
5 IN MY FREE TIME Objectives 2 If you have access to the Internet, - PDF document

5 IN MY FREE TIME Objectives 2 If you have access to the Internet, a good lead-in to this activity is to show students a Glee video. Do an FUNCTIONS talking about habits and activities; talking about online search for Glee video and

  1. 5 IN MY FREE TIME Objectives 2 If you have access to the Internet, a good lead-in to this activity is to show students a Glee video. Do an FUNCTIONS talking about habits and activities; talking about online search for ‘ Glee video’ and choose one that is technology habits; encouraging someone suitable for your students. After watching, ask: Would GRAMMAR present simple; adverbs of frequency; present you like to sing in a Glee club? simple (negative and questions) Tell students they are going to read a school VOCABULARY free-time activities; gadgets newsletter. Emphasise that they should read it quickly and not worry about understanding every Student’s Book page 48–49 word. Students read the article and circle the activities mentioned. Give them a time limit of READING two minutes to encourage them to concentrate on completing the exercise. Students compare answers BACKGROUND INFORMATION with a partner before a whole-class check. Glee was an American TV programme that aired between 2009 Answer and 2015. It focused on the ups and downs of a high school choir. Each show included (ofu en quite dramatic) choir performances sing of popular songs and the programme became very successful around the world. Glee albums became major sellers and there 1.53 Read through the instructions and sentences 3 were also live concert tours. The most popular Glee song was a in open class. Before reading, ask students to cover of Journey’s ‘Don’t Stop Believin’. underline the key words in the sentences. Students read and listen to the newsletter to find out if the 1 Books closed. As a warm-up, write these words on statements are true or false. As they read, students the board: sport , music , TV programme , song . should underline the parts of the newsletter that Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give helped them choose their answer. Students compare students a five-minute time limit and tell them to answers with a partner before whole-class feedback. think of as many examples of each of the four things During feedback, ask students to correct the false as possible. Tell them that they need to think of statements and refer to the parts of the text that different sports, different types of music and names helped them find the answer. of TV programmes and songs in English. As feedback, have a class brainstorm and make a list for each item. Answers Books open. If there is an IWB (interactive 1 F – They sometimes sing old songs from the 1960s and whiteboard) available in the classroom, this activity 1970s. would best be done as a heads-up activity with the 2 F – The Glee club gives three concerts a year. 3 T whole class. Display the photos on the IWB. Read 4 F – The Glee club is for all ages. through activities 1–4 and ask students to underline 5 T the verb phrases. Check answers and comprehension. Say: Listen to music. , and nominate a student to call out the correct letter on the board. The rest Optional extension of the class agree or disagree with the answers. This text could be used for students to practice referencing Alternatively, students do the matching activity (the use of pronouns to refer to nouns in the text). If you have in pairs before checking answers with the whole access to an IWB, show the text on the board and circle the following words: class. Again, ask the rest of the class to agree or disagree with the answers. Say each of the names 1 it in line 1 of the activities for students to repeat and check 2 She in line 4 pronunciation. 3 us in line 5 4 we in line 10 Answers 5 It in line 15 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A In pairs, students work with a partner to decide which words the pronouns refer to. Ask volunteers to come to the board and draw an arrow joining the pronouns to the word they refer to. If you do not have access to an IWB, point to the words in the book. Check answers in open class. 51

  2. three more things that they like doing on their own • three more things they like doing with friends • three things they do on their own but would prefer to • 2 As the focus of this exercise is on spelling rules for the present simple third person, ask students to focus Better together or better alone? initially on spelling and not to worry about meaning. 1 Read through the instructions in open class. Check/ Students work in pairs to complete the exercise, using clarify: better , together , alone , on your own (you could the rule as a guide. It is good practice for students to look at the photos on page 27 as an example of on write the full form in their notebooks preceded by he/ your own and the photos on page 30 as an example she/it (e.g. He carries … ) and to divide the verbs into of together ). Ask students to work individually and three groups ( -s , -ies , -es ) rather than simply changing complete the exercise. Encourage them to think of the base form in the book. Check answers in open reasons for their choices. Monitor and help with any class. During feedback, elicit/explain the meaning of difficulties. the verbs, giving example sentences as necessary. 2 SPEAKING Divide the class into pairs or small Answers groups. Students compare their answers to Exercise 1. -s: Quickly listen to some of their ideas in open class as chooses, gets, helps, loves feedback. -es: Optional extension finishes, goes, misses, teaches, watches Ask students to work with a partner and think of: -ies: carries, flies, studies Fast finishers do with friends, e.g. do homework, clear the table afuer dinner, etc. Ask students to write example sentences using some of the Tell students that they cannot use the examples from the verbs in the third person present simple. Listen to some of book. Ask them to describe why they chose each item. their examples in open class during feedback. Monitor and help with vocabulary. Listen to some examples in open class as feedback. Be aware of common errors related to agreement in the present simple, go to Get it right on Student’s Book Student’s Book page 50–51 page 124. PRONUNCIATION GRAMMAR For pronunciation practice of present simple Present simple verbs in the third person, go to Student’s Book 1 Students complete the sentences from the newsletter page 120. with the correct form of the verbs. Ask: Do the Adverbs of frequency sentences refer to one action or repeated actions? (repeated actions). 3 Students look at the newsletter to complete the first part of the exercise. Allow them to check answers Mixed-ability with a partner before a whole-class check. Stronger classes: Ask students to try to fill the gaps from memory without looking back at the newsletter. Mixed-ability Weaker classes: Students refer to the newsletter to complete Stronger students can attempt to complete the exercise from the exercise. memory before checking in the newsletter. Weaker students can find the answers in the newsletter. If students need clarification of the meaning of the adverbs, Answers give examples of your own to explain (e.g. I drink cofgee every 1 make 2 plays 3 meet 4 cheer morning. ; I always drink cofgee in the morning .). Divide the class into pairs and ask students to Answers complete the rule. Check answers in open class. 1 ofuen 2 sometimes 3 always Remind students that the third person singular is the only form that changes in the present simple. Copy the percentage scale from the rule onto the board. Check/clarify: before , after . Ask students to Rule work with a partner to decide where to place the 1 she 2 it adverbs on the scale and to complete the sentences. Check answers, using sentences 0–3 to clarify meaning. Rule 1 never 2 sometimes 3 ofuen 4 afuer 5 before Workbook page 46 and page 124 52


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