a date with data

A Date with Data Botnet Command and Control Through Tinder A Date - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Date with Data Botnet Command and Control Through Tinder A Date with Data Botnet Command and Control Through Tinder (Almost) $whoami Nathaniel Beckstead Interests Blue team Homelab Network Security Find Me github.com/becksteadn

  1. A Date with Data Botnet Command and Control Through Tinder

  2. A Date with Data Botnet Command and Control Through Tinder (Almost)

  3. $whoami Nathaniel Beckstead Interests Blue team Homelab Network Security Find Me github.com/becksteadn scriptingis.life

  4. Intercept Requests

  5. Certificate Pinning Provides relative certainty of the host’s (server’s) identity App has a list of certificates it trusts. Does not establish a connection if the certificate is not in the pinset.

  6. Certificate Pinning Tinder: Are you Buzz Lightyear? Burp Suite: Yeah, I’m Buzz Lightyear. Tinder:

  7. Cert Pinning Bypass

  8. Decompile, Alter, Recompile Thank you Chaim and Anders. Sadly outdated. Code is now obfuscated.

  9. Decompile, Alter, Recompile

  10. Decompile, Alter, Recompile Search files for functions using X509TrustManager. Add ‘return-void’ to the top and bottom.

  11. Cert Pinning Bypass Bypass

  12. The API All the hard work is done. Translate to Python requests module. Use Postman to test. https://github.com/fbessez/Tinder

  13. The API All the hard work is done. https://github.com/fbessez/Tinder Translate to Python requests module. Use Postman to test https://github.com/fbessez/Tinder

  14. The API fb_auth_token.py - Uses robobrowser to log in using username/password and gets FB token and UID. tinder_api.py - Authenticates to Tinder using FB token and UID and returns token. https://github.com/fbessez/Tinder

  15. The API Host: api.gotinder.com X-Auth-Token: User-Agent: Tinder/7.5.3 (iPhone; iOS 10.3.2; Scale/2.00) https://github.com/fbessez/Tinder

  16. Command and Control

  17. Command and Control Description Data Method Endpoint /like/_id Like someone a.k.a GET swipe right /user/matches/_id Send message to _id {"message": TEXT POST GOES HERE} /user/_id Get a user's profile GET data https://github.com/fbessez/Tinder

  18. Facebook Security

  19. Facebook and Bots

  20. Facebook and Bots

  21. Facebook and Bots

  22. Up Next: Workplace?


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