

A A DVANCED W IRELESS W C SS T ECHNOLOGIES T ECHNOLOGIES Aditya K. Jagannatham Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Commonwealth of Learning Vancouver MOOC on M4D 2013 Wireless Signal Fast Fading

  1. A A DVANCED W IRELESS W C SS T ECHNOLOGIES T ECHNOLOGIES Aditya K. Jagannatham Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Commonwealth of Learning Vancouver MOOC on M4D 2013

  2. Wireless Signal Fast Fading Wireless Signal Fast Fading • The wireless signal can reach the receiver via direct and scattered paths. p • As a result, the receiver sees the superposition of multiple copies of the superposition of multiple copies of the transmitted signal. – Multipath Propogation • These signal copies experience different These signal copies experience different attenuations, delays. MOOC on M4D 2013 2

  3. Wireless Signal Fast Fading Wireless Signal Fast Fading • Results in interference, amplifying or attenuating the signal power seen at the Rx. g g p – This phenomenon is termed as fading . • Strong destructive interference is referred to • Strong destructive interference is referred to as a deep fade. MOOC on M4D 2013

  4. Techniques to Combat Fast Fading Techniques to Combat Fast Fading • Several techniques can be employed to Several techniques can be employed to improve performance in a wireless fading channel channel. – Forward Error Correction. – Interleaving. – Hybrid ARQ (HARQ). – Diversity. MOOC on M4D 2013 4

  5. Forward Error Correction (FEC) Forward Error Correction (FEC) • System of error control for data transmission. S f l f d i i – Coding the data stream to correct at receiver. • Sender adds redundant data to its messages also known as ‘parity’ bits. p y • Examples of forward error correction codes, – Block Codes – Block Codes. – Convolutional Codes. – Turbo Codes. Turbo Codes • FEC typically uses a large overhead. MOOC on M4D 2013 5

  6. Interleaving Interleaving • Symbol blocks to be transmitted. – Each symbol block is coded to protect against y p g symbol errors (Ex. Convolutional Coding). • Symbol blocks after Interleaving. – Interleaving arranges data in a non contiguous – Interleaving arranges data in a non ‐ contiguous fashion. MOOC on M4D 2013 6

  7. Interleaving Interleaving • Deep fade results in a ‘Burst Error’ in the symbol p y block affected by fading channel. • Symbol blocks after Deinterleaving. Symbol blocks after Deinterleaving. – Erroneous symbols are spread across multiple blocks. • This results in better error correction performance for the block code. – It can correct a fixed number of errors per block. MOOC on M4D 2013 7

  8. Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest • It is an error ‐ control method for packet data transmission. • Uses ACKs/NACKs and timeouts to achieve reliable data transmission reliable data transmission. • An ACK is sent by the receiver to indicate that it has correctly received a data frame or packet. p MOOC on M4D 2013 8

  9. Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest • In case of a NACK, the receiver has two options in H ‐ ARQ. p – Send the complete packet (Chase Combining). – Send only the parity bits (Incremental – Send only the parity bits (Incremental Redundancy). • It cannot be used for transmission of real ‐ It t b d f t i i f l time information (Ex audio/ video). • Suited for non real ‐ time applications such as data e ‐ mail data, e mail. MOOC on M4D 2013

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  11. BER of a Rayleigh Fading Channel BER of a Rayleigh Fading Channel BER in a Fading Wireless Channel on Detectio r BPSK D BER in a wired BER for Channel SNR MOOC on M4D 2013 11

  12. Antenna Diversity Antenna Diversity • Consider a wireless signal received using multiple antennas at the receiver (Rx) i.e. p ( ) employing receive antenna diversity. • Let the number of receive antennas be L • Let the number of receive antennas be L . • Hence, the receiver (Rx) sees L copies of the transmitted wireless signal, each traveling through an independent Rayleigh flat ‐ fading through an independent Rayleigh flat fading channel. MOOC on M4D 2013 12

  13. Schematic of a Rx Diversity System Schematic of a Rx Diversity System Tx Tx Rx = Antenna MOOC on M4D 2013

  14. Prerequisites for Diversity Gain Prerequisites for Diversity Gain • Diversity implies the receiver is provided y p p with multiple copies of the transmitted signal. • The multiple signal copies should experience independent levels of fading in the wireless p f f g channel. • This is because only in that case the • This is because only in that case the probability that all signal copies fade simultaneously is reduced dramatically simultaneously is reduced dramatically. – Leads to a significant reduction in the bit error rate. t MOOC on M4D 2013 14

