a european social sciences research infrastructure project


A EUROPEAN SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT This project is supported by funding under the EU Seventh Research Framework Programme Capacities In clusive G rowth R esearch I nfrastructure D iffusion Funded under 7 th

  1. A EUROPEAN SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT This project is supported by funding under the EU Seventh Research Framework Programme – Capacities

  2. In clusive G rowth R esearch I nfrastructure D iffusion • Funded under 7 th Framework Programme - Capacities (EU) • 17 academic and European partners • February 2013 – January 2017 • Project to integrate and improve an existing research infrastructure – Networking activities – Transnational access – Joint research activities for improvement www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 2

  3. THE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE  What is a Research Infrastructure (RI)?  What is the specific InGRID infrastructure?  Poverty as a theme within InGRID www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 3 3

  4. What is a European Research infrastructure? HELPING HANDS Research infrastructure = – facility or platform – That provides (scientific) resources and services – to the scientific community – Aim: enable to conduct top-level research FACILITATING RESEARCH Supports scientists in research – to access, order, analyse, store and reuse – data and knowledge – in ways otherwise impossible www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 4

  5. Facilitating what kind of research? Facilitating top-level research … Com- parative Social Policy- sciences related research Poverty &Living conditions Working conditions & Job Quality EU2020 European Inclusive growth strategy … Evidence-based policies www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 5

  6. Knowledge infrastructure accumulated by European science EU-FP projects: RECWOWE, EQUALSOC, WORKS, GINI, ImPRovE, NEUJOBS, WALQING, MEADOW, EurOccupations, Woliweb, SPReW, WorkCare, RISQ, SAMPLE, Ameli Innovative data collections Harmonised classifications Users expertise official data/surveys Cross-country policy indicators Statistical simulation environments Standards of statistical and survey quality www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 6

  7. THE InGRID PROJECT  Key objectives and activities  Transnational access: how does it work?  partners www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 7 7

  8. About the project 17 partners in a consortium 3 types of activities: • 18 Summer schools & 12 expert workshops • 250 Visiting grants to data infrastructures • Joint research Clustered in 4 themes: • Poverty and living conditions • Working conditions and vulnerability • Social policy analysis • Statistical quality management www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 8

  9. Pillar: Transnational access Acces to 13 European Research Infrastructures • Access to infrastructure • Guidance and training of experts Data infrastructures – Data expert centers LIS Luxembourg Income Study LWS Luxembourg Wealth study Data base (part of LIS) IECM Integrated European Census Micro-Data Eurofound European Working Conditions Survey, European Quality of Life Survey, European Company Survey Wage Indicator data EUROMOD SPIN Social Policy Indicators Data base (SCIP, SaMip, PAL, CBD) CSB-MIPI cross-national and cross-temporay comparable model family simulations WISCO World Data base of ISCO-08 Occupations ICTWSS Data base on Institutional Characteristics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State Intervention and Social Pacts EU-SILC Data expertise MEADOW organisational panel surveys www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 9

  10. VISITING GRANTS How does it work? Working together with experts on data Who can apply? • Early-stage or expert researchers • Employed in EU Member States & associated countries What is offered? • Work together with data between one week and one month • Free-of-charge access to data sets & expertise • Reimbursement travel costs & subsistence allowance • Individual or in group • (linked to previous attending of a summer school or expert workshop) How to apply? • Call every 4 months (on website) • Why-what (project, PhD, paper, article …) + short CV • Selection panel • Fine-tuning with ‘host’ institution www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 10

  11. Partners providing transnational access www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 11

  12. POVERTY AS A KEY THEME WITHIN InGRID  Policy relevance  Joint research activities  Networking and training activities www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 12 12

  13. Theme: Poverty and living conditions 140,00 • Context : EU2020 stategy: poverty 130,00 target actual 120,00 110,00 target 100,00 90,00 80,00 www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 13

  14. Pillar activities ‘Poverty & living conditions’ Joint research activities: • Integrated poverty and living conditions indicator system (IPOLIS) • Optimise the use of census micro-data to analyse and monitor poverty and living conditions at territorial level in Europe • Formulating priorities for future data collection and comparative analysis www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 14

  15. Pillar activities ‘Poverty & living conditions’ Networking activities • 4 training events on advanced poverty research • Expert workshops – Indicator building for various vulnerable groups – Survey protocol development for hard-to-reach and hard-to-identify groups in living conditions surveys – Use of high density census samples – Visualisation and outreach to stakeholders www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 15

  16. Partners ‘Poverty and living conditions’ Leader: Partners: www.inclusivegrowth.be www.inclusivegrowth.be 16

  17. www.inclusivegrowth.be Co-ordinator Guy Van Gyes Monique Ramioul InGRID Inclusive Growth Research Infrastructure Diffusion Partners contract no. 312691 TÁRKI Social Research Institute Inc. (HU) For further information about the InGRID project, please contact Amsterdam Institute for Advanced labour Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam (NL) inclusive.growth@kuleuven.be The Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholms Universitet (SE) www.inclusivegrowth.be Fachbereich IV, Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik, Universität Trier (DE) p/a HIVA – Research Institute Centre d’Etudis Demogràfics, Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES) for Work and Society Centre d’Etudes de Population, de Pauvreté et de Politiques Socio-Economiques (LU) Parkstraat 47 box 5300 Centre for Social Policy, Universiteit Antwerpen (BE) 3000 Leuven Institute for Social & Economic Research, University of Essex (UK) Belgium Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, Universität Bremen (DE) Department of Dynamics of Organisations of Work, Centre d’Etudes de l’Emploi (FR) The Centre for European Policy Studies (BE) Dipartimento di Economica e Menagement, Università di Pisa (IT) Social Statistics Division, University of Southampton (UK) Luxembourg Income Study, asbl (LU) WageIndicator Foundation (NL) School of Social Sciences, The University of Manchester (UK)

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