87th air base wing

87th Air Base Wing Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst Restoration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

87th Air Base Wing Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst Restoration Advisory Board 16 March 2017 87th Air Base Wing Review of Action Items Mr. Curtis Frye, P.E. Chief, JBMDL Environmental Restoration Program AFCEC/CZOE Action Items JBMDL

  1. North Run Culvert (LF-03) Photo taken on 04/2015 32

  2. OU-1 – Site Layout (LF-04) 33

  3. Landfill Cover Condition LF-04 Photo taken on 04/2015 34

  4. North Run LF-04 Photos taken on 04/2015 35

  5. OU-1 Feasibility Study (FS) Summary and Alternative Development 36

  6. Proposed Remedial Alternatives OU-1 Alternative 1 Summary Alternative 1:  Required No Action  Establishes a baseline to compare the other alternatives Alternative 2:  Ensure a minimum 1 ft to 2 ft of existing soil cover over the Optimized Soil Cover buried waste  Conduct a landfill cover verification investigation  LF-03: Stabilize slope along North Run embankment Alternative 3:  Install a 2-ft soil cover over the waste, regardless of existing 2 Foot (ft) Soil Cover soil cover  Prevents direct contact of buried waste, does not prevent infiltration of stormwater through waste  Clear cut forests at both sites to prepare for cap installation  LF-03: Stabilize slope along North Run embankment Alternative 4:  Install a 2-ft thick RCRA Subtitle D Cover RCRA Subtitle D Landfill  Typical landfill cover with impermeable layers Cover  Prevents infiltration of stormwater  LF-03: Stabilize slope along North Run embankment 1 Only the substantively different aspects of the proposed alternatives are discussed 37

  7. Alternative 2 - Optimized Soil Cover: LF-03/ST-07 38

  8. Subgrade Plan for Alternatives 3 and 4: LF-03/ST-07 39

  9. Grading Plan for Alternatives 3 and 4: LF-03/ST-07 40

  10. Alternative 2 - Optimized Soil Cover: LF-04 Key Assumption: only a portion of the buried waste will need additional cover 41

  11. Subgrade Plan for Alternatives 3 and 4: LF-04 42

  12. Final Grading Plan for Alternatives 3 and 4 LF-04 43

  13. OU-1 Path Forward Date Activity March 2017 Draft FFS submitted for regulatory review June 2017 Finalize FFS Oct 2017 Finalize Proposed Plan April 2018 Finalize Record of Decision 44

  14. Operable Unit 3 (OU-3) Discussion 45

  15. Location and Nomenclature Operable Unit 3 (OU-3) Operable Unit 3, Landfill Sites  LF-02 – Landfill No. 4  LF-19 – Landfill No. 5  LF-20 – Landfill No. 6  WP-21 – Former Waste Water Treatment Plant Disposal Area 46

  16. Operable Unit 3 (OU-3) Site History  Operational Dates  LF-02 (Landfill No. 4): 1958 and the early 1970s  LF-19 (Landfill No. 5): 1970 to 1973  LF-20 (Landfill No. 6): 1973 to 1976  WP-21(Former Waste Water Treatment Plant Disposal Area): 1970’s to 1980’s; decommissioned in 1994 47

  17. Operable Unit 3 (OU-3) Recent Investigations  Additional 11 monitoring wells installed during 2012  Additional groundwater sampling – two rounds during 2016  Annual landfill inspections conducted for 2015 and 2016 48

  18. Operable Unit (OU-3) – Site Layout LF-20 LF-19 WP-21 LF-02 49

  19. Current Landfill Cover Conditions LF-19: Photo taken 11/2016; facing southeast LF-02: Photo taken 11/2016; facing southeast 50

  20. Proposed Remedial Alternatives OU-3 Alternative 1,2 Summary Alternative 1:  Required No Action  Establishes a baseline to compare the other alternatives Alternatives 2, 3, 4:  Similar to the soil cover proposed at OU-1 2-ft Soil Cover Install a 2-ft soil cover over the waste, regardless of existing  soil cover  Soil removal for Alternative 3 Alternative 5, 6, 7:  Similar to the cap proposed at OU-1 RCRA Subtitle D Landfill  Install a 2-ft thick RCRA Subtitle D Cover Cover  Typical “landfill” cover  Prevents infiltration of stormwater  Soil removal for Alternative 6 1 Only the substantively different aspects of the proposed alternatives are discussed 2 Individual alternatives are proposed for the three landfill sites but use consistent technologies 51

