a piece of the american dream a piece of the american

A Piece of the American Dream A Piece of the American Dream Moving - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Piece of the American Dream A Piece of the American Dream Moving People from Dependency to Self-Sufficiency into Homeownership Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Section 3 Section 3 Economic Opportunities for Economic

  1. A Piece of the American Dream A Piece of the American Dream Moving People from Dependency to Self-Sufficiency into Homeownership Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity

  2. Section 3 Section 3 Economic Opportunities for Economic Opportunities for Low and Very Low- -Income Income Low and Very Low Persons Persons rd Annual 23 rd Annual 23 Affordable Housing Affordable Housing Conference Conference Orlando, Florida Orlando, Florida September 21, 2010 September 21, 2010

  3. Section 3 Section 3 Economic Opportunities for Economic Opportunities for Low and Very Low- -Income Persons Income Persons Low and Very Low OFFICE OF FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OFFICE OF FAIR HOUSING & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY US DEPT OF HUD US DEPT OF HUD Gregory King Gregory King Senior Civil Rights Analyst Senior Civil Rights Analyst Gregory.B.King@HUD.GOV Gregory.B.King@HUD.GOV ATLANTA, GEORGIA ATLANTA, GEORGIA

  4. Purpose of Section 3 Purpose of Section 3 To ensure that recipients of HUD To ensure that recipients of HUD funds direct employment & other funds direct employment & other economic opportunities generated by economic opportunities generated by the receipt of those funds to low and the receipt of those funds to low and very low- -income persons income persons - - especially especially very low recipients of government housing recipients of government housing assistance, & businesses that provide assistance, & businesses that provide economic opportunities to the same. economic opportunities to the same. § 24.135.1 24.135.1 §

  5. Minority Business Enterprise Minority Business Enterprise � Section 3 of the HUD act is Section 3 of the HUD act is race race- -neutral neutral. . � � The preference provided by this federal act The preference provided by this federal act � is based on income and location. is based on income and location. � A minority business enterprise shall be A minority business enterprise shall be � required to present Section 3 certification to required to present Section 3 certification to receive preference. receive preference.

  6. Section 3 Applies to HUD Programs Section 3 Applies to HUD Programs � Housing & Community Development Housing & Community Development � [24.135.3 (a)(2)] [24.135.3 (a)(2)] � Housing rehabilitation (including lead � Housing rehabilitation (including lead- - based paint abatement) based paint abatement) � Housing construction � Housing construction � Other public construction � Other public construction � Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) � Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)

  7. Section 3 Covers Section 3 Covers JOBS, � JOBS, � CONTRACTS, and � CONTRACTS, and � TRAINING! � TRAINING! �

  8. JOBS JOBS � Appliance repair Appliance repair � Marketing Marketing � � � Florists Florists � Janitorial Janitorial � � � Landscaping Landscaping � Construction Construction � � Laborers Laborers � Carpet installation Carpet installation � � Printing Printing � � Photography Photography � � Computer Computer � information information � Transportation Transportation �

  9. Contracts Contracts � Engineering Engineering � Architecture Architecture � � � HVAC HVAC � � Bricklaying Bricklaying � � Painting Painting � � Carpentry Carpentry � � Plumbing Plumbing � � Demolition Demolition � � Tile/Terrazzo Tile/Terrazzo � � Electrical Electrical � � Elevator Elevator � � Drywall Drywall � construction construction

  10. Training Training � Accounting, Payroll, and Accounting, Payroll, and � Bookkeeping Bookkeeping � Research Research � � Purchasing Purchasing � � Word Processing Word Processing �

  11. Covered Programs Covered Programs Each program area within HUD has a responsibility to ensure that recipients of HUD funds comply with Section 3. Examples: Examples: l HOPE VI, Capital Fund HOPE VI, Capital Fund l l CDBG, HOME, Youthbuild, NSP CDBG, HOME, Youthbuild, NSP l l Section 202 / 811 Section 202 / 811 l l Lead Base Paint Abatement Lead Base Paint Abatement l § 24.135.3 24.135.3 §

