4d composites

4D Composites Professor Richard S. Trask Dr Anna B. Baker Dr Tom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

4D Composites Professor Richard S. Trask Dr Anna B. Baker Dr Tom M. Llewellyn-Jones Dr Simon Bates R.S.Trask@Bristol.ac.uk Experiment! 4D Materials This is a 3D printed multi-layered hydrophilic-hydrophobic polyurethane architecture with

  1. 4D Composites Professor Richard S. Trask Dr Anna B. Baker Dr Tom M. Llewellyn-Jones Dr Simon Bates R.S.Trask@Bristol.ac.uk

  2. Experiment! 4D Materials This is a 3D printed multi-layered hydrophilic-hydrophobic polyurethane architecture with designed actuation 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  3. 4D Composites Application of biological principles for future manufacturing? “growth that causes an “interaction of system ‐ intrinsic capacities organism to develop its shape” and external environmental forces” 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  4. 4D Composites Application of biological principles for future manufacturing? [Espinosa et al, 2009]. In biologically engineered architectures, ‘morphogenesis’, is described as a process of evolutionary development and growth that causes an organism to develop its shape through the interaction of system ‐ intrinsic capacities and external environmental forces. 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  5. 4D Composites Designed and Programmed for Self-Assembly Stimulus 1. Biological – protein/ enzyme 3D Printer 2. Chemical – pH/ H 2 O/ oxidation/ reduction 1. Printer resolution 3. Physical – ultrasound/ light/ temperature 2. Multi-materials deposition 4D Smart dynamic Smart static Smart material Printing structure structure Printer toolpath programming Interaction mechanism 1. Optimisation algorithm 1. Sequential activation 2. Origami/ Kirigami principles 2. Linear vs non-linear movement 3. Independent folding/ bending/ twisting 4. Coupled movement – folding/ bending/ twisting Sequence showing the self ‐ folding of a 4D ‐ Printing – Additive Manufacturing of 4D ‐ Printed multi ‐ material single strand Smart Materials into a coil, zig ‐ zag, hexagon [Trask Group, 2018] AB Baker, DF Wass, RS Trask, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol 254, January 2018, 519 ‐ 525 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  6. 4D Composites 4D field-effect additive manufacturing Llewellyn ‐ Jones TM, Drinkwater BW, Trask RS 2016 3D printed components Field effect alignment with ultrasonically arranged microscale additive manufacturing structure, Smart Materials and PZT Structures 25 (2), 02LT01 λ 1mm 2 P W P R φ x = 0, φ y = π /2 The picture can't be displayed. Active sources Acoustic field Micrograph Field effect alignment In ‐ plane instantaneous alignment 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  7. 4D Composites 4D field-effect additive manufacturing Llewellyn ‐ Jones TM, Drinkwater BW, Trask RS 2016 3D printed components Field effect alignment with ultrasonically arranged microscale additive manufacturing structure, Smart Materials and PZT Structures 25 (2), 02LT01 λ 1mm 2 P W P R 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  8. 4D Composites 4D materials for additive manufacturing • Hydrophilic ‐ hydrophobic polyurethane responsive hinges 3D printer ‐ Ultimaker Original desktop 3D printer with Flex3 drive extruder. Print speed ~ 20 mm s ‐ 1 • • Materials – TPU Ninjaflex (elastomer) and Tecophillic TPU (hydrogel) Modify print pathways to promote new actuation pathways • • Upon hydration the trilayer bends out ‐ of ‐ plane at the location of the skin gaps. 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  9. 4D Composites 4D materials for additive manufacturing 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  10. 4D Composites 4D materials for additive manufacturing Hydrophilic ‐ hydrophobic polyurethane responsive actuated SINGLE DIRECTION hinges for the folding and deployment of complex origami tessellations Tool paths for cube a) bottom elastomer skin, b) middle hydrogel core and c) top elastomer skin Tool paths for octahedron a) bottom elastomer skin, b) middle hydrogel core and c) top elastomer skin 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  11. 4D Composites 4D materials for additive manufacturing Hydrophilic ‐ hydrophobic polyurethane responsive actuated MULTI ‐ DIRECTIONAL hinges for the folding and deployment of complex origami tessellations 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  12. Future Directions and Challenges 4 D MATERI OME • Extension of printing process to create an even Process more diverse range of shape-changes, including: Fusion Subtractive A Material d d i t Function & i v Building e Requirements Blocks • Non-planar 4D constructs – (1) the application of Property Structure a curved-layer tool-path (i.e. individual layers with Fusion Subtractive Additive Material variable z) to enable buckling domes, and (2) Function & Building Requirements Hierarchical Length Blocks Length Scale printing on cylindrical print beds creating tubular Property Structure Active Sensing Feedback Loop bilayer/trilayer architectures for application in keyhole surgery • Hierarchical 4D movement – ‘4D materiome’ where different actuation strategies occur at 3D printed PU skin different length scales. 3D Printed • Actuation speed - the introduction of a porogen hydrogel core and (dissolvable particles used to create a porous hinge gap structure) to control the rate of actuation of the hinges and through the combination of non-porous and porous hydrogels enable sequential actuation. • Actuation sequence – single vs multi stimuli, coupled or independent movement (bending and/or twisting), and non-linear vs linear 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  13. Experiment - Outcome! Hydrophilic ‐ hydrophobic polyurethane for actuated TAILORED BENDING for deployment of complex ‘organic’ architectures. • Direct control of the print pathways and in ‐ fill direction during 3D construction, permits the realisation of reversible organic movement, rather than being limited to traditional origami folds. • The dissimilar processing temperatures of the TPU and hydrogel permit stacked assembly of complex folding/ bending patterns 4D Composites Professor Richard Trask

  14. 4D Composites Professor Richard S. Trask Dr Anna Baker Dr Tom Llewellyn-Jones Dr Simon Bates R.S.Trask@Bristol.ac.uk

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