A first look at electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period using bigtree data Philipp Klenze (new diploma student at the MPP) Max-Planck-Institute for Physics Munich December 10, 2009 Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 1 / 12
Overview Disclaimer 1 Simple noise correction 2 Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period 3 Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 2 / 12
Warnings I don’t have much overview yet All analysis here was done using bigtree data No calibration accounting for temperature differences Don’t take anthing in here too serious If you have remarks or I misrepresent anything, please interrupt Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 3 / 12
Runs and cuts used FNAL e − runs: 580085, 580087, 580090, 580092, 580093, 580154 CERN e + runs: 350110, 350113, 350114, 350117, 350118, 350128, 350132 cuts: beamBit (beam events) or pedestalBit && !calibBit && !spillBit (noise events) tcm energySum < 12.0 (filter out muons) emc energySum > 30.0 && emc energySum < 60.0 (for hadron runs only) Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 4 / 12
Noise correction — Why? noise causes offset noise may be different for each run (temperature dependence) thus: compensate for each run seperatly rather small effect run by run corrections only — no accounting for temperature dependence of electronics response sample plots on the following slides from run 580093 (FNAL, 2 GeV electrons) Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 5 / 12
Without noise correction ahc_energySum__cut Entries 40350 Mean 90.83 RMS 25.9 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 ahc_energySum part of the energy sum is due to noise Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 6 / 12
Noise events ahc_energySum__noise Entries 1294 Mean 10.68 250 RMS 3.724 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 ahc_energySum noise taken from pedestal events Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 7 / 12
Shifted to compensate noise ahc_energySum__cut ahc_energySum__cut_nc ahc_energySum__cut_nc Entries Entries Entries 40350 2000 2000 Mean Mean Mean 90.83 80.68 80.68 26.51 25.9 26.51 RMS RMS RMS 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 ahc_energySum energy sum corrected by mean noise of same run might improve linearity at low energies Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 8 / 12
Energy linearity 2200 energy peak position [MIP] positrons (CERN 2007) 2000 1800 electrons (FNAL 2009) 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 beam energy [GeV] slope: 40 . 5 MIP GeV Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 9 / 12
Energy resolution gaus sigma / beam energy linear fit 0.3 positrons (CERN 2007) electrons (FNAL 2009) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 10 20 30 40 50 beam energy [GeV] fit: 0 . 24 √ E Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 10 / 12
Deviation from linear behaviour 0.02 relative deviation from linear behaviour 0 -0.02 -0.04 positrons (CERN 2007) -0.06 electrons (FNAL 2009) -0.08 0 10 20 30 40 50 beam energy [GeV] Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 11 / 12
Number of hits for FNAL and CERN data 300 number of hits at gaus peak positrons (CERN 2007) 250 electrons (FNAL 2009) 200 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 beam energy [GeV] Philipp Klenze (MPP) Electromagnetic events from the 2009 FNAL standalone period December 10, 2009 12 / 12
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