a bayesian test of the lineage specificity of word order

A Bayesian test of the lineage-specificity of word-order - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Bayesian test of the lineage-specificity of word-order correlations Gerhard Jger Tbingen University Workshop The origins and evolution of word order April 16, 2018 Gerhard Jger (Tbingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 1 / 23

  1. A Bayesian test of the lineage-specificity of word-order correlations Gerhard Jäger Tübingen University Workshop The origins and evolution of word order April 16, 2018 Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 1 / 23

  2. Introduction Introduction Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 2 / 23

  3. Introduction Word order correlations Greenberg, Keenan, Lehmann etc.: general tendency for languages to be either consistently head-initial or consistently head-final alternative account (Dryer, Hawkins): phrases are consistently left- or consistently right-branching can be formalized as collection of implicative universals, such as With overwhelmingly greater than chance frequency, languages with normal SOV order are postpositional. (Greenberg’s Universal 4) both generativist and functional/historical explanations in the literature Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 3 / 23

  4. Introduction Phylogenetic non-independence languages are phylogenetically structured if two closely related languages display the same pattern, these are not two independent data points ⇒ we need to control for phylogenetic dependencies (from Dunn et al., 2011) Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 4 / 23

  5. Introduction Phylogenetic non-independence Maslova (2000): “If the A-distribution for a given typology cannot be as- sumed to be stationary, a distributional universal cannot be discovered on the basis of purely synchronic statistical data.” “In this case, the only way to discover a distributional universal is to estimate transition probabilities and as it were to ‘predict’ the stationary distribution on the basis of the equations in (1).” Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 5 / 23

  6. The phylogenetic comparative method The phylogenetic comparative method Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 6 / 23

  7. The phylogenetic comparative method Modeling language change Markov process Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 7 / 23

  8. The phylogenetic comparative method Modeling language change Markov process Phylogeny Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 7 / 23

  9. The phylogenetic comparative method Modeling language change Markov process Phylogeny Branching process Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 7 / 23

  10. The phylogenetic comparative method Estimating rates of change if phylogeny and states of extant languages are known... Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 8 / 23

  11. The phylogenetic comparative method Estimating rates of change if phylogeny and states of extant languages are known... ... transition rates, stationary probabilities and ancestral states can be estimated based on Markov model Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 8 / 23

  12. The phylogenetic comparative method Correlation between features Pagel and Meade (2006) construct two types of Markov processes: independent: the two features evolve according to independend Markov processes dependent: rates of change in one feature depends on state of the other feature fit both models to the data apply statistical model comparison Independent model Dependent model VO PN VO/PN OV/PN VO/NP OV NP OV/NP Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 9 / 23

  13. Dunn et al. (2011) Dunn et al. (2011) Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 10 / 23

  14. Dunn et al. (2011) Dunn et al. (2011) all 28 pairs of 8 word-order features considered 4 language families: Austronesian, Bantu, Indo-European, and Uto-Aztecan main finding: wildly different results between families conclusion: word-order correlations are lineage-specific Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 11 / 23

  15. Universal and lineage-specific models Universal and lineage-specific models Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 12 / 23

  16. Universal and lineage-specific models This study Experiments replication of Dunn et al. (2011) with different data 1 model comparison: universal vs. lineage-specific correlations 2 word-order correlations across a comprehensive collection of language families 3 M 1 M 2 M 3 M 4 M data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4 data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4 trees 1 trees 2 trees 3 trees 4 trees 1 trees 2 trees 3 trees 4 Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 13 / 23

  17. Universal and lineage-specific models Data word-order data: WALS phylogeny: ASJP word lists (Wichmann et al., 2016) feature extraction (automatic cognate detection, inter alia ) ❀ character matrix Maximum-Likelihood phylogenetic inference with Glottolog (Hammarström et al., 2016) tree as backbone advantages over hand-coded Swadesh lists applicable across language familes covers more languages than those for which expert cognate judgments are available 1004 languages in total Austronesian: 123; Bantu: 41; Indo-European: 53; Uto-Aztecan: 13 34 families with at least five languages; comprising 768 languages in total Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 14 / 23

  18. Universal and lineage-specific models Phylogenetic tree sample Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 15 / 23

