a socio linguistic investigation on the effectiveness of

A Socio-Linguistic Investigation on the Effectiveness of French in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Socio-Linguistic Investigation on the Effectiveness of French in Singaporean Fashion Boutique Signs SOH03 Laetitia Sherry Purnama | Anglo-Chinese Junior College Yap Kang Ren Gabriel | Hwa Chong Institution La Boutique Franaise

  1. “ A Socio-Linguistic Investigation on the Effectiveness of French in Singaporean Fashion Boutique Signs SOH03 Laetitia Sherry Purnama | Anglo-Chinese Junior College Yap Kang Ren Gabriel | Hwa Chong Institution

  2. “ La Boutique Française

  3. Introduction Lifestyle elegance High culture Haute couture Strong Brand Greater authenticity & Profit Maximisation Impression Positive Connotation Using French without relevance to products on sale (Kelly-Holmes, 2005) (Ng, Yan and Zheng, nd)


  5. Ai Aims & & Ob Objectives The effectiveness of French in Singaporean fashion boutique signs, relative to the extra-linguistic factors , in influencing consumers’ preference and thus overall sales


  7. Liter Lit erature re Re Revie iew The Added Value of European Languages The Country of Origin Effect in Advertising Kelly-Holmes, 2005 Curtin, 2009; Ong, Ghesquière & Serwe, 2013 “The country which a consumer associates with a certain product or brand being its source, regardless of where the product is actually produced ” The use of French is usually superseded by the brand image and reputation itself Curtin (2009): The key function of the French language is to convey the social connotations associated rather than literal meanings

  8. Lit Liter erature re Re Revie iew Hymes’ SPEAKING Model Hymes, 1974; Huebner, 2009 Setting / Scene Geographical location of the shop Participants Intended customers Ends Intended purposes / messages of the sign Act Sequence Sequence of speech acts that form a speech event (Not relevant) Key Tone, manner or spirit of the sign Instrumentalities Analysis of individual words, structure and grammar of the sign Norms Socially accepted forms and styles of speech (Not relevant) Genre Genres of speech and subsequent context (Not relevant)

  9. Lit Liter erature re Re Revie iew Shop Atmosphere Quality and Nature of Product Countryman and Jang S. (2006) Emir (2006), Major and Steele (n.d.) Colour Illumination Customer Loyalty Layout of Space Type of product Style Ambience Product Quality Trendiness

  10. Lit Liter erature re Re Revie iew Price Point Wu, 2017 Lower-end Products Higher-end Products Relatability and attainability Class and prestige

  11. Literature Review Synthesised Multidimensional Model Linguistic/ Semantic Elements Impression Ends and Key Intended purposes or messages of the sign name of the shop Instrumentalities Analysis of individual words, structure and grammar of the sign Extra-Linguistic Elements Setting or Scene The sign’s placement vis- à -vis to its reader, its fonts and colours Geographical location of the shop Participants Intended customers Atmosphere Lighting, placement of clothes, decor, background music, etc. Desirability Nature of Product Whether the consumers likes the design of the clothes of product Price point The retail price of the apparel sold


  13. Methodology Hypothesis Extra-linguistic factors are more effective in determining a shop’s sales compared to linguistic factors.

  14. Methodology 1st Approach : Understanding the point of view of the retailers 4 fashion boutiques which utilised French in their shop signs were chosen :

  15. Methodology How is it being conducted ? Each of the shop assistants were interviewed separately using the aforementioned synthesised multimodal table and the recording was transcribed afterwards

  16. Methodology 2nd Approach : Understanding the point of view of the customers 76 respondents ( age 14-60 ) took part in the online survey which is divided into 2 parts : Questionnaire Bipolar Survey s This is sent to both shop patrons and general public.

