a hybrid 2d method for sparse matrix partitioning

A Hybrid 2D Method for Sparse Matrix Partitioning Rob Bisseling, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Hybrid 2D Method for Sparse Matrix Partitioning Rob Bisseling, Tristan van Leeuwen Utrecht University Umit C ataly urek Ohio State University Support from BSIK-BRICKS/MSV and NCF SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic

  1. A Hybrid 2D Method for Sparse Matrix Partitioning Rob Bisseling, Tristan van Leeuwen Utrecht University ¨ Umit C ¸ ataly¨ urek Ohio State University Support from BSIK-BRICKS/MSV and NCF SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 1

  2. Outline 1. Introduction Mondriaan 2D matrix partitioning Fine-grain 2D partitioning 2. New: hybrid method for 2D partitioning The difficulty of hybrids Combining the Mondriaan and fine-grain methods 3. Experimental results PageRank matrices: Stanford, Stanford-Berkeley Other sparse matrices: term-by-document, linear programming, polymers 4. Conclusions and future work SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 2

  3. Parallel sparse matrix–vector multiplication u := A v A sparse m × n matrix, u dense m -vector, v dense n -vector n − 1 � u i := a ij v j j =0 v 2 1 1 4 3 6 3 1 9 4 1 22 5 9 2 41 6 5 3 64 5 8 9 u A p = 2 4 phases: communicate, compute, communicate, compute SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 3

  4. Hypergraph 0 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 Hypergraph with 9 vertices and 6 hyperedges (nets), partitioned over 2 processors SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 4

  5. 1D matrix partitioning using hypergraphs vertices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 nets Column bipartitioning of m × n matrix Hypergraph H = ( V , N ) ⇒ exact communication volume in sparse matrix–vector multiplication. Columns ≡ Vertices: 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 . Rows ≡ Hyperedges (nets, subsets of V ): n 0 = { 1 , 4 , 6 } , n 1 = { 0 , 3 , 6 } , n 2 = { 4 , 5 , 6 } , n 3 = { 0 , 2 , 3 } , n 4 = { 2 , 3 , 5 } , n 5 = { 1 , 4 , 6 } . SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 5

  6. Minimising communication volume vertices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 nets Broken nets: n 1 , n 2 cause one horizontal communication Use Kernighan–Lin/Fiduccia–Mattheyses for hypergraph bipartitioning Multilevel scheme: merge similar columns first, refine bipartitioning afterwards Used in PaToH (Çatalyürek and Aykanat 1999) for 1D matrix partitioning. SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 6

  7. Mondriaan 2D matrix partitioning Block distribution (without row/column permutations) of 59 × 59 matrix impcol_b with 312 nonzeros, for p = 4 Mondriaan package v1.0 (May 2002). Originally developed by Vastenhouw and Bisseling for partitioning term-by-document matrices for a parallel web search machine. SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 7

  8. Mondriaan 2D partitioning ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Recursively split the matrix into 2 parts Try splits in row and column directions, allowing permutations. Each time, choose the best direction SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 8

  9. Fine-grain 2D partitioning Assign each nonzero of A individually to a part. Each nonzero becomes a vertex; each matrix row and column a hyperedge. Hence nz ( A ) vertices and m + n hyperedges. Proposed by Çatalyürek and Aykanat, 2001. SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 9

  10. Matrix view of fine-grain 2D partitioning vertices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 5 10 15 0 0 1 2 5 3 4 10 5 nets A F = F A m × n matrix A with nz ( A ) nonzeros ( m + n ) × nz ( A ) matrix F = F A with 2 · nz ( A ) nonzeros a ij is k th nonzero of A ⇔ f ik , f m + j,k are nonzero in F SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 10

  11. Communication for fine-grain 2D partitioning vertices 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 5 10 15 0 0 1 2 5 3 4 10 5 nets A F = F A Broken net in first m nets of hypergraph of F : nonzeros from row a i ∗ are in different parts, hence horizontal communication in A . Broken net in last n nets of hypergraph of F : vertical communication in A . SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 11

  12. Fine-grain 2D partitioning ⇒ ⇒ Recursively split the matrix into 2 parts Assign individual nonzeros to parts SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 12

  13. The difficulty of hybrids — a story The beautiful American dancer Isadora Duncan (1878–1927) suggested to the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950) that they should have a child together: “Think of it! With your brains and my body, what a wonder it would be." Shaw’s reply: “Yes, but what if it had my body and your brains?" Source: http://www.chiasmus.com/mastersofchiasmus/shaw.shtml Many different versions exist. Story may be apocryphal. SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 13