  19. Universal and lineage-specific models Replication of Dunn et al. Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 16 / 23

  20. Universal and lineage-specific models Comparing universal and lineage-specific models so far: fitting a separate model for each language family advantage: good fit of the lineage-specific data disadvantage: many parameters (8 per family for a dependent model) statistical model comparison: quantifying to what degree the data support the excess parameters of lineage-specific models models to be compared: universal: one set of rates (8 parameters), applying to all 4 families lineage specific: a separate set of rates for each family comparison via Bayes Factor (implementation with RevBayes; Höhna et al. 2016) Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 17 / 23

  21. Universal and lineage-specific models Results universal vs. lineage correlated vs. specific independent feature pair Bayes Factor feature pair Bayes Factor correlated Adp-N V-Obj 58.1 universal Adp-N N-Gen 115.7 Adp-N N-Gen 47.2 Adp-N V-Obj 104.8 N-Adj N-Rel 41.6 N-Dem N-Num 99.6 N-Gen V-Obj 36.9 N-Adj N-Num 93.3 Adp-N V-Subj 23.6 N-Gen V-Obj 68.0 N-Gen N-Rel 21.9 N-Adj N-Dem 64.9 N-Dem N-Num 20.6 N-Adj N-Rel 48.5 Adp-N N-Rel 18.7 N-Gen V-Subj 41.1 V-Obj N-Rel 18.1 V-Obj V-Subj 38.2 N-Dem N-Rel 17.4 V-Obj N-Rel 35.3 N-Rel V-Subj 14.5 N-Dem N-Rel 33.5 N-Gen V-Subj 13.7 Adp-N V-Subj 31.3 V-Obj V-Subj 12.1 N-Gen N-Rel 23.8 N-Adj N-Dem 5.4 N-Dem N-Gen 23.5 Adp-N N-Dem -5.3 Adp-N N-Rel 22.6 N-Dem N-Gen -5.7 N-Gen N-Num 16.5 N-Adj N-Num -5.8 N-Dem V-Obj 15.4 N-Adj V-Subj -12.3 Adp-N N-Dem 15.0 N-Dem V-Obj -12.8 N-Num V-Subj 14.4 N-Num N-Rel -15.7 Adp-N N-Num 13.5 lineage-speci fi c uncorrelated N-Adj Adp-N -17.0 N-Adj N-Gen 12.2 N-Dem V-Subj -18.6 N-Num V-Obj 7.6 N-Adj V-Obj -22.0 N-Rel V-Subj 6.8 N-Adj N-Gen -23.2 N-Num N-Rel 5.0 Adp-N N-Num -28.2 N-Adj Adp-N 0.3 N-Gen N-Num -34.1 N-Adj V-Subj -0.3 N-Num V-Subj -37.6 N-Adj V-Obj -1.0 N-Num V-Obj -45.4 N-Dem V-Subj -1.2 Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 18 / 23

  22. Universal and lineage-specific models Results one tightly connected cluster of mutually universally N-Gen correlated word order features comprises Dryer’s (1992) verb patterners + V-Subj V-Subj Adp-N additionally some correlations regarding NP syntax V-Obj N-Rel N-Adj N-Dem N-Num Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 19 / 23

  23. Universal and lineage-specific models Results universal (AdvP-N/V-Obj) lineage-specific (N-Gen/N-Num) Austronesian PN NG VO 4.91 NNum 0.51 9.15 1.18 1.6 4.06 NG GN Num N 1.24 NNum 11.35 3.98 0.22 0.92 9.1 GN Num N PN NP Bantu OV VO 8.87 NG 1.07 NNum 0.38 4.85 0.37 13.22 4.8 2.74 NG GN Num N 3.92 NNum 4.08 3.86 4.2 NP GN Num N OV Indo-European NG 4.86 NNum 4.09 3.87 0.56 NG GN Num N 4.5 NNum 2.5 3.23 0.7 GN Num N Uto-Aztecan NG 4.41 NNum 3.46 4.61 2.63 NG GN Num N 5.8 NNum 2.02 3.76 2.14 GN Num N Gerhard Jäger (Tübingen) Word-order Universals Evolang 2018 20 / 23


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