a recursive type system with type abbreviations and

A Recursive Type System with Type Abbreviations and Abstract Types - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Recursive Type System with Type Abbreviations and Abstract Types Keiko Nakata Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn Joint work with Hyeonseung Im and Sungwoo Park 18 May 2014, Narva-J oesuu The ML module system The ML module system supports

  1. A Recursive Type System with Type Abbreviations and Abstract Types Keiko Nakata Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn Joint work with Hyeonseung Im and Sungwoo Park 18 May 2014, Narva-J˜ oesuu

  2. The ML module system The ML module system supports program structuring, code reuse and representation independence (implementation hiding) with - nested structures, - functoros, and - signatures (with abstract types).

  3. Make interval functor module type Comparable = sig type t val compare : t → t → int end module Make interval(Endpoint : Comparable) = struct module E = Endpoint type t = Interval of E.t * E.t | Empty let create low high = ... let is empty = function Empty → true | Interval → false let contains t x = match t with | Empty → false | Interval (l,h) → E.compare x l ≥ 0 and E.compare x h ≤ 0 let intersect t1 t2 = ... end

  4. Instantiating Make interval module Int interval = Make interval(struct type t = int let compare = Int.compare end) let i1 = Int interval.create 3 8 module Rev int interval = Make interval(struct type t = int let compare x y = Int.compare y x end) (* Int interval.t � = Rev int interval.t *) let rev interval = Rev int interval.create 4 3 Int interval.contains rev interval 3

  5. Constraining the result type of functors module type Interval intf = sig type t type endpoint val create : endpoint → endpoint → t val is empty : t → bool val contains : t → endpoint → bool val intersect : t → t → t end module Make interval(Endpoint : Comparable) : (Interval intf with type endpoint = Endpoint.t) = struct module E = Endpoint type endpoint = E.t type t = Interval of E.t * E.t | Empty ... end

  6. Polymorphic recursive types are equi-recursive types: - µ X .τ is equal to its one-step unfolding { X �→ µ X .τ } τ . - Equivalence of equi-recursive types is structural. Principle type infernece is available. Code reuse is archived with structural polymorphism. The module machinery can be combined with polymorphic recursive types, e.g., private types.

  7. Contractiveness A type variable X is contractive in τ , if X occurs in τ only under a type constructor. A recursive type is contractive if every recursive variable is contractive in its scope. In a simple type language, contractiveness can be enforced syntactically τ, σ ::= X | τ → σ | µ X . ( τ → σ ) Contractiveness guarantees the unique solution of recursive equations introduced by equi-recursive types.

  8. Contractiveness in OCaml In an advanced type system, such as in OCaml... Syntactic contractiveness is not sufficient: type ’a t = [‘A of ’a | ‘B];; type s = s t;; We may not be able to know (without breaking type abstraction). module rec M : sig type t end = struct type t = N.t end and N : sig type t end = struct type t = M.t end

  9. Our work A equi-recursive type system with type abbreviations and abstract types. We allow non-contractive types in the implementation, but disallow them in the signature. The type system is proved sound, formalized in Coq.

  10. Non-contractive types in the signature module M : S = struct module type S = sig type ’a t = ’a type ’a t type u = int and v = bool type u = u t and v = v t let f x = x val f : int → u let g x = x val g : v → bool end end let h x = M.g (M.f x) let y = h 3 (* run-time error *) We found the bug together with Jacques Garrigue, which has been fixed in the latest release OCaml 4.00.1.

  11. Type language type constructor type name s , t , u type τ, σ ::= unit base type | α | β | γ type variable | τ → σ function type | τ 1 ∗ τ 2 product type | type application τ t type abbreviation D ::= type α t = τ type equation abbreviation context ∆ ::= · | ∆ , D type variable set Σ ::= · | { α }

  12. Expression language value v ::= () | λ a : τ. e | ( v 1 , v 2 ) term e ::= () | a | x | λ a : τ. e | e 1 e 2 | ( e 1 , e 2 ) | l | fst e | snd e | fix a : τ. e value context Γ ::= · | Γ , x : τ

  13. Module language specification ::= type α t abstract type D | type α t = τ type equation | val l : τ value specification definition d τ ::= type α t = τ type definition d e ::= let l = e value definition signature S ::= · | S , D structure M ::= ( d τ , d e ) program ::= ( M , S , e ) signature sealing P | ( M , e )

