a region transformed

A Region Transformed The Fourth Regional Plan November 30, 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Region Transformed The Fourth Regional Plan November 30, 2016 Presentation to the Building Congress Since 1922, Regional Plan Association has prepared long range plans for the tri-state metropolitan region 3 states 31 counties 782 towns

  1. A Region Transformed The Fourth Regional Plan November 30, 2016 Presentation to the Building Congress

  2. Since 1922, Regional Plan Association has prepared long range plans for the tri-state metropolitan region

  3. 3 states 31 counties 782 towns & cities 23 million residents

  4. 1929 1968 1996 First Regional Plan Second Regional Plan Third Regional Plan

  5. Job growth has been much weaker in smaller cities and the suburbs than in New York City.

  6. Median incomes have dropped since 1990 for more than three- quarters of the region’s households

  7. 2.2 million people …and 2.2 million people in the in the region will region today will be at high risk of be at high risk of flooding by 2050 flooding by 2050 Secaucus, Milford, Lower New Jersey Connecticut Manhattan

  8. The number of governmental jurisdictions creates 1 Region inefficiencies and 3 States 31 Counties make it difficult to 783 Municipalities reach decisions 703 School districts 175 Housing authorities 459 Fire districts 157 Business improvement districts 36 Sewer districts (data not available for NYS)

  9. To expand prosperity and opportunity Shaping a To improve affordability vision for the To foster a healthy and region’s livable region future… To become a more resilient region

  10. How much growth should we plan for? 2015 Jobs: 11.6 M 2015 Population: 22.9 M

  11. Where to Grow? Place Typologies

  12. Vision scenario Best growth path for meeting plan goals

  13. Objectives Create walkable, affordable Revitalize Reinvent neighborhoods struggling cities and the suburbs in the urban core neighborhoods Connect the region Transform public transportation Modernize streets & roadways to other cities Reduce the region's Reduce Protect and enhance the vulnerability our carbon footprint region's natural environment to climate change

  14. Increase housing affordability in the urban core Encourage effective density • Lift Manhattan FAR caps • Encourage smaller units • Legalize accessory units • Multi-family in more areas • Encourage higher occupancy FAR ~30.0 FAR 13.06 Photo: Jorbasa Fotografie Photo: City Realty

  15. Increase housing affordability in the urban core Increase Affordability everywhere • Expand inclusionary zoning • Targeted tax exemptions

  16. Objectives Increase housing Revitalize Reinvent affordability struggling cities and the suburbs in the urban core neighborhoods Transform public Modernize streets & Connect the region transportation roadways to other cities Reduce the region's Protect and enhance the Reduce vulnerability region's natural our carbon footprint to climate change environment

  17. Revitalize struggling cities and neighborhoods Reform property taxes • Regional school taxes • Shared services • Split rate taxation

  18. Objectives Revitalize Increase housing affordability Reinvent struggling cities and in the urban core the suburbs neighborhoods Connect the region Transform public transportation Modernize streets & roadways to other cities Reduce the region's Reduce Protect and enhance the vulnerability our carbon footprint region's natural environment to climate change

  19. Reinvent the suburbs Provide incentives for mixed-income, walkable communities • Require affordable housing plans • Statewide inclusionary zoning • Technical assistance to municipalities • Reimburse school costs • Expedited permitting • Preference in discretionary funding

  20. Objectives Revitalize Increase housing affordability Reinvent struggling cities and in the urban core the suburbs neighborhoods Connect the region Transform public transportation Modernize streets & roadways to other cities Reduce the region's Reduce Protect and enhance the vulnerability our carbon footprint region's natural environment to climate change

  21. Transform public transportation • Build a comprehensive, multi-modal and customer-oriented public transportation system • Restructure transit authorities to value long-term financial impact of investments

  22. Transform public RPA’s CBTC transportation Rollout Plan Modernize and extend subway service • CBTC system-wide • New fare technology • Line extensions • Upgraded stations • Customer service

  23. Objectives Revitalize Increase housing affordability Reinvent struggling cities and in the urban core the suburbs neighborhoods Connect the region Transform public transportation Modernize streets & roadways to other cities Reduce the region's Reduce Protect and enhance the vulnerability our carbon footprint region's natural environment to climate change

  24. Modernize streets & roadways Manage traffic through pricing • Mileage-based user fees • HOT lanes • Cordon tolling • Interstate tolls

  25. Objectives Revitalize Increase housing affordability Reinvent struggling cities and in the urban core the suburbs neighborhoods Connect the region Transform public transportation Modernize streets & roadways to other cities Reduce the region's Reduce Protect and enhance the vulnerability our carbon footprint region's natural environment to climate change

  26. Connect the region to other cities World Class Airports • Air traffic technology • Modern terminals • Ground access • Outlying airports • New runways

  27. Objectives Revitalize Increase housing affordability Reinvent struggling cities and in the urban core the suburbs neighborhoods Connect the region Transform public transportation Modernize streets & roadways to other cities Reduce the region's Reduce Protect and enhance the vulnerability our carbon footprint region's natural environment to climate change

  28. Reduce the region’s vulnerability to climate change Regional Resilience Commission • Coordinated and consistent land use decisions FEMA 100-year flood zone: • Flood hazard 1,313 square miles reduction program • Resilience trust fund

  29. Objectives Revitalize Increase housing affordability Reinvent struggling cities and in the urban core the suburbs neighborhoods Connect the region Transform public transportation Modernize streets & roadways to other cities Reduce the region's Reduce Protect and enhance the vulnerability our carbon footprint region's natural environment to climate change

  30. Reduce our carbon footprint Transform urban energy generation • Allow more power transmission from outside the region • Decommission outmoded power plants • Remediate former power plant sites

  31. Objectives Revitalize Increase housing affordability Reinvent struggling cities and in the urban core the suburbs neighborhoods Connect the region Transform public transportation Modernize streets & roadways to other cities Reduce the region's Reduce Protect and enhance the vulnerability our carbon footprint region's natural environment to climate change

  32. Protect and enhance the region’s natural environment Complete a regional trail network Connecting communities and open spaces Protecting rights of way Creative trail-making

  33. Learn more about www.rpa.org /regionalplan Support our vision at Support our vision at @RegionalPlan www.rpa.org/donate www.rpa.org/donate Or contact Rossana Ivanova at Or contact Rossana Ivanova at regional_plan rivanova@rpa.org rivanova@rpa.org


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