A wetland scenario A wetland scenario Prepared by Karolina Stark, Tamara Yankovich, Prepared by Karolina Stark, Tamara Yankovich, Mike Wood & Nick Beresford Mike Wood & Nick Beresford th of September 2010 EMRAS II WG 4 meeting 7 th of September 2010 EMRAS II WG 4 meeting 7
Wetlands Wetlands � Many types exist, many names used in the Many types exist, many names used in the � literature – –might be confusing might be confusing literature � A common system: marshes, swamps, bogs, A common system: marshes, swamps, bogs, � and fens and fens � Provide ecological services Provide ecological services – –flood prevention flood prevention � � ” ”Kidneys of the landscape Kidneys of the landscape” ” � � Can accumulate nutrients and contaminants Can accumulate nutrients and contaminants �
Swamps Swamps � Dominated by trees or Dominated by trees or � shrubs shrubs � High biodiversity High biodiversity � � Often riparian, flooded by Often riparian, flooded by � rivers or streams, affected rivers or streams, affected by overbank sedimentation by overbank sedimentation � Can function as sinks for Can function as sinks for � radionuclides radionuclides
A wetland scenario A wetland scenario � Not enough data from one wetland, so here we Not enough data from one wetland, so here we � combine data from three swamps: combine data from three swamps: � Steel Creek Swamp (floodplain), USA Steel Creek Swamp (floodplain), USA � � Duke Swamp, Canada Duke Swamp, Canada � � Utnora Swamp, Sweden Utnora Swamp, Sweden �
Steel Creek Swamp Steel Creek Swamp � Situated in Steel Creek watershed on the Savannah Situated in Steel Creek watershed on the Savannah � River Site, a DOE nuclear site in South Carolina, River Site, a DOE nuclear site in South Carolina, USA USA � River water was used as cooling water to reactors, River water was used as cooling water to reactors, � 137 Cs was discharged down Steel about 10.35 TBq of 137 Cs was discharged down Steel about 10.35 TBq of Creek between 1954 to 1974 Creek between 1954 to 1974 � When river levels were high the floodplain swamp When river levels were high the floodplain swamp � was flooded resulting in deposition of radioactive was flooded resulting in deposition of radioactive material in the swamp material in the swamp
Duke Swamp Duke Swamp 2 Duke Swamp is a 0.102 km 2 � Duke Swamp is a 0.102 km � wetland that has received wetland that has received DSS-01 DSS-03 DSS-02 � � � DSS-06 historical inputs of DSS-05 DSS-04 historical inputs of � � � DSS-10 DSS-09 � DSS-08 radionuclides, including 14 14 C � DSS-07 C � � radionuclides, including DSS-14 DSS-17 DSS-18 DSS-15 � DSS-12 DSS-16 � DSS-11 � � DSS-13 � � � � and tritium, from an up- - and tritium, from an up DSS-22 DSS-26 � DSS-21 DSS-25 � DSS-24 DSS-20 DSS-23 � � � � DSS-19 � � DSS-33 DSS-30 gradient Waste Management gradient Waste Management � DSS-32 DSS-31 DSS-29 DSS-28 � � � � � DSS-35 � DSS-34 DSS-40 DSS-39 DSS-38 DSS-37 DSS-27 DSS-36 � � � � � � Area in Canada. � Area in Canada. DSS-41 DSS-43 DSS-42 � DSS-45 DSS-44 � � � DSS-46 � � DSS-52 DSS-49 DSS-47 DSS-51 DSS-50 DSS-48 � � � � � � DSS-58 DSS-56 DSS-55 DSS-57 � � DSS-54 � � DSS-53 � � � Past assessments of the area Past assessments of the area DSS-60 DSS-62 DSS-61 DSS-59 � � � � � DSS-65 DSS-66 DSS-63 DSS-64 � have indicated that the primary � have indicated that the primary � � DSS-68 DSS-67 DSS-69 � � � contributor to dose to resident contributor to dose to resident 14 C. flora and fauna is likely 14 C. flora and fauna is likely 0 50 100 meters
Utnora Swamp Utnora Swamp � A riparian swamp next to A riparian swamp next to � Verkmyra stream coming Verkmyra stream coming from Hille Lake, Sweden from Hille Lake, Sweden � Has received fallout Has received fallout � following the Chernobyl following the Chernobyl accident 1986 accident 1986 � Verkmyra stream is Verkmyra stream is � flooding the swamp every flooding the swamp every spring resulting in spring resulting in deposition of radioactive deposition of radioactive material (mainly 137 137 Cs) Cs) material (mainly
Input- -Output data Output data Input – Steel Creek Swamp Steel Creek Swamp – � Participants will be given input data on mean (upper Participants will be given input data on mean (upper � 137 Cs activity concentrations in soil, sediment, 10 cm) 137 Cs activity concentrations in soil, sediment, 10 cm) and water and water 137 Cs activity will be asked to estimate 137 � In phase I: In phase I: will be asked to estimate Cs activity � concentration in vegetation (grass, sedges, shrubs, concentration in vegetation (grass, sedges, shrubs, and trees) and in animals (spider, beetle, grasshopper, and trees) and in animals (spider, beetle, grasshopper, treefrog, snake, and racoon) treefrog, snake, and racoon) � In phase II: In phase II: will be asked to estimate total absorbed will be asked to estimate total absorbed � dose rates to the same organisms and interpret the dose rates to the same organisms and interpret the results in terms of risk results in terms of risk
Input- -Output data Output data Input - Duke Swamp Duke Swamp - Participants will be given input data on 14 14 C activity � Participants will be given input data on C activity � concentrations in air and soil concentrations in air and soil In phase I: will be asked to estimate activity concentrations in will be asked to estimate activity concentrations in � In phase I: � vegetation (grass, fern, shrubs, trees, mushroom, and vegetation (grass, fern, shrubs, trees, mushroom, and sphagnum moss) and in animals (insects, frog, toad, snake, sphagnum moss) and in animals (insects, frog, toad, snake, shrew, vole, mouse, rabbit, fox, deer) shrew, vole, mouse, rabbit, fox, deer) � In phase II: In phase II: will be asked to estimate total absorbed dose rates will be asked to estimate total absorbed dose rates � to the same organisms and interpret the results in terms of risk to the same organisms and interpret the results in terms of risk 14 C can In addition, specific activity concentration models for 14 � In addition, specific activity concentration models for C can � be compared to the data from this site be compared to the data from this site
Input- -Output data Output data Input - Utnora swamp Utnora swamp - 137 Cs Participants will be given mean (upper 10 cm) 137 � Participants will be given mean (upper 10 cm) Cs � 90 Sr activity concentrations in soil, sediment, and and 90 Sr activity concentrations in soil, sediment, and and water water 137 Cs and 90 Sr will be asked to estimate 137 Cs and 90 � Phase I: Phase I: will be asked to estimate Sr � activity concentrations in vegetation (grass, fern, activity concentrations in vegetation (grass, fern, trees) and in animals ( worm worm , moor frog, , moor frog, small small trees) and in animals ( mammal ) ) mammal � Phase II: Phase II: will be asked to estimate total absorbed will be asked to estimate total absorbed � dose rates to the same organisms (can compare to dose rates to the same organisms (can compare to phantom measurements) and interpret results in terms phantom measurements) and interpret results in terms of risk of risk
Time table Time table � Send out instructions and data Send out instructions and data- -file to file to � participants by October (?) 2010 participants by October (?) 2010 � Hand in estimates in phase I by January (?) Hand in estimates in phase I by January (?) � 2011 2011 � Hand in estimates in phase II by August (?) Hand in estimates in phase II by August (?) � 2011 2011 � Questions? Questions? � � Thoughts? Thoughts? �
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