a movement for a better future the he lead lead up up to

A movement for a better future. The he lead lead-up up to 2012 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A movement for a better future. The he lead lead-up up to 2012 to 2012 was as chaotic. haotic. Ho How d w do o we tac e tackle kle the str the stress, ess, anx anxiety iety and depression of todays busy life? Spot the ear Spot

  1. A movement for a better future.

  2. The he lead lead-up up to 2012 to 2012 was as chaotic. haotic.

  3. Ho How d w do o we tac e tackle kle the str the stress, ess, anx anxiety iety and depression of today’s busy life?

  4. Spot the ear Spot the early signs y signs, , ass assist people ist people to get help to get help and deal with and deal with the risks. the risks.

  5. SPOTA SPO Distribut Distr ibution ion of of S SPO POTA A ca cards ds (50,00 (50,000 0 up up to to 201 2019) 9) Fu Fund nding ing an and ad d advoc ocac acy y for or Ment Mental al Hea Health lth Fir First st Aid Aid Lo Lobby bying ing to to sec secur ure e gran ants ts for or MHF MHFA A ($2 mil ($2 milli lion on+) +) He Help lp to to em embe bed d fr free ee MHF MHFA A You outh th an and T d Tee een n tr train aining ing Deliver Deliv ering ing aw awar aren enes ess s pr pres esen enta tation tions s & & even ents ts Str Stres ess, s, an anxiet xiety y an and de d depr pres ession sion ar are e st stil ill l on on the the rise rise. . Wha hat t mor more e ca can w n we e do do? ? Wha hat t is is ou our r ne next xt ste step? p?

  6. “In essence, we are collectively creating results that (almost) nobody wants” How do we reverse this trend? Ot Otto to Sc Schar harmer mer – Theor heory y U

  7. st Centur 21 21 st Century y Thinking hinking

  8. d model using 21 st century A pla A place ce-base based model thinking for co-creating cultures of Being well - Doing good Guiding principles and collective action combine to empower this advocacy, public awareness and participation approach.

  9. Leverage Points - Guiding Principles In-depth inquiry and practices are uncovering conditions that are holding problems in place. Research-based principles direct actions towards shifting these conditions and creating social impact.

  10. Research - Based Guiding Principles Supporting safe, just and generative places for change. Sys Syste tems ms Cha Chang nge e Frame amewor ork k (2 (201 018) 8) The Systems Change Framework is a sense-making tool to support individuals and collaborations to become more familiar and capable of working in systems and towards systems change. Choosing wise actions to care for self, others and nature. Beneficial Action Theory (2016) Beneficial Action is prosocially and altruistically motivated behaviour that uses consequential knowledge to increase freedom within the global population. Regenerating primary sources of health and wellbeing. Salutogenic Theory(1979*) Salutogenesis is a medical approach focusing on factors that support human health and wellbeing, rather than focusing on factors that are the Cultivating everyday leadership and learning. Benefit Mindset Theory (2017) A Benefit Mindset builds on a growth mindset, where we not only seek to fulfil our potential, but choose to do it in a way that serves the wellbeing of all. *2017 - IUHPE and WHO Salutogenic Handbook Initiative.

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW2Sg3nOpd4

  12. Cultures of Being well - Doing good Doing good Being well Developing a greater Pursuing the freedom, awareness, love, sincerity, purpose, understanding, support meaning, strength and and practices of energy that enables evidence-informed care choosing and enacting behaviours and actions behaviours that moves that benefit self, others, us towards realising nature and the future. our full potential.

  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU

  14. Evidence - Informed Collective Action Collaborative approaches taken by groups of people for achieving a common goal. Key evidence-informed action - reflection strategies guided by research are adapted at a local level to maximise social impact.

  15. Place - Based Strategies Stepping into the Field of the Future Discovering paths to purpose and meaning through supporting movements from across the ecological, social and spiritual divides. Contemplative Practices Embedding contemplative practices aligns awareness of self and our surrounds, and assists managing our attention, emotions and behaviours. Strength-Based Activities Utilising a character strength survey to identify individual and group capacities that enhance enjoyment, innovation and engagement. 21-Day+ Challenges Shifting foundational components and key factors that are holding problems in place by way of simple daily actions recorded and reflected upon over time.

  16. Wor orking king together together with an adv with an advocac ocacy, , public public aw awar arenes eness and par s and participa ticipation tion appr pproac oach h at t a local a local le level el will will maximise social impact. maximise social impact.

  17. Co-Creating Organisation, School and Community Cultures of Being well - Doing good. A universal place-based model that adopts 21st century thinking for co-creating cultures of Being well – Doing good. Guiding principles and collective action combine to empower this advocacy, public awareness and participation approach . PLACE - BASED Supporting safe, just and STRATEGIES generative places for change 21-Day 21 Day+ + Sy Systems tems Change Frame ramework rk (2018) Challe Ch allenge nges The Systems Change Framework is a sense-making tool to support individuals and collaborations to become more familiar and capable of working in Simple acts of everyday leadership repeated, recorded systems and towards systems change. and reflected upon over time creates positive change. Choosing wise actions to care Strength - Based for self, others and nature Activities Beneficial Action Theory (2016) Understanding character strengths can identify areas Beneficial Action is prosocially and altruistically to enhance enjoyment, innovation and engagement. motivated behaviour that uses consequential knowledge to increase freedom within the global population. Contemplative Regenerating primary sources Practices of health and wellbeing Aligning awareness of self and surrounds assists in managing our attention, emotions and behaviours. Salutogenic Theory (1979)* Salutogenesis is a medical approach focusing on Stepping into the factors that support human health and wellbeing, rather Field of the Future than focusing on factors that are the cause of disease. Cultivating everyday Purpose and meaning builds by supporting movements leadership and learning from across the ecological, social and spiritual divides. BEING WELL DOING GOOD Pursuing the freedom, love, sincerity, Developing a greater awareness, Benefit Mindset Theory (2017) purpose, meaning, strength and understanding, support and practices A Benefit Mindset builds on a growth mindset, where energy that enables choosing and of evidence-informed care behaviours we not only seek to fulfil our potential, but choose to enacting behaviours that moves us and actions that benefit self, others, do it in a way that serves the wellbeing of all. towards realising our full potential. nature and the future. www.UWell.org.au – Project Logic Model X7 2019

  18. A movement for a better future.

  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbaemWIljeQ


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