7th street connection project

7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus Transportation About the Project 14th St Mandela Parkway 7th Street from Mandela Parkway to Market Street is set

  1. 7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus Transportation About the Project 14th St Mandela Parkway 7th Street from Mandela Parkway to Market Street is set Peralta St N to be repaved in 2022/23. As part of this paving project, 0 the City of Oakland Department of Transportation 8 9 t - (OakDOT) will remove one lane of vehicle travel and I S t S n e install buffered bike lanes as called for by the West o n i t n i S l t Oakland Specifjc Plan and the 2019 Bike Plan Update. e U S t 7th St t S d r t A e h e t b S The 7th Street Connection Project is an effort by the City k s l u r i o F a r r B to target State or Local Grant funding to go above and M t y s a a W beyond what is planned as part of repaving. OakDOT is C 7th St r J conducting outreach to the West Oakland community K L to gather input on potential improvements to the full 0 8 8 M - I 7th Street Corridor from Mandela Pkwy to MLK Jr. Way, Parks To including sidewalk widening, new trees and lighting, Development Sites To 3 r Down- and safety improvements for people walking and biking. Schools d S t JLS/Howard Existing Bike Lanes These improvements would only be possible through a town 7th Street Connection Terminal State or Local transportation grant application. Project Goals • Create a welcoming and accessible pedestrian environment with wider sidewalks • Reduce pedestrian crossing distances and improve safety at major intersections for people walking and biking • Improve street lighting and visibility at nighttime • Create a separated lane for people biking that is comfortable for all ages and abilities • Provide urban greening and carbon-capturing street trees • Improve the reliability of transit and the effjcient fmow of goods to and from the Port of Oakland Contact : Charlie Ream - CReam@oaklandca.gov • Website : www.oaklandca.gov/projects/7th-street-connection

  2. 7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus Transportation SITE PHOTOS Crosswalk improvements with temporary materials High-speed traffjc, empty lanes Rail tracks and uneven pavement Wide, over- capacity streets Narrow, overgrown sidewalks Contact : Charlie Ream - CReam@oaklandca.gov • Website : www.oaklandca.gov/projects/7th-street-connection

  3. 7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus Transportation WEST OAKLAND PLANS AND POLICIES The 7th Street Connection Project West Oakland Specifjc seeks to implement Plan (2014) calls for the projects and Class II BIke Lanes on policies put forward 7th Street from Wood over decades of to MLK Jr Way Planning work in West Oakland West Oakland Howard Terminal Community Action Outreach (2019) Plan (2019) calls for the identifjed a need for City to implement the upgraded bicycle and bicycle and pedestrian transit facilities on 7th improvements identifjed in the West Oakland Specifjc Plan, the 2019 Oakland Bike Plan, and Oakland Bike Plan (2019) the 2017 Oakland Walks calls for protected bike lanes Pedestrian Plan on 7th Street from Mandela through to Downtown Contact : Charlie Ream - CReam@oaklandca.gov • Website : www.oaklandca.gov/projects/7th-street-connection

  4. 7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus Transportation EXISTING CONDITIONS* CITY PAVING PROJECT (2022-2023)* POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS WITH TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUNDS* • Shorter crossing distances at major intersections • More sidewalk and median trees • Protected bike lanes • Bus- and truck-only lanes • Wider sidewalks, buffered from vehicle traffjc • Reduction from 3 to 2 lanes of motor vehicle traffjc • New sidewalk lighting • Parallel parking retained at midblock *All street sections are representative of 7th Street between Adeline Street and Market Street Contact : Charlie Ream - CReam@oaklandca.gov • Website : www.oaklandca.gov/projects/7th-street-connection

  5. 7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus Transportation McDonalds Mandela Parkway t S a t 0 l 8 a 9 7TH AND MARKET STREET - Few amenities r e Union St - Adeline St I P Filbert St Market St Market St N for transit riders t 7th St S EXISTING CONDITIONS h Unprotected bike t S No safe place s u o r r B t s y a a C W 7 t lanes on Market St h S to ride a bike t r J K L 8 0 8 I - M To Development Sites To 3rd St Down JLS/Howard 6 to 7 wide, fast lanes for Existing Bike Lanes town 7th Street Connection Terminal vehicle traffjc No sidewalk lighting Wide, imposing Scattered and intersection for unhealthy street Standard “ladder” pedestrians Shell Gas trees crosswalks Gill’s Electric t S t e k r a M Contact : Charlie Ream - CReam@oaklandca.gov • Website : www.oaklandca.gov/projects/7th-street-connection

  6. 7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus Transportation Mandela Parkway t S a t 0 l 8 a 9 7TH AND MARKET STREET - r e Union St - Adeline St I P Filbert St Market St Market St N t 7th St S POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS WITH h t S s u Bus stop o r r B t s y TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUNDS a a C W 7 t Protected bike lanes h S t r improvements J K L 8 0 8 I - M To Development Sites To 3rd St Down JLS/Howard Existing Bike Lanes town Bus- and Truck-Only Lanes 7th Street Connection Terminal TRUCK BUS ONLY TRUCK BUS ONLY New sidewalk lighting Market St New Trees Signal Improvements Upgraded, shorter pedestrian crossings Gill’s Electric Contact : Charlie Ream - CReam@oaklandca.gov • Website : www.oaklandca.gov/projects/7th-street-connection

  7. 7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus Transportation Mandela Parkway t S a t 0 l 8 a 9 7TH AND FILBERT STREET - r e Union St - Adeline St I P Filbert St Filbert St Market St N t 7th St S EXISTING CONDITIONS h t S Recent crossing s u o No traffjc signals r r B t s y a a C W 7 t h S improvements t r J at some cross K L 8 0 8 I - M done with paint and streets To Development Sites To 3rd St Down 6 lanes for vehicle traffjc plastic posts JLS/Howard Existing Bike Lanes town 7th Street Connection Terminal (7 with turn lanes at STOP intersections) 7th St STOP STOP No sidewalk lighting STOP Zoo Labs ABP As-Salam Salam Halal Market Repair Wide open lanes Mosque Greenpeace Action Center No pedestrian crossing encourage speeding Linden St at bus stops Contact : Charlie Ream - CReam@oaklandca.gov • Website : www.oaklandca.gov/projects/7th-street-connection

  8. 7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus Transportation Mandela Parkway t S a t 0 l 8 a 9 7TH AND FILBERT STREET - r e Union St - Adeline St I P Filbert St Filbert St Market St N t 7th St S POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS WITH h t S s u o r r Pedestrian refuge B t s y New bus TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUNDS a a C W 7 t h S t r J K islands to shorten L boarding islands 8 0 8 I - M To crossing distances Development Sites To 3rd St Down JLS/Howard Existing Bike Lanes town Bus- and Truck-Only Lanes 7th Street Connection Terminal Protected bike lanes 7th St STOP STOP Zoo Labs ABP As-Salam Salam Halal Market Repair Mosque Greenpeace New traffjc signal New sidewalk lighting New Trees Action Center or fmashing beacons Linden St Upgraded pedestrian crossings Contact : Charlie Ream - CReam@oaklandca.gov • Website : www.oaklandca.gov/projects/7th-street-connection

  9. 7th Street Connection Project Department of Reconnecting West Oakland and Downtown for people walking, biking, and taking the bus Transportation SCHEDULE/NEXT STEPS • Summer 2020 - Outreach to West Oakland community • Fall 2020 - Potential ATP Grant Application • 2021 - Community Design Process (Art, placemaking, culture-keeping) • Summer 2021 - ATP Awards announced • 2021 and onward - Continue outreach, design, and funding/grant process • Possible Construction ~5 years from today Contact : Charlie Ream - CReam@oaklandca.gov • Website : www.oaklandca.gov/projects/7th-street-connection

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