  14. Type equivalence The judgment S ⊢ τ ⇀ σ states that type τ unfolds into σ by expanding a type name in τ into its definition under S . ∆ ∋ type α t = σ ∆ ⊢ τ t ⇀ { α �→ τ } σ unfold

  15. Type equivalence R Inductive type equivalence ∆; Σ ⊢ τ 1 = τ 2 α ∈ Σ eq-var eq-unit ∆; Σ ⊢ unit R ∆; Σ ⊢ α R = unit = α ∆; Σ ⊢ τ i R σ i ( i = 1 , 2) ∆; Σ ⊢ τ i R σ i ( i = 1 , 2) eq-fun eq-prod R R ∆; Σ ⊢ τ 1 → τ 2 = σ 1 → σ 2 ∆; Σ ⊢ τ 1 ∗ τ 2 = σ 1 ∗ σ 2 S ∋ type α t S ; Σ ⊢ τ R σ eq-abs S ; Σ ⊢ τ t R = σ t ∆; Σ ⊢ τ ′ R ∆ ⊢ τ ⇀ τ ′ = σ eq-lunfold ∆; Σ ⊢ τ R = σ ∆; Σ ⊢ τ R ∆ ⊢ σ ⇀ σ ′ = σ ′ eq-runfold ∆; Σ ⊢ τ R = σ

  16. Type equivalence R Inductive type equivalence ∆; Σ ⊢ τ 1 = τ 2 α ∈ Σ eq-var eq-unit ∆; Σ ⊢ unit R ∆; Σ ⊢ α R = unit = α ∆; Σ ⊢ τ i R σ i ( i = 1 , 2) ∆; Σ ⊢ τ i R σ i ( i = 1 , 2) eq-fun eq-prod R R ∆; Σ ⊢ τ 1 → τ 2 = σ 1 → σ 2 ∆; Σ ⊢ τ 1 ∗ τ 2 = σ 1 ∗ σ 2 S ∋ type α t S ; Σ ⊢ τ R σ eq-abs S ; Σ ⊢ τ t R = σ t ∆; Σ ⊢ τ ′ R ∆ ⊢ τ ⇀ τ ′ = σ eq-lunfold ∆; Σ ⊢ τ R = σ ∆; Σ ⊢ τ R ∆ ⊢ σ ⇀ σ ′ = σ ′ eq-runfold ∆; Σ ⊢ τ R = σ

  17. Type equivalence ∆; Σ ⊢ τ 1 ≡ τ 2 Coinductive type equivalence ∆; Σ ⊢ τ ≡ = σ ∆; Σ ⊢ τ type ∆; Σ ⊢ σ type eq-ind ∆; Σ ⊢ τ ≡ σ ∆; Σ ⊢ τ type ∆; Σ ⊢ σ type ∆ ⊢ τ ⇀ τ ′ ∆ ⊢ σ ⇀ σ ′ ∆; Σ ⊢ τ ′ ≡ σ ′ eq-coind ∆; Σ ⊢ τ ≡ σ

  18. Contractive types and signatures S ↓ ⇓ τ S ↓ C α ctr-var S ⇓ τ ctr-coind S ↓ C unit ctr-unit ( S , τ ) ∈ C ( S , σ ) ∈ C ( S , τ 1 ) ∈ C ( S , τ 2 ) ∈ C ctr-prod ctr-fun S ↓ C τ → σ S ↓ C τ 1 ∗ τ 2 S ∋ type α t S ↓ C τ S ⊢ τ ⇀ σ S ↓ C σ ctr-type ctr-abs S ↓ C τ t S ↓ C τ BN ( S ) distinct ∀ (type α t = τ ) ∈ S , S ⇓ τ ctr-sig S ⇓

  19. Type soundness of λ rec abs The key lemma in the soundness states that a well-formed type is contractive: Lemma Suppose S ok , S ⇓ , and S ; Σ ⊢ τ type . Then S ⇓ τ . which enables us to prove that type equivalence is preserved by signature elimination: Lemma If S 1 ≦ S 2 , S 2 ⇓ , and S 2 ; Σ ⊢ τ ≡ σ , then S 1 ; Σ ⊢ τ ≡ σ . Theorem The type system for λ rec abs is sound. (We prove the progress and preservation properties.)


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