A DVERTISING P LATFORM Students : Avi Shahimov, Ariel Slonim , Nave Ariel , Yuri Gabaev , Yuval Kovler, Dima Kupershmidt Mentor: Segev Cohen. Supervisor: Eli Itin Hanoch Sapoznikov Jan 2012 Lead of Worldwide Academic Relations 30 Oct 2011
I NTRODUCTION During specific hours of the day many costumers want to use the telecom services causing slowness and in several cases – denial of service The business sector will continue to use the services during prime time due to their business needs. Our goal is to provide an advertising platform which will encourage costumers to use the telcom services during the “Dead Hours” instead of “Rush Hours”
O BJECTIVES Creating an advertising platform which will encourage and convince costumers to use the telecom services during the “Dead hours” instead. Reducing the services usage during the “Rush hours”
F EATURES Embedded application that can run on multiple platforms (all PC OSs, iPhone, Android, smart TVs…) Enables easy advertisements upload Set of social agendas for each population sector Recommendation engine that will provide optimal time and platform for the advertisement based on the population sector Interactive advertisements according to user personal profile. Detection of “Rush hours” and notifying the user.
R ISKS Other companies may gain from our product Not all adverting works. Some sectors will not be convinced Consuming habits are hard to change (though it is possible)
M ETHODOLOGY Define target population sector. Learn the most popular advertising means (TV serious, Youtube …) Create a recommendation engine based of the previous research Develop an embedded platform for advertisements Combine the platform into smart phones
M ILESTONES Legal research (Weeks 1-3) Deliverables: all related legal aspects. Market analysis (Week 4-7) Deliverables: Population sectors, main services usage, advertising means, social agenda Product design (Weeks 7-10) Deliverable: Architecture of the platform Development (Week 10-15) Deliverables: final product – platform ready for deployment CSR Training (Weeks 15) Deliverables: Training for the CSR for the new platform
F INAL D ELIVERABLES Advertisements Set of advertisement directed to each population sector. Market analysis Set of population sectors Set of social agendas for each population sector Set of advertising means
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