  12. Section 3 Applies to the Entire Project Section 3 Applies to the Entire Project � Section 3 requirements apply to the entire Section 3 requirements apply to the entire � project or activity, regardless of whether project or activity, regardless of whether HUD fully funds or only partially funds the HUD fully funds or only partially funds the project or activity. project or activity. Example: Leveraged private funds associated ( Example: Leveraged private funds associated ( with HOPE VI or CDBG.) with HOPE VI or CDBG.) � Section 3 requirements also apply to Indian Section 3 requirements also apply to Indian � Housing Authorities. Housing Authorities. § 24.135.3(b) 24.135.3(b) §

  13. When Does Section 3 Apply? When Does Section 3 Apply? � Housing and Community Development Housing and Community Development � � Recipient/Project � Recipient/Project - - $200K $200K � Contractor / Subcontractors � Contractor / Subcontractors - - $100K $100K � Entire project or activity funded through Indian Entire project or activity funded through Indian � Housing Authorities and Tribes Housing Authorities and Tribes � Other HUD and Federal Assistance Other HUD and Federal Assistance �

  14. Section 3 Employment Opportunities Section 3 Employment Opportunities All employment opportunities that result from: All employment opportunities that result from: Housing and Sec. 3 covered projects in Housing and � Sec. 3 covered projects in � Community Development : : Community Development � Includes management and administrative jobs � Includes management and administrative jobs – – architectural, engineering, professional services and architectural, engineering, professional services and administrative support jobs administrative support jobs §24.135.5 24.135.5 §

  15. Section 3 Residents Section 3 Residents � Public Housing Residents, or Public Housing Residents, or � � Any individual who resides in a metropolitan Any individual who resides in a metropolitan � area or non- -metropolitan county in which the metropolitan county in which the area or non Section 3 covered assistance is expended, and Section 3 covered assistance is expended, and who is who is � Low � Low- -income income - - 80% median area income 80% median area income � Very low � Very low- -income income - - 50% median area income 50% median area income

  16. Contractor Responsibilities Contractor Responsibilities Certify Section 3 eligibility with � Certify Section 3 eligibility with � recipients recipients � Employ low Employ low- -income and very low income and very low- -income income � residents in the community residents in the community � Subcontract with Section 3 Businesses Subcontract with Section 3 Businesses � � Notify HUD of recipient noncompliance Notify HUD of recipient noncompliance �

  17. Business Concern Section 3 Business Concern Section 3 � 51% or more owned by Section 3 residents, 51% or more owned by Section 3 residents, � or or � 30% of PFT employees currently qualify, 30% of PFT employees currently qualify, � as Section 3 Residents; or qualified within as Section 3 Residents; or qualified within st date of employment, 3 years of 1 st date of employment, 3 years of 1 � Proof that > 25% of $ awarded to Proof that > 25% of $ awarded to � subcontractors will go Section 3 Business subcontractors will go Section 3 Business Concerns as defined above. Concerns as defined above.

  18. Eligibility for Employment and Contracting Eligibility for Employment and Contracting A Section 3 resident must meet the A Section 3 resident must meet the qualifications of the position for which the qualifications of the position for which the recipient, contractor, or subcontractor recipient, contractor, or subcontractor seeks applicants. seeks applicants. § 135.34(c) 135.34(c) § A Section 3 business concern must have the A Section 3 business concern must have the ability and capacity to perform successfully ability and capacity to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of the under the terms and conditions of the proposed contract. proposed contract. § 1 3 5 .3 4 ( a) ( 2 ) § 1 3 5 .3 4 ( a) ( 2 )

  19. Order of Preference for Section 3 Residents Order of Preference for Section 3 Residents In Training & Employment Opportunities In Training & Employment Opportunities Order of Preference: Order of Preference: � Recipients, Contractors, and Subcontractors Recipients, Contractors, and Subcontractors � � Shall direct their efforts to provide training and Shall direct their efforts to provide training and � employment opportunities that result from employment opportunities that result from spending Section 3 $$ spending Section 3 $$ � Section 3 residents in order of priority Section 3 residents in order of priority � � TO THE GREATEST EXTENT FEASIBLE. TO THE GREATEST EXTENT FEASIBLE. �


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