  14. Hybrid 2D partitioning ⇒ ⇒ Recursively split the matrix into 2 parts Try splits in row and column directions, and fine-grain Each time, choose the best of 3 SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 14

  15. Recursive, adaptive bipartitioning algorithm MatrixPartition( A, p, ǫ ) input: ǫ = allowed load imbalance, ǫ > 0 . output: p -way partitioning of A with imbalance ≤ ǫ . if p > 1 then q := log 2 p ; ( A r 0 , A r 1 ) := h ( A, row , ǫ/q ) ; hypergraph splitting ( A c 0 , A c 1 ) := h ( A, col , ǫ/q ) ; ( A f 0 , A f 1 ) := h ( A, fine , ǫ/q ) ; ( A 0 , A 1 ) := best of ( A r 0 , A r 1 ) , ( A c 0 , A c 1 ) , ( A f 0 , A f 1 ) ; maxnz := nz ( A ) (1 + ǫ ) ; p nz ( A 0 ) · p ǫ 0 := maxnz 2 − 1 ; MatrixPartition( A 0 , p/ 2 , ǫ 0 ); nz ( A 1 ) · p 2 − 1 ; MatrixPartition( A 1 , p/ 2 , ǫ 1 ); ǫ 1 := maxnz else output A ; SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 15

  16. Similarity metric for column merging (coarsening) Column-scaled inner product: m − 1 1 � M ( u, v ) = u i v i ω uv i =0 ω uv = 1 measures overlap ω uv = √ d u d v measures cosine of angle ω uv = min { d u , d v } measures relative overlap ω uv = max { d u , d v } Here, d u is the number of nonzeros of column u . SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 16

  17. Speeding up the fine-grain method 2 normalized average time 1.5 1 0.5 1 0.98597 0.84233 0.89712 0 ip rnd ip1 ip2 ip = standard inner product matching ip1 = inner product matching using an upper bound on the overlap, e.g. d u to stop searching early. For fine-grain method, bound is sharper: 1 at first level. ip2 = alternate between matching with overlap in top and bottom rows. rnd = choose a random match with overlap ≥ 1 SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 17

  18. Web searching: which page ranks first? SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 18

  19. The link matrix A Given n web pages with links between them. We can define the sparse n × n link matrix A by � 1 if there is a link from page j to page i a ij = 0 otherwise . Let e = (1 , 1 , . . . , 1) T , representing an initial uniform importance (rank) of all web pages. Then � � ( A e ) i = a ij e j = a ij j j is the total number of links pointing to page i . The vector A e represents the importance of the pages; A 2 e takes the importance of the pointing pages into account as well; and so on. SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 19

  20. The Google matrix A web surfer chooses each of the outgoing N j links from page j with equal probability. Define the n × n diagonal matrix D with d jj = 1 /N j . Let α be the probability that a surfer follows an outlink of the current page. Typically α = 0 . 85 . The surfer jumps to a random page with probability 1 − α . The Google matrix is defined by (Brin and Page 1998) G = αAD + (1 − α ) ee T /n. The PageRank of a set of web pages is obtained by repeated multiplication by G , involving sparse matrix–vector multiplication by A , and some vector operations. SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 20

  21. Comparing 1D, 2D fine-grain, and 2D Mondriaan The following 1D and 2D fine-grain communication volumes for PageRank matrices are published results from the parallel program Par k way v2.1 (Bradley, de Jager, Knottenbelt, Trifunovi´ c 2005). The 2D Mondriaan volumes are results with all our improvements (to be incorporated in v2.0), but using only row/column partitioning, not the fine-grain option. SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 21

  22. Communication volume: PageRank matrix Stanford 4 x 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 p = 4 , 8 , 16 0 Parkway 1D Parkway fine−grained Mondriaan 2D n = 281 , 903 (pages), nz ( A ) = 2 , 594 , 228 nonzeros (links). Represents the Stanford WWW subdomain, obtained by a web crawl in September 2002 by Sep Kamvar. SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 22

  23. Communication volume: Stanford_Berkeley 4 x 10 15 10 5 p = 4 , 8 , 16 0 Parkway 1D Parkway fine−grained Mondriaan 2D n = 683 , 446 , nz ( A ) = 8 , 262 , 087 nonzeros. Represents the Stanford and Berkeley subdomains, obtained by a web crawl in Dec. 2002 by Sep Kamvar. SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientfic Computing, Feb. 23, 2006 – p. 23

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