  17. Methodology Pictures of the fashion boutiques were taken which include: Exterior of Interior of Types of Boutique the shop the shop clothes sold Signs

  18. Methodology Bipolar Survey Give a score for how important each factor is in determining whether you will patronise the shop / your preference for the shop Extra-Linguistic Factors Not important Neutral Important Score -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Signage fonts and colours Geographical location of shop - E.g. Atmosphere of shop - E.g. Nature and quality of product Price Point Linguistic Factors Usage of French Language in Shop Sign Accuracy of language used in shop sign - E.g. Grammar, whether words used make sense

  19. Methodology Methodology Questionnaires General questions: 1. Are you fluent in French? 2. List down adjectives that you would use to describe the French culture, and / or French language a. Luxurious d. sophisticated b. Expensive e. modern c. Overrated f. trendy 1. In general, do you think the usage of French in fashion boutique shop signs is effective in increasing sales? 4. Do you know the literal meaning of the shop sign? a. Yes, it means _____________________________________________ No, I don’t know b. 5. Do you think the usage of French at this shop will attract you as a customer? a. Yes, because _____________________________________________ b. No, because ______________________________________________ 6. If you rated the non-linguistic factors like _________________________ higher than linguistic factors, why do you think they are more important?


  21. Results and Discussion 1. Semantic Analysis of French Used in Boutique Signs Literal translation: Is there any correlation to the product? Déjà Vu Vintage Rue Madame enVie de Pois Lafont Greater emphasis in making Common French linguistic features customer aware of foreign language used over literal meaning of sign “La” “de” “madame”

  22. Results and Discussion 2. Point of View of Retailers Implications of French usage and comparison with other factors Suggests that there is a limitation to the usage of French in boutiques Use commonly known French words to avoid coming across as pretentious Accessible + Still prestigious

  23. Results and Discussion 2. Point of View of Retailers Implications of French usage and comparison with other factors Usage of French relates to French Most important linguistic factor theme in products behind effectiveness of French usage Literal meaning of French shop sign represents sold products Accuracy of French language used Customers’ own knowledge of Least important linguistic factor meaning of shop sign behind effectiveness of French usage Curtin (2009)’s findings: The usage of foreign language is to convey positive social connotations rather than literal meanings

  24. Results and Discussion 2. Point of View of Retailers Implications of French usage and comparison with other factors “Times have changed [...] people are Globalisation and a more well-travelled customer more well travelled so [the French base has led to customers being less susceptible shop name] does not carry much to the marketing strategy of utilizing foreign weight.” language

  25. Results and Discussion 2. Point of View of Retailers Implications of French usage and comparison with other factors

  26. Results and Discussion 3. Point of View of Customers Implications of French usage and comparison with other factors ● Association with upper class ● Sophistication of foreign European language ● Sense of luxury ● Expensive and inaccessible ● Depends on proper usage of language itself

  27. Results and Discussion 3. Point of View of Customers Implications of French usage and comparison with other factors “In which of these shops does the usage of French not attract you as a customer? enVie de Pois Lafont Déjà Vu Vintage Rue Madame 64.5% 68.4% 72.4% 55.3%

  28. Results and Discussion 3. Point of View of Customers Implications of French usage and comparison with other factors “In which of these shops does the usage of French not attract you as a customer? Most Ineffective usage of French ● “Déjà Vu” has been absorbed into English lexicon (not associated with French) ● Boutique does not “look French” Déjà Vu Vintage 72.4%

  29. Results and Discussion 3. Point of View of Customers Implications of French usage and comparison with other factors “In which of these shops does the usage of French not attract you as a customer? Least Ineffective usage of French ● Shop interior “matched the theme” of the sign ● Boutique looks most French-like → Usage of French needs to cohere with products and atmosphere of Rue Madame shop 55.3%

  30. Results and Discussion Nature and quality of products, price points, Usage of French language and geographical location Extra- linguistic factors → dealbreaker for Linguistic factors → Formation of brand impression consumer purchases ● Shop names only provide a marginal first impression / brand perception ● Consumers prioritise product quality as products will be owned by them → Sense of attachment towards products over shop signage ● Geographical location determines accessibility to consumers


  32. Conclusion In General, Linguistic factors like the usage of French ( including the accuracy as well as grammatical correctness ) were found to affect consumers preference and sales the least as its marginal utility decreases after forming their first impressions.


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