
60% 78% H&N 705,781 18M 60% Prostate 1,276,106 61% Rectum - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RECEIVING RTx NUMBER OF PATIENTS 83% Breast cancer 2,088,849 76% Lung cancer 2,093,876 60% 78% H&N 705,781 18M 60% Prostate 1,276,106 61% Rectum 704,376 new patients per year 57% Pancreas 458,918 92% CNS 296,851 Inadequate

  1. RECEIVING RTx NUMBER OF PATIENTS 83% Breast cancer 2,088,849 76% Lung cancer 2,093,876 60% 78% H&N 705,781 18M 60% Prostate 1,276,106 61% Rectum 704,376 new patients per year 57% Pancreas 458,918 92% CNS 296,851

  2. Inadequate local control (Local invasion or systemic expansion) 60% Inadequate systemic control (metastatic patients) 18M new patients Unfavorable safety profile per year (dose de-escalation/re-irradiation)

  3. Dose Dose Usual dose delivered in the cell Usual dose delivered in the cell Clusters of Nanoparticles XRay XRay Local absorption of energy 2 µm *Note: Dose enhancement determined by monte carlo simulation (CEA Saclay, France)

  4. NBTXR3’s PHYSICAL, UNIVERSAL MOA triggers cellular destruction along with adaptative immune response

  5. ➔ ➔ ➔

  6. • ▪ ▪ R • 1:1 • • ▪ • ▪ § • ▪ 1.Wardelmann E et al, Eur J Cancer , 2016

  7. p-value 0.0448* X2 α

  8. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

  9. Stage III and IV NBTXR3 PI/II patients should have equal or poorer prognosis

  10. Median Follow-up 231 days

  11. OS TOX QoL

  12. Hard to treat patient population:

  13. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ – ▪ – – ▪ – ▪ – –

  14. Average median survival in HCC patients treated by RTx*

  15. Hot Cold Hot CD8 Cold

  16. Non-responder Responder

  17. Transform the non-responders into responders Non-responder with NBTXR3 and RTx Responder


  19. RTx + NBTXR3 Tumor Tissue Post Treatment Biopsy Baseline Pre Treatment RTx Alone Tumor Tissue Post Treatment Phase III Soft Tissue Sarcoma Biopsy Baseline Pre Treatment biomarker data PD-1 log2 ≥1 log2 ≥1 6/26 (23%) 11/23 (48%) log2 ≥1 log2 ≥1 9/26 (35%) 9/22 (41%) log2 ≤1 log2 ≤1 8/26 (31%) 4/23 (17%) log2 ≤1 log2 ≤1 11/26 (42%) 5/22 (23%)

  20. H1 H2

  21. 2018 2017 Total revenue and other income 3,479 3,722 Sales 116 252 Services 109 229 Other sales 7 23 22,360,039 44,87% 46,87% Licences shares - - Other revenues 3,363 3,470 Research Tax Credit 3,259 3,251 Subsidies 154 90 Other 57 22 Research & Development (R&D) costs 4,55% 3,72% (20,893) (17,733) (incl. Share-based payments) Selling, General and Administrative (SG&A) costs (incl. (11,255) (12,653) Share-based payments) Operating loss (30,067) (25,267) Financial loss (277) (876) Income tax - - Net loss for the period (30,345) (26,143) Consolidated cash available as of 30 Jun 2019: € 54.9M + €30.5m from ABB (April 2019) & exercising of founders’ warrants

  22. contact@nanobiotix.com investors@nanobiotix.com


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