abc pre employment assessments

ABC Pre-Employment Assessments Presented by Turknett Leadership - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ABC Pre-Employment Assessments Presented by Turknett Leadership Group 1 Turknett Leadership Group Assessment for Hiring is Increasing 76% of organizations with over 100 employees use assessment tools for hiring.

  1. ABC Pre-Employment Assessments Presented by Turknett Leadership Group 1 Turknett Leadership Group •

  2. Assessment for Hiring is Increasing 76% of organizations with over 100 employees use assessment tools for hiring. That number is expected to increase to 88% over the next few years. 2 2 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  3. About TLG  With over 25 years’ experience, Turknett Leadership Group is an Atlanta based Management Psychology and Leadership Development firm  TLG helps organizations hire the best people, identify and develop high potentials, and create high-performing cultures for long-term business success 3 3 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  4. TLG Services 4 4 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  5. Turknett Leadership Group Turknett Leadership Character Model ™ 770.270.1723 5 5 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  6. Approach to Pre-hire Assessment  Collaboration and partnership  Job related  Well developed and validated assessment instruments  Tailored – based on client needs regarding speed, simplicity, and cost – with concern for candidate experience  Flexible, but consistent 6 6 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  7. The Nuts and Bolts Staff   TLG President and a senior level consultant will be initially assigned to your account.  TLG has five full-time staff members, five long-term contract PhD consultants, access to other consultants , and partnerships with other strong I/O firms. Billing   Each ABC entity will be set up separately in our accounting system but will be connected to an umbrella ABC account  Each management assessment will be billed to the appropriate person designated as the contact for that position Reporting   Status reports can be sent at an agreed upon basis 7 7 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  8. Our Selection Process  Initial Organization/Culture Analysis  Position Analysis  Development of Selection Assessment Battery and Interview Protocol  Report Design  Definition of Assessment and Reporting Process  Confirm Process Roles and Responsibilities 8 8 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  9. Culture Analysis GOAL: help TLG understand the organization and key characteristics to ensure candidate fit  Review existing materials regarding ABC mission, vision, values, competencies, etc.  Conduct interviews with key leaders and hiring managers  Focus on current culture and consider any major organizational change or future direction that might impact candidate fit 9 9 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  10. Position Analysis GOAL: Determine key competencies and requirements for the target job(s)/position(s)  Review existing job/position related materials (e.g., job descriptions, performance appraisal forms, prior position analysis results, etc.)  Use interview and survey methods to understand competencies required for effective performance  Consider position as currently defined as well as any “in the future” needs  Separate analysis is done for each position title (several jobs can often be analyzed at same time) 10 10 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  11. Develop Assessment Battery GOAL: Identify assessment tools that measure knowledge, skills, and competencies required for effective performance.  Review available assessment tools with proven track record of measuring critical competencies.  Map tools to critical competencies.  Identify best set of assessment tools to cover critical competencies considering:  Comprehensive coverage of required knowledge, skills, competencies without redundancy  Ease of administration, scoring, and reporting  Cost in terms of $ and time  Candidate experience 11 11 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  12. Types of Assessment Tools & Methods  Interview  Work sample  Personality test  Cognitive – thinking ability test  Situational judgment test  Job knowledge test  Assessment Center (Leadership group discussion, simulation, role play – actual challenges)  Physical ability test  Multi-source (360) feedback (if internal candidate pool) 12 12 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  13. Types of Assessments Used in Top Organizations 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Multisource (360) ratings Personality Inventories Interviews Biographical data High Potentials Role Plays/Simulations Senior Executives Cognitive Abilities Career Achievement Inventories Allan H. Church and Christopher T. Assessment Centers Rotolo , “How are Top Companies Assessing Their High-Potentials and Senior Management Executives: A Motivational Fit Talent Benchmark Study,” Consulting Psychology Journal , 2013, Vol. 65, No. 3, 199-223 13 13 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  14. Example - designed for front line ESQ 14 14 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  15. Example - designed for management 15 15 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  16. Example - designed for noting derailers HDS – Hogan Development Survey 16 16 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  17. Examples of Assessment Tools for Non-Management  Turknett Workstyle Inventory : A 5-factor based personality test that has been validated in applicant populations and is linked to competencies for selection  Employee Screening Questionnaire (ESQ2): is an assessment of conscientiousness, integrity, dependability, and customer service skills  Predicts applicants' probability of engaging in various positive and negative work behaviors 17 17 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  18. Examples of Assessment Tools for Managers  Occupational Personality Questionnaire (SHL) : An assessment based upon preferred work behaviors. Includes a report that summarizes how the candidate’s preferred behavioral style is likely to influence their performance on 20 universal leadership competencies  Hogan Personality Inventory : A comprehensive, business-based assessment of personality that is specifically designed to predict occupational success 18 18 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  19. Examples of Assessment Tools for Managers  Hogan Motives, Values, and Preferences Inventory: A measure of personal values that is used to assess potential fit between an individual and the values of the organization.  Hogan Development Survey: A personality inventory designed to indicate risk factors that tend to impede work performance  The risk factors identify specific performance challenges that may be linked to validated competencies of the job  Watson Glaser: A measure of critical thinking, featuring a library of executive norms 19 19 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  20. Online Assessment Portal – PAN Candidate Experience 20 20 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  21. Creating Assessment Batteries - PAN 21 21 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  22. The Interview as an Assessment GOAL: Collect information about the candidate to confirm and/or supplement data from other assessment tools.  Most pre-hire assessment processes include one or more interviews.  Interviews can be:  In person, over the phone, or digital.  Conducted by HR, a hiring manager, other stakeholders, or an external consultant.  Conducted by an individual or a panel.  Critical characteristics of an interview: job/position related and built to be as objective as possible. 22 22 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •

  23. Types of Interviews  Structured Behavioral Interview (SBI)  Created based upon the requirements identified for the job. By using behaviorally based, validated questions and scoring schemes, SBIs are one of the most reliable ways of evaluating candidate competency levels and identifying the best fit for the job.  Life History Interview  Used to gauge a person’s work and personal history. Life history interviews are especially helpful to determine if a candidate is a good cultural fit to the organization and has values aligned with those of the organization. 23 23 Turknett Leadership Group • Turknett Leadership Group •


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