a new open source approach for requirements and

A new open source approach for requirements and architecture A new - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A new open source approach for requirements and architecture A new open source approach for requirements and architecture WHY?! Traceability? Why do I care? Document the project Plan better Reduce uncertainty QA Bug fixing Mustard

  1. A new open source approach for requirements and architecture

  2. A new open source approach for requirements and architecture WHY?!

  3. Traceability?

  4. Why do I care? Document the project Plan better Reduce uncertainty QA Bug fixing

  5. Mustard Mapped Uniform System for Tracking Architecture Requirements and Design

  6. Requirements Requirement Requirement

  7. Requirements Architecture Interfaces Requirement Interface Component Requirement Component

  8. Requirements Architecture Interfaces Requirement Interface Component Requirement Component

  9. Work Items Work Item Work Item

  10. Work Items Architecture Interfaces Work Item Interface Component Work Item Component

  11. Requirements Architecture Work Items Interfaces Requirement Interface Component Work Item Requirement Component Work Item

  12. Requirements Architecture Work Items Verifjcation Interfaces Criteria Requirement Component Work Item Requirement Component Work Item Verifjcation Criteria

  13. Requirements Architecture Work Items Verifjcation Interfaces Criteria Requirement Component Work Item Requirement Component Work Item T ags Verifjcation Criteria

  14. Wait. This is waterfall. That doesn't really work, right?

  15. Requirements Architecture Work Items Interfaces Requirement Interface Component Work Item Requirement Component Work Item

  16. Developer friendly?

  17. haxor@laptop mustard$ cat > req.yaml text-based: kind: req title: Be able to use a text editor description: | Creating objects in Mustard is done with YAML and MarkDown ^D

  18. haxor@laptop mustard$ cat > arch.yaml diagram: kind: c title: Diagram drawing description: | Draw diagrams using PlantUML markup, like: @startuml Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response @enduml ^D haxor@laptop mustard$ cat > arch.yaml

  19. Track changes over time?

  20. haxor@laptop mustard$ git log

  21. haxor@laptop mustard$ git branch haxor@laptop mustard$ vi arch.yaml haxor@laptop mustard$ git send-email

  22. PM friendly?!

  23. Using this for a OSS project?

  24. http://github.com/CodethinkLabs

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