  21. OU-3 Soil Removal for Alternatives 3 & 6 WP-21 WP-21 LF-02 52

  22. OU-3 Surface Water Sample Locations LF-20 SW-A LF-19 SW-B WP-21 LF-02 SW-C 53

  23. OU-3 Path Forward Date Activity Oct 31, 2016 Revised Draft Final FS submitted for regulatory review March 2017 Finalize FS July 2017 Finalize Proposed Plan Sept 2017 Finalize Record of Decision 54

  24. OU-1 Use of a Presumptive Remedy Question: What is a presumptive remedy Answer: Preferred technologies for common categories of sites (e.g., landfills)  Presumptive remedies streamline the remedy selection process (i.e., removal not considered as an option)  Evaluates technologies that are best suited for the site  Ensures consistent selection of remedial actions  Landfill sites must exhibit “appropriate” characteristics for applicability of a presumptive remedy (e.g., type of waste, volume, low risks/hazards) 55

  25. 87th Air Base Wing Update on Lakehurst Sites Mr. Tom Crone, Deputy Project Manager ARCADIS

  26. Agenda Lakehurst Sites  Site location and history  Recent findings and activities  Planned future activities 57

  27. Lakehurst Study Areas 58

  28. Area A/B (AT014, LF029, LF042, TT013) and Area C (AT016 and TT017) Discussion 59

  29. Areas A/B and C Area A/B Area C 60

  30. Areas A/B and C Site History  Area A/B  Variety of industrial and training facilities including a fuel farm and landfills  Pump and treat system and air sparge/soil vapor extraction systems operated from 1995 to 2014 to treat groundwater and soil  Plume stability study completed 2014-2016. Volatile organic compounds are present in groundwater  Routine groundwater monitoring is ongoing  Area C  Variety of industrial and training facilities including a fuel farm and a fire training area  Pump and treat system and air sparge/soil vapor extraction systems operated from 1995 to 2014 to treat groundwater and soil  Plume stability study completed 2014-2016. Volatile organic compounds are present in groundwater  Routine groundwater monitoring is ongoing 61

  31. Areas A/B Recent Findings and Activities  2016 Five Year Review found remedy to be protective and recommended completing the MNA/PSS, and updating the contaminant of concern lists for groundwater and TT013 soil  Area A/B • TT013 and LF042:  Plume stability study found additional AS/SVE is needed to achieve RGs by 2021  Pre-design sampling in 2016 provided input for design and confirmed TT013 soils are above RGs  Design to expand AS/SVE treatment is being reviewed by EPA  Semi-annual sampling of 17 wells completed in April and October 2016  Five wells had contaminants above RGs in October 62

  32. Areas A/B Recent Findings and Activities  Area A/B (continued) • LF029 and AT014:  Plume stability study found MNA will achieve RGs by 2021  Semi-annual sampling of 9 wells completed in October  One well had a contaminant above RGs in October 63

  33. Areas A/B October 2016 Results 64

  34. TT013 System Expansion Current System Footprint 65

  35. Area C Recent Findings and Activities  Area C • AT016 and TT017:  Plume stability study found Additional AS/SVE is needed to achieve RGs by 2021  Pre-design sampling in 2016 provided input for design and confirmed AT016 and TT017 soils are below RGs  Design to expand AS/SVE treatment is being reviewed by EPA  Semi-annual sampling of 26 wells completed in April and October 2016  Eight wells had contaminants above RGs in October 66

  36. Area C October 2016 Results 67

  37. Areas A/B and C Planned Future Activities  Area A/B and C • Continue routine groundwater sampling at all sites • Expand treatment systems at TT013, LF042, AT016 and TT017  Drilling should start in May/June 2016  Systems operational by August 2017 • Submit ESD to update contaminant of concern list and remedial goals • Submit ESD to document no further action for soils at AT016 and TT017 Arcadis’ contract requires achievement of remedial goals by 2021 68

