a competitive market what can we learn from the

A Competitive Market What can we learn from the Discounters? - PDF document

SGF Study Tour 2015 Professor Leigh Sparks, Institute for Retail Studies, University of Stirling www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com A Competitive Market What can we learn from the

  1. SGF Study Tour 2015 Professor Leigh Sparks, Institute for Retail Studies, University of Stirling www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com A Competitive Market – What can we learn from the Discounters? www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com 1

  2. The Spider Diagrams • Just over 40 respondents • 15 categories in the questionnaire • Not all stores had all categories • So numbers can be misleading – focus on tendencies www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com The Spider Diagrams - 2 • The shapes are interesting • Poundland, Poundstretcher and B&M have very similar shapes and strengths • Iceland skewed by specialist Frozen • Aldi and Lidl general competition (fresh and chilled) www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com 2

  3. The Overall Scores www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com Category Highest Scores Category Highest Score Retailer Fresh Foods 3.88 Lidl Chilled Foods 3.76 Lidl Frozen 4.19 Iceland Canned Veg 2.56 Lidl Cereals 2.83 Aldi Tea/Coffee 2.42 Aldi Bakery 4.09 Lidl Household/Toiletries 3.67 Poundland Crisps/Confectionery 3.11 Poundland Soft Drinks 2.64 Poundland Wines/Beers/Spirits 3.06 Lidl Newspapers/Magazines 1.41 Lidl Cards/Stationery 2.47 Poundland Store Layout 3.17 Poundland www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com Customer Service 2.64 Poundland 3

  4. Retailer Highest and Lowest Scores Retailer Highest Lowest Lidl Bakery (4.09) Cards/Stationery (0.94) Aldi Fresh Foods (3.67) Cards/Stationery (0.75) Poundland Household/toiletries (3.67) Wines/beers/spirits (0.69) Iceland Frozen (4.19) Newspapers/magazines (0.67) B&M Household/toiletries (2.75) Newspapers/magazines (0.58) Poundstretcher Household/toiletries (2.94) Newspapers/magazines (0.53) www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com Word Clouds www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com 4

  5. Themes by Selected Store • Lidl – Bakery, Scottish Range • Aldi – Products, Scottish, Price, Layout • Poundland - Range (negative) • Poundstretcher – Post Office www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com What Did We Learn? • Collective and Individual Learning/Sharing • The Good are Very Good, but standards low in others • Focus, Commitment, Stick to Core • Customers’ Perceptions • Be Aware but Not Necessarily Scared www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com 5

  6. Contact Points Web: www.stirlingretail.com Email: Leigh.sparks@stir.ac.uk Telephone: 01786 467384 Twitter: sparks_stirling www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com www.stirlingretail.com 6


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