  15. BER of a Rayleigh Fading Channel BER of a Rayleigh Fading Channel BER in a Fading Wireless Channel on Detectio L = 1 r BPSK D L = 2 BER in a wired L 4 L = 4 BER for Channel L = 8 SNR With Rx Antenna Diversity MOOC on M4D 2013 15

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  17. Diversity Diversity • Examples of diversity techniques – Transmit/Receive Diversity. / y – Temporal Diversity. – Frequency Diversity. Frequency Diversity – Multipath Diversity. MOOC on M4D 2013 17

  18. Spatial Diversity Spatial Diversity • As the name denotes, diversity can be obtained A th d t di it b bt i d by transmitting the wireless signal across independently fading spatial channels . independently fading spatial channels • This implies there are several receiving and/or transmitting antennas that are spaced transmitting antennas that are spaced sufficiently far apart. • Spatial separation should be sufficently large to Spatial separation should be sufficently large to reduce correlation between the different antennas or diversity branches. • Spacing guideline is approximately λ /2. At 2 GHz, the spacing is roughly 5 cm. MOOC on M4D 2013 18

  19. Temporal Diversity Temporal Diversity • Temporal diversity is achieved through l di i i hi d h h transmission of same wireless signal at different times i.e. through temporal spacing. • The time separation between the signal p g copies should be larger than the coherence time of the channel for the different copies to p experience independent fading. • For instance at 2 GHz 60 Km/Hr the • For instance, at 2 GHz, 60 Km/Hr, the temporal spacing should at least be 2 ms. MOOC on M4D 2013 19

  20. Frequency Diversity Frequency Diversity • Frequency diversity is achieved through F di i i hi d h h transmission of same wireless signal in different independently fading frequency bands i.e. i d d tl f di f b d i through frequency spacing . • The frequency separation should be larger than the coherence bandwidth B c of the channel. • For cellular communications this is approximately 300 KHz, since the delay spread is of the order of 3 μ s. MOOC on M4D 2013 20

  21. Multipath Diversity Multipath Diversity • Signal replicas received are received at different Si l li i d i d diff delays and phase factors at the receiver. • If these different replicas are spaced sufficiently far apart so that they can be distinguished and they experience independent levels of fading, they can be used to exploit multipath diversity. • Receiver structures such as RAKE receiver in CDMA and equalizers such as Maximum q Likelihood Sequence Estimator (MLSE) in a TDM/TDMA system provide multipath diversity. y p p y MOOC on M4D 2013 21

  22. MIMO Communication Systems MIMO Communication Systems • A MIMO system has multiple ( n t > 1) transmit y p ( t ) and multiple ( n r > 1) receive antennas. • MIMO wireless systems are a revolutionary MIMO wireless systems are a revolutionary breakthrough because they offer – Linear increase in throughput for the same Linear increase in throughput for the same transmit power – Combats fading through receive and transmit C b t f di th h i d t it diversity. MOOC on M4D 2013

  23. MIMO System Schematic Diagram MIMO System Schematic Diagram T X R x R x X Receiver Receiver Transmitter Transmitter = Antenna MOOC on M4D 2013

  24. MIMO Capacity vs SNR #Antennas MIMO Capacity vs. SNR, #Antennas MIMO Capacity vs. SNR (dB) for Different No. of Antennas 2 10 r = t = 1 r = t = 2 r = t = 4 r = t = 8 r = t = 8 /Hz) Capacity (b/s/ 1 10 C 0 10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 SNR (dB) MOOC on M4D 2013

  25. MIMO System Model MIMO System Model         x y 1 1     y y x x         MIMO  2  2 y x       System         y x         n n r t • The MIMO system model can be represented as,   k k k y ( ) Hx ( ) n ( ) . MOOC on M4D 2013

  26. MIMO Capacity Schematic MIMO Capacity Schematic • The MIMO system can be schematically represented as having n t parallel channels. h ll l h l – Spatial Multiplexing Spatial nels Chann rallel S Pa MOOC on M4D 2013



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