a new way of medical a new way of medical a new way of

A New Way of Medical A New Way of Medical A New Way of Medical A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A New Way of Medical A New Way of Medical A New Way of Medical A New Way of Medical Communication through Communication through Telemedicine T l Telemedicine T l di i di i Hwang Chanho M D Hwang Chanho M D Hwang, Chanho, M.D.

  1. A New Way of Medical A New Way of Medical A New Way of Medical A New Way of Medical Communication through Communication through Telemedicine T l Telemedicine T l di i di i Hwang Chanho M D Hwang Chanho M D Hwang, Chanho, M.D. Hwang, Chanho, M.D. CNC Rehabilitation Hospital CNC Rehabilitation Hospital

  2. st experience Participants in the 1 st Participants in the 1 experience � Dong Soo Kim M.D. CBNU Hospital Dong Soo Kim M D CBNU Hospital Dong Soo Kim M D CBNU Hospital Dong Soo Kim M.D. CBNU Hospital � Yong Min Kim M.D. CBNU Hospital Yong Min Kim M.D. CBNU Hospital � Gil Won Kang M.D. Chungbuk Univ Gil Won Kang M.D. Chungbuk Univ � Young Sung Lee M.D. Chungbuk Univ Young Sung Lee M.D. Chungbuk Univ ou g Su g ou g Su g ee ee C u gbu C u gbu U U � John Loran M.D. Shriners Hospitals John Loran M.D. Shriners Hospitals

  3. Medical consultation through Medical consultation through telem edicine telem edicine 1 st experience between Korea and USA p Medical consultation between two countries Medical consultation between two countries Orthopedist in USA Orthopedist in USA Orthopedist and physiatrist in Korea Patients with orthopedic problems in Korea P i i h h di bl i K

  4. Medical communication between Medical communication between U.S.A and Korea U.S.A and Korea d 2011 4 28 2011 4 28 2011.4.28 2011.4.28 Orthopedic consultation Orthopedic consultation

  5. Significant factors in telemedicine Significant factors in telemedicine •Communication between specialists •Communication between doctors and patients •Simultaneous physical examination •Simultaneous data uploads such as imaging fil files

  6. What is different? What is different? • A live visualization and sound • A mutual patient data exchange • No fear of isolation from remote practice from No fear of isolation from remote practice from patients’ perspectives p p p •Shared physical examination such as neurologic exams

  7. How? How? How? How? led by a doctor away from a patient ed by a doc o a ay o a pa e -Communication between a doctor and a -Communication between a doctor and a patient through conversation -->Intimate environment and Rapport through communication

  8. How? How? How? How? � A Key component: physical examination � A Key component: physical examination � Physical examination required for practice is asked to a doctor with a patient is asked to a doctor with a patient � E.g)check for atrophy in certain muscles, showing diverse views of patients, h i di i f i Neurologic exams such as DTR and sensory tests shared h d � A visualized physical examination can help practice

  9. 2011.8.12 2011.8.12 Follow up of patients through Follow up of patients through p p p p g g telemedicine telemedicine -check on behalf of a doctor away c ec c ec check on behalf of a doctor away o o be a be a o a docto o a docto a a ay ay -ask on behalf of a patient to a doctor away ask on behalf of a patient to a doctor away

  10. What? What? What? What? � Opinions between medical doctors can � Opinions between medical doctors can be shared simultaneously - Diagnosis - A method of treatment - Possibility of local treatment - Other consultations Other consultations

  11. Limitation Limitation •Time •Language •Privacy such as engineer involvement •Different opinions between specialists

  12. More opportunities and More opportunities and challenges challenges •Simultaneous discuss on a patient with different departments •Not only medical practice but also social Not only medical practice but also social supports at the same time pp • No limit in place any more •Keep privacy for patients

  13. Special Thanks to Special Thanks to Special Thanks to Special Thanks to � Chungcheong Korean Society of � Chungcheong Korean Society of Chungcheong Korean Society of Chungcheong Korean Society of California California � Disabled Welfare Division and Di Di Disabled Welfare Division and bl d W lf bl d W lf Di i i Di i i d d Health Bureau of Chungnam, Health Bureau of Chungnam, Ch Ch Chungbuk and Daejeon Chungbuk and Daejeon b k b k d D d D j j � Heesun Yang, Director of Heesun Yang, Director of g, g, International Program, MedRIC International Program, MedRIC � Technical Support from MedRIC � Technical Support from MedRIC Technical Support from MedRIC Technical Support from MedRIC Byoungki Koo, Juyong Lee, Byoungki Koo, Juyong Lee, Mungu Ji Mungu Ji Mungu Ji Mungu Ji


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