  38. Area D (LF031) Discussion 69

  39. Area D Area D 70

  40. Area D Site History  Site reported received sanitary waste (trash) in 1960 or 1961  Landfill closed and capped in 1980  Record of Decision (ROD) in 1993 for no action with groundwater monitoring  Chlorinated volatile organic compounds are present in groundwater  Routine groundwater monitoring is ongoing  2016 Five Year Review found remedy to be protective and recommended updating the contaminant of concern list 71

  41. Area D Recent Findings and Activities  Annual sampling of 6 wells in November 2016  Decreasing or stable trends in groundwater concentrations  Two wells had contaminant concentrations above remedial goals • 1,4-dichlorobenzene detected at 6 ug/L vs RG of 2 ug/L • Chlorobenzene detected at 8.2 ug/L vs RG of 5 ug/L 72

  42. Area D 2016 Results Contaminants exceeding RGs in 1993 73

  43. Area D Planned Future Activities Continue annual sampling of six wells Schedule  May 2017: EPA/DEP complete review of 2016 Report  November 2017: Collect annual samples  January 2018: Submit 2017 Report Arcadis’ contract includes monitoring through 2024, but groundwater remedial goals may be achieved earlier than expected 74

  44. Area H (DP032) Discussion 75

  45. Area H Area H 76

  46. Area H Site History  Grass covered and forested areas bordered by wetlands. Site includes launching ends of five test tracks and several maintenance buildings  A ROD for DP032 signed in 1996 for operating a pump and treat system  Sources of contamination included former drainage systems and spills where fuel was drained from jet engines.  Lead, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene were identified in the ROD  Chlorinated volatile organic compounds and petroleum hydrocarbons are present in groundwater  Routine groundwater monitoring and system operation is ongoing  2016 Five Year Review found remedy to be protective and recommended optimizing the system and updating the contaminant of concern list 77

  47. Area H Recent Findings and Activities  Semi-annual sampling of 10 wells in April 2016 and 20 wells in October 2016  Decreasing or stable trends in groundwater concentrations  Two wells had contaminant concentrations above remedial goals in April and seven wells had contaminant concentrations above remedial goals in April • Ethylbenzene detected at 35 to 190 ug/L vs RG of 5 ug/L • Xylenes detected at 7.1 to 240 ug/L vs RG of 2 ug/L • Naphthalene detected at 4.1 to 210 ug/L vs RG of 2 ug/L  System treated 13.6M gallons of water in 2016 78

  48. Area H November 2016 Results Contaminants exceeding RGs in 1990 79

  49. Area H Planned Future Activities Continue semi-annual sampling of 10 and 20 wells Continue operation of pump and treat system Schedule  May 2017: EPA/DEP complete review of 2016 Report  November 2017: Collect annual samples  January 2018: Submit 2017 Report Arcadis’ contract includes operation and monitoring through 2024 80

  50. Area I/J (OW006) Discussion 81

  51. Area I/J Area I/J 82

  52. Area I/J Site History  Developed land used for testing of aircraft launching and recovery activities since 1958  Record of Decision in 1999  Chlorinated volatile organic compounds are present in groundwater  Routine sampling for monitored natural attenuation is ongoing  2016 Five Year Review found remedy to be protective and recommended updating the contaminant of concern list 83

  53. Area I/J Recent Findings and Activities  Annual sampling of 28 wells in November 2016  Decreasing or stable trends in groundwater concentrations  Nine wells had contaminant concentrations above remedial goals • PCE detected between 2.7 and 7.1 ug/L vs RG of 1 ug/L • TCE detected between 1.3 and 37 ug/L vs RG of 1 ug/L • Cis-1,2-DCE detected between 3.0 and 41 ug/L vs RG of 1 ug/L 84

  54. Area I/J 2016 Results Contaminants exceeding RGs in 1992 85

  55. Area I/J Cis-1,2-DCE trends at well NI 86

  56. Area I/J Trends at well NI 87

  57. Area I/J Planned Activities and Schedule Continue annual sampling of 28 wells Schedule  May 2017: EPA/DEP complete review of 2016 Report  November 2017: Collect annual samples  January 2018: Submit 2017 Report 88

  58. Area K (SA004) Discussion 89

  59. Area K Area K 90

  60. Area K Site History  Grass covered, densely forested areas bordered by wetlands. Site includes receiving ends of five test tracks and several maintenance shops  Record of Decision in 1997 for limited pumping of groundwater with sprinkler irrigation and monitor contaminants through sampling and analysis  Chlorinated volatile organic compounds and petroleum hydrocarbons are present in groundwater  Routine groundwater monitoring is ongoing  2016 Five Year Review found remedy to be protective and recommended updating the contaminant of concern list 91

  61. Area K Recent Findings and Activities  Annual sampling of 9 wells in November 2016  Decreasing or stable trends in groundwater concentrations  Two wells had contaminant concentrations above remedial goals • TCE detected at 1.7 ug/L vs RG of 1 ug/L • Cis-1,2-DCE detected at 2.6 ug/L vs RG of 1 ug/L 92

  62. Area K 2016 Results Contaminants exceeding RGs in 1997 93

  63. Area K Planned Future Activities Continue annual sampling of nine wells Schedule  May 2017: EPA/DEP complete review of 2016 Report  November 2017: Collect annual samples  January 2018: Submit 2017 Report Arcadis’ contract includes monitoring through 2024, but groundwater remedial goals may be achieved earlier than expected 94

  64. 87th Air Base Wing JB MDL PBR CONTRACT UPDATE Mr. Tom Crone, Deputy Project Manager ARCADIS

  65. McGuire Summary NPL Site Status OU# Description Final FS Final PP Final ROD OU1 3 Landfill Sites Under AF review Winter 2017 Spring 2018 OU2 10 Industrial Sites Fall 2017 Spring 2018 Summer 2018 EPA/NJDEP comments Under AF review OU3 4 Landfill Sites addressed — under final Fall 2017 Planned for Summer 2017 review 1 Jet Fuel Storage OU4 Fall 2017 Spring 2018 Summer 2018 site OU5 3 Misc. Sites Winter 2017 Spring 2018 Fall 2018 Fuel Spills under OU6 Fall 2017 Spring 2018 Fall 2018 Apron OU7 4 Industrial Sites Winter 2017 Summer 2018 Winter 2019 5 Sites on the OU8 Winter 2017 Summer 2018 Winter 2019 Airfield “WIN AS ONE” 96

  66. McGuire Summary NPL Site Progress since the December RAB • Data from significant 2016 field events integrated into FS technical memo’s • OU6, OU7, and OU8 Final RI reports submitted for Air Force review • OU1 and OU3 FS under Air Force (OU1) or regulatory (OU3) review • OU2 and OU4 FS under development (OU4 to be submitted to the Air Force this month) • OU3 Proposed Plan under Air Force review “WIN AS ONE” 97

  67. McGuire Summary  NPL Sites (Continued)  Pilot scale tests of potential remedies under evaluation at OU7 and OU8  In-Situ Microcosms (bench scale testing) evaluation will be complete in April  Field scale pilot testing for in-situ bioremediation planned for summer 2017 “WIN AS ONE” 98

  68. McGuire State Led Petroleum Storage Sites General All sites are in remedial action and moving toward close out in the future Remedies include:  Monitored Natural Attenuation Four sites in second year of remedy (CF011; SS015; TU020; TU025)   AS/SVE One site (TU013)—operating and removing petroleum contamination   ISCO One site (TU018)—initial injections complete   Biosparging One site (TU023) – construction complete   Source excavation/MNA TU003 currently being excavated and will be in MNA only by May 2017  SS502 planned for sediment/soil removal action in late 2017  Site Closeout  One site closed (DP501-Bld. 1907)  2016 Annual report recommends site close-out at TU022 and TU033  Close out by administrative transfer to NPL sites in 2017 at SS015 and TU029 99

  69. McGuire State Led Petroleum Storage Sites: TU013 (UST E112) • TU013 (UST E112) – Cumulative Mass Air Sparge/Soil Vapor Extraction at TU013 has been running since Removed (lbs) summer 2016 • Petroleum mass recovered to date is 275 pounds • Operation planned to continue for 1 to 2 years 100


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