a policylab for societal and cultural transformation

A policylab for societal and cultural transformation A lab process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A policylab for societal and cultural transformation A lab process to assist civil servants to take the leap from a focus on.. To... quick results a testing culture silos System being an expert helping users being experts themselves

  1. A policylab for societal and cultural transformation

  2. A lab process to assist civil servants to take the leap from a focus on.. To... quick results a testing culture silos System being an expert helping users being experts themselves control trust

  3. Decision makers Practitioners Individual

  4. Why a more user centric reflection is needed? Stop doing Make less of Make more of Start doing

  5. How can we create value to users and our organisations in the organisational gaps ?

  6. Better everyday lives of unaccompanied minors The initial reception of unaccompanied minors Intergration lab Coordination of personalized transportation

  7. Design process Explore Understand Develop Test Implement

  8. Ganska ofta sitter man med en ungdom som inte vet vad de sa på den senaste läkarundersökningen. Socialsekreterare Varför måste jag berätta min historia om och om igen för alla jag träffar? Ungdom t s Understand e T Develop

  9. Our theory of change? Showcase Name Nourish Connect Based on the Berkana model

  10. A holistic approach to family & school collaboration for newly arrived families 7-9 + F - 6 Gymn Förskolan + Öppna fsk

  11. UNHCR-Lab on initial reception of unaccompanied minors 8 koncepts -3 test environment

  12. Looking forward to launching our first local lab with and for newly arrived minors in fall 2018 Follow us here-soon in English www.fornyelselabbet.se


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