a theoretical framework

a theoretical framework Marilyn Johnson and Lyndal Bugeja 13 th - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MONASH INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORT STUDIES The utility and impact of coronial recommendations on improving road safety policy and practice, and preventing deaths a theoretical framework Marilyn Johnson and Lyndal Bugeja 13 th Australasian

  1. MONASH INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORT STUDIES The utility and impact of coronial recommendations on improving road safety policy and practice, and preventing deaths – a theoretical framework Marilyn Johnson and Lyndal Bugeja 13 th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference Ballarat, 13-15 November 2017

  2. MONASH Discovery Early INSTITUTE OF Career Researcher TRANSPORT Award (DECRA) STUDIES

  3. Safety concern • Deaths on roads in Australia – all modes • Since 2000, over 23,700 deaths • Every road-related fatality = medico-legal death investigation • ~$12 billion per year • Outcomes:  inform public policy Coroners: findings, recommendations  impact injury prevention Criminal penalties

  4. Aim Feedback loop: fatality to public policy (Johnson and Bugeja) To understand the utility and impact of coronial investigations on improving road safety policy, practice and preventing deaths on Australian roads.

  5. Overview of research stages road safety pre-crash crash post-crash public policy impact Theoretical framework • existing factors • analysis of major • review coroners' • explore how • map coroners' contributing factors recommendations, coroners' recommendations • deceased and how are they recommendations over time with high counterpart(s) (in)formed, compare are considered/ frequency crash • e.g. unemployment, recommendations responded to by types or cohorts age, alcohol/drug nationally organisations/ use, emotional state, government fatigue agencies directed to take action

  6. Theoretical framework Prepare injury prevention Public Policy policy approach to Injury Prevention Generate Recognise (Bugeja et al, 2011) Create problem window of political will recognition opportunity Streams approach (Kingdon, 2003) Catalyse Must be underpinned by policy action evidence based paradigms

  7. Safe System approach Safe System • No death or serious injury on our roads is acceptable • No trade-off of health and well-being against other benefits • Humans make mistakes • Limits that humans can tolerate violent force • Road designers and operators responsibility to build safe roads • Human mistakes should not cost lives

  8. Normative paradigm Images: shutterstock.com – 213812086; Roadsafety.gov.au

  9. Post-crash Pre-crash Crash Public policy Impact Experience A to B Pre-road - behaviour

  10. Reason’s ‘Swiss cheese’ model of causation System defences Successive layers of defences, barriers and safeguards Speed Roads Vehicles People ?? Latent Active failures conditions Hazards Losses

  11. Pre-crash Crash Experience A to B Pre-road Post-crash Impact - behaviour Public policy

  12. Haddon’s Matrix Environment Physical Social Person Vehicle Pre-crash: prevention Time Crash: minimise injury ↓ Post-crash: minimise affect

  13. Haddon’s Matrix Environment Physical Social Person Vehicle Pre-crash: prevention Time Crash: minimise injury ↓ Post-crash: minimise affect

  14. Pre-crash Crash Experience A to B Pre-road Post-crash Impact - behaviour Public policy Environment Person Vehicle Physical Social Pre-crash: prevention Time Crash: minimise injury ↓ Post-crash: minimise affect

  15. Ideal Make cycling possible safe Get more people on a bicycle Keep people on their bicycles and respectable Software Orgware Hardware Climber Champion Starter

  16. Ideal Make cycling possible safe Get more people on a bicycle Keep people on their bicycles and respectable Software (Cycle) Orgware Infrastructure Comfortable/Attractive Maintenance Safe/Direct Hardware Hardware Coherent Signposting Cycle parking Handbook BFC: www.bikefriendlycities.eu Climber Champion Starter

  17. Ideal Make cycling possible safe Get more people on a bicycle Keep people on their bicycles and respectable Software Processes Organizing stakeholders Co-operation Responsibilities Budget (Cycle) Internal & External Orgware Infrastructure Organisation Legislation Policy Orgware Support Comfortable/Attractive Maintenance Safe/Direct Hardware Hardware Coherent Signposting Cycle parking Handbook BFC: www.bikefriendlycities.eu Climber Champion Starter

  18. Ideal Make cycling possible safe Get more people on a bicycle Keep people on their bicycles and respectable Software Communication Culture Education Marketing Processes Software Organizing stakeholders Behavior marketing Co-operation Imagineering Responsibilities Budget (Cycle) Internal & External Orgware Infrastructure Organisation Legislation Policy Orgware Support Comfortable/Attractive Maintenance Safe/Direct Hardware Hardware Coherent Signposting Cycle parking Handbook BFC: www.bikefriendlycities.eu Climber Champion Starter

  19. Pre-crash Crash Experience A to B Pre-road Post-crash Impact - behaviour Public policy

  20. Pre-crash Crash Experience A to B Pre-road Post-crash Impact - behaviour Public policy

  21. Public policy Prepare injury prevention Public Policy policy approach to Injury Prevention Generate Recognise (Bugeja et al, 2011) Create problem window of political will recognition opportunity Streams approach (Kingdon, 2003) Policy entrepreneurs (Rawat and Morris, 2016) Catalyse Underpinned by evidence policy action based paradigms

  22. Next steps • Project re-scope, PhD? • Review of investigations with recommendations nationally • pre-crash, crash, recommendations (directed agency), response/action • by jurisdiction, mode • Government agencies – recommendations directed

  23. Thank you marilyn.johnson@monash.edu

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