4 25 2020


4/25/2020 DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE ANNUAL PRINCIPALS BREAKFAST Fall 2018 WELCOME AND NETWORKING Susan Lamb, College President BREAKFAST AND NETWORKING Breakfast Pre pare d by t he DVC Culinary Arts Program 1 4/25/2020 PRESIDENTS

  1. 4/25/2020 DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE ANNUAL PRINCIPAL’S BREAKFAST Fall 2018 WELCOME AND NETWORKING Susan Lamb, College President BREAKFAST AND NETWORKING Breakfast Pre pare d by t he DVC Culinary Arts Program 1

  2. 4/25/2020 PRESIDENT’S REMARKS Susan Lamb, College President DVC… RIGHT PLACE TO START! Dr. Mary G utie rre z Dr. Newin Paul Orant e NEW PLACEMENT PROCESS COMES TO Fall 2019 2

  3. 4/25/2020 FREE TUITION @ DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE AB-19 CALIFORNIA COLLEGE PROMISE Passed in 2017, AB-19 provided California Community Colleges, that met specific criteria, funding to accomplish goals related to  Reduce o r eliminate the achie vement g ap for stude nts fro m underrepresente d groups  Increasing student pre pare dness  Educational g oal comp letion o r transfer Funds allocated could be used to  Waive tuition fo r first-time, full-time co mmunity colleg e student s that comp lete a fina ncial a id ap plicat ion and educat ional pla n, AND/OR  Provide other innova tive pro gramming t o a dvance the goa ls above COLLEGE PROMISE @ DVC ✓ Attend a 4CD college fu ll-time (at least 12 units per semester) ✓ Submit a Free A pplication for Fed eral Stu den t Aid (FA FSA) or California Dream Act Application ✓ Complete an Educational Plan ✓ Student must commit t o: ✓ Completea minimum of 12 units ✓ Maintain a 2.0 GPA for higher 3

  4. 4/25/2020 SPRI NG 2 0 19 FALL 2018 FT3 E FFORTS FT3 PLEