6 27 2014

6/27/2014 NWC Advisory Committee Community Meeting Denver Public - PDF document

6/27/2014 NWC Advisory Committee Community Meeting Denver Public Schools June 2014 Regional Current State - 2 - 1 6/27/2014 Recent Regional Enrollment Trends Overall, DPS is experiencing small levels of elementary enrollment growth in the

  1. 6/27/2014 NWC Advisory Committee Community Meeting Denver Public Schools June 2014 Regional Current State - 2 - 1

  2. 6/27/2014 Recent Regional Enrollment Trends Overall, DPS is experiencing small levels of elementary enrollment growth in the Swansea and Garden Place boundaries. Both of those facilities will be able to support students under these rates in the future. Harrington is experiencing declines in the number of elementary-age DPS students in their boundary due to alternative program options nearby that many families are choosing. Swansea Boundary Kids Garden 2011 774 Boundary Kids Place 2012 803 2011 412 2013 844 2012 418 3% Average Growth 2013 454 75 seats open for boundary 3% Average Growth 173 seats open for Harrington Boundary Kids boundary 2011 744 2012 768 2013 714 Gilpin Boundary Kids 2% Average Decline 2011 451 360 seats open for boundary 2012 448 Cole Boundary Kids 2011 753 2013 469 2012 777 1% Average Growth 180 seats open for 2013 752 boundary <1% Average Growth 259 seats open for boundary - 3 - Near Northeast Elementary School Performance New Schools Approved to Open in 2015-16 Banneker Jemison STEM Academy Elementary School Location: Curtis Park - 4 - 2

  3. 6/27/2014 Near Northeast Secondary School Performance New Schools Approved to Open in 2015-16 Near Northeast Community Engagement Middle School Location TBD - 5 - Methodology for Forecasting Demand from Residential Development - 6 - 3

  4. 6/27/2014 Summary Process of Forecasting Development Impact on Nearby Schools 1 2 3 4 Developer Current State Impact Analysis Capacity Conversations Assessment Solutions New Housing School B 91% Capacity School A 95% Capacity DPS sits down with DPS forecasts the DPS assesses the If additional capacity is developers to learn of impact of development forecasted impact needed, DPS investigates the residential project on additional student- against the ability for locations and facility size and the types of age population nearby schools to types to serve additional units support more students students THIS PRESENTATION - 7 - Summary Methodology and Variables There are four key data points used to forecast student enrollment from new residential development 1 2 3 4 DPS Student Yield Data Point Number of Homes Home Type Age of Student per Home Type Single Family Elementary Detached Middle Townhouse High Apartments Developers Developers Comparable Comparable Data Source City of Denver Permits City of Denver Permits Nearby Nearby Developments Developments - 8 - 4

  5. 6/27/2014 Suite of Capacity Solutions based on Demand Needs Overview � During the 2012 bond planning process, DPS outlined the suite of capacity solutions to address situations of excess demand � These options weigh the cost of different projects versus the level of excess demand, which are based on 5 and 10-year projections for neighborhoods - 9 - Solution Options to Address Capacity Issues Seats Capacity Type Description Total Cost Added Shared Utilizing excess capacity at existing schools to Varies by Less than Campus locate a new program offering location $1M 1-2 classroom exterior access temporary buildings $0.2M - Modular 50 without plumbing. Can create academic disruptions $0.3M 4-8 classroom interior access with plumbing. $1.3M - Cottage Significantly lower cost than building addition, and 100 – 150 $2.6M more comfortable space than a modular Addition Additional wing built on to an existing building. Building $2.0M - Existing Much longer expected life than a cottage or 100 – 250 Addition $7.0M Building modular. Not always an option based on location For efficiencies, minimum size should be 450. New Prices depend on variety of factors including site Elementary 450 – 650 $15M - $25M development, sizing of common spaces (to allow School student age flexibility) - 10 - 5

  6. 6/27/2014 Further Questions? Brian Eschbacher Director, Planning & Analysis Brian_Eschbacher@dpsk12.org Jim Looney Senior Analyst, Planning & Analysis James_Looney@dpsk12.org - 11 - 6


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