7.25 2.80 159% 0.00 14.63 15.67 -7% 25% Unrecognized Revenue (Mnsft) 85254 68040 83776 85254 68040 25% 17

  18. Operational Highlights 60000 12000 11109 10064 50135 26% 13% 50000 10000 44348 8788 43624 20% 68% 36323 40000 8000 6007 Total Sales Total Sales 30000 6000 Prestige Estates Sales Prestige Estates Sales 20000 4000 10000 2000 0 0 Q4 FY 14 Q4 FY 15 FY14 FY15 Sales Q4 FY14 & Q4 FY15 (Rs.Mn) Sales Y-O-Y (Rs.Mn) 18

  19. Operational Highlights 32316 35000 9047 10000 9000 30000 38% 24753 31% 8000 6557 25000 7000 6000 20000 5000 15000 4000 3000 10000 2000 5000 1000 0 0 Q4 FY14 Q4 FY15 FY14 FY15 Collection Q4 FY14 & Q4 FY15 (Rs.Mn) Collections Y-O-Y (Rs. Mn) 19


  21. Financial Highlights- Q4 & FY 2014-15- Standalone Rs. Mn QIV FY15 Vs FY15 Vs Quarter Quarter QIV FY14 Quarter FY14 Particulars IV FY15 IV FY14 (% Growth) III FY15 FY15 FY14 (% Growth) Turnover (Rs. Mn) 7426 6591 13% 6453 25730 21525 20% EBIDTA (Rs. Mn) 2113 1810 17% 2241 8210 6498 26% EBIDTA % 28% 27% 35% 32% 30% PAT (Rs. Mn) 1138 951 20% 995 4142 3400 22% PAT % 15% 14% 15% 16% 16% WACC 12.50% 12.75% 12.51% 12.50% 12.75% D/E Ratio (Standalone) 0.47 0.46 0.43 0.47 0.46 D/E Ratio (Consolidated) 0.76 0.77 0.72 0.76 0.77 21

  22. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS- STANDALONE 8000 7426 30000 6591 7000 13% 25730 20% 25000 6000 21525 5000 20000 Turnover Turnover EBIDTA 4000 EBIDTA 15000 PAT PAT 3000 2113 8210 17% 10000 26% 1810 6498 2000 1138 4142 20% 951 22% 3400 5000 1000 0 0 Q4 FY14 Q4 FY15 FY14 FY15 Turnover, EBIDTA & PAT (Rs. Mn) Turnover, EBIDTA & PAT (Rs. Mn) Y-o-Y 22

  23. FINANCIALS- Standalone 1 Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2015 Rs. Mn As at As at As at 31-Mar-15 31-Dec-14 31-Mar-14 Particulars I. EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (1) Shareholders’ funds (a) Share capital 3,750 3,750 3,500 (b) Reserves and surplus 35,195 34,808 26,211 38,945 38,558 29,711 (2) Non-current liabilities (a) Long-term borrowings 3,363 2,433 2,360 (b) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 13 84 62 (c) Other Long-term liabilities 882 610 349 (d) Long-term provisions 59 58 44 4,317 3,185 2,815 (3) Current liabilities (a) Short-term borrowings 19,932 18,752 15,475 (b) Trade payables 4,719 3,717 3,971 (c) Other current liabilities 16,598 15,453 14,400 (d) Short-term provisions 1,482 708 1,523 42,731 38,630 35,369 Total 85,993 80,373 67,895 23


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