Beyond Places of Safety A capital scheme to expand provision of high quality services for people who are vulnerable to, experiencing or recovering from a mental health crisis 1
Introductions • Project Lead – Ricks Llewellyn-Davies (DH) • Supported by Amy Brodie (project manager) and Haider Iqbal (DH) • Project team also includes • Viral Kantaria and Bobby Pratap (NHSE) • Gregg Mead (Home Office) • Other DH, NHSE, Clinical and Legal Staff are also advising the project. 2 The Department's Spend Controls
Timeline – Capital schemes for improvements to mental health crisis care 2014 Mental health Crisis Care Concordat published; bringing together NHS England, Home Office, Care Quality Commission the National Police Chiefs Council and Voluntary and Community Sector organisations, to ensure that people in mental health crisis situations get the care they need in the most appropriate setting. The 2015 Conservative Manifesto commits to …ensure proper provision of 2015 health and community-based places of safety for people suffering mental health crises – saving police time and stopping vulnerable people being detained in police custody May 2015 Government announces £15m capital funding for improving Health based places of safety and to reduce the inappropriate use of police cells for detentions made under s136. Places of Safety capital scheme launched – we have seen an 80% reduction 2016/17 in the use of police cells following a s136 detention since. PM announces a further £15m in capital funding for crisis care services …to 9 th Jan 2017 support a wider range of preventative services in the community, and to ensure that charities, churches and community organisations can access funding to run them too 3 Beyond Places of Safety Capital Scheme for supporting mental health crisis services
Beyond Places of Safety - Scope • Builds upon the success of the Places of Safety scheme, and will continue to use the Crisis Care Concordat network. • Dispenses capital funding, either as Public Dividend Capital to the NHS or in capital grants to the VCS • Will accept bids for enhancing places of safety based within the NHS (or allied organisations) but also… • Emphasises a greater role for preventative measures to avoid people with mental health problems from reaching crisis stage • Recognises the need for facilities to support those who are in recovery from a crisis. • Offers further opportunities for involvement by the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) and civil society organisations in delivering these services. 4 Beyond Places of Safety Capital Scheme for supporting mental health crisis services
Beyond Places of Safety - Objectives To enable providers of mental health services within the NHS, Local Authorities, VCS and civil society organisations (as agreed by local Crisis Care Concordat groups) to expand service for preventing mental health service users from experiencing a crisis, supporting those in crisis or helping those who have experienced a crisis to recover and avoid relapse through: • Expanding provision of existing good quality interventions known to help reduce the incidence of crisis amongst service users. • Rolling out new and innovative digital technology aimed at supporting users to avoid a crisis (e.g. by helping to improved self-management following a crisis). • Enhancing or expanding NHS based facilities for responding to people in crisis. This can include, but is not restricted to, Places of Safety for people who have been detained by police officers under sections 135 or 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983. • Enhancing or expanding non-NHS facilities and services to respond to people in mental health crisis that can help to prevent the need for admission, or compulsory admission to acute beds (e.g. crisis cafes and drop-ins, crisis beds, crisis lodgings with trained families). 5 Beyond Places of Safety Capital Scheme for supporting mental health crisis services
Examples of projects that can receive capital funding (not exhaustive) • Enhancing or expanding NHS based facilities for responding to people in crisis. This can include, but is not restricted to, Places of Safety for people who have been detained under sections 135 or 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983 (e.g. to increase capacity). • Enhancing or expanding non-NHS facilities that can help to prevent the need for admission, or compulsory admission to acute beds (e.g. crisis cafes, crisis houses or places of calm, support or sanctuary and drop-ins or even crisis lodgings with trained families). • Developing existing services to make them suitable for use for people aged 18 and under who are vulnerable to, experiencing or recovering from a mental health crisis. • Rolling out innovative digital technology aimed at supporting users to avoid a crisis or for improved self-management following a crisis. • Capital investment to support initiatives to create more coherent local crisis pathways and systems, enhancing joined up working between statutory and non- statutory service providers where these improvements are likely to deliver tangible benefits to service users vulnerable to, experiencing or recovering from a mental health crisis. • There is no new national revenue available as part of this fund 6 Beyond Places of Safety Capital Scheme for supporting mental health crisis services
Projects not eligible for funding under the scheme • Refurbishment of staff rest rooms/kitchens or other ancillary areas that are not directly utilised by service users. • Staff training and education or any other revenue funded activity. • Routine building or equipment maintenance or provision of basic equipment required to deliver the normal core business of organisations applying for a grant. Statutory compliance upgrades are also excluded as these should be included within planned maintenance schedules. • Safety compliance or enforcement issues, which should be part of the organisation’s budgeted costs for delivering mental health crisis care. • Improvements to services where work is already underway as part of an existing project to improve a facility. 7 Beyond Places of Safety Capital Scheme for supporting mental health crisis services
Who can apply? • Bids should indicate how proposals form a part of, or otherwise support, action plans owned by the local Crisis Care Concordat group to improve crisis care services. • Bids must involve local CCGs and be supported and sponsored by local STP groups. They must set out how the proposal fits into wider local plans to transform urgent and emergency mental health care. • Bids will also nominate a lead organisation within the area that will receive the funding and lead delivery of the project. Eligible organisations in England are: • NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts. • Local Authorities • Third sector/voluntary/civil society organisations • Applications must show clearly how bidding organisations plan for the project to deliver improvements on a sustainable basis. 8 Beyond Places of Safety Capital Scheme for supporting mental health crisis services
Evaluation approach There will be a two staged process for evaluating applications Essential Criteria • These will be marked on a “pass/fail” basis • Bidders will need to pass all of them for their application to be taken forward. Qualitative criteria • These will be marked on a scale of 0 – 4 • Bidders scoring zero (or leaving any of the criteria blank) will not be taken forward • Scores for the qualitative criterial will be used to rank the bids in terms of overall quality. Other important points • Only the lead organisation within a CCC can receive the grant funding (and they cannot pass this on to another partner. • We reserve the right to visit CCC partners who are allocated as recipients of funding, though we are not committing to visit all. 9 Beyond Places of Safety Capital Scheme for supporting mental health crisis services
Evaluation Criteria #1 Essential Criteria Has the bidding organisation CCC considered what legislative requirements will need to be complied with in order to provide the service? Does the application demonstrate a strong commitment to partnership working and joint planning? Will the project help to meet a shortfall in current or projected demand in MH crisis related services locally? Will the project reduce demands on the NHS and/or other public sector partners (e.g. police)? Do commitments exist to deliver by March 2020 and to an ongoing funding stream for a sustained service that will remain fully operational after the capital funded project completes? 10 Beyond Places of Safety Capital Scheme for supporting mental health crisis services
Evaluation Criteria #2 Qualitative criteria Will the project provide improved access and quality of care for adults and/or children and young people? Assessment of the overall quality of the proposal in terms of the evidence that the solution will provide real benefits. Quality of the planning and assessed likelihood of delivery by 31st March 2020 An assessment of the value for money likely to be achieved by the proposal Expected longevity of the project resulting from the capital investment Assessment of how innovative and original the project looks 11 Beyond Places of Safety Capital Scheme for supporting mental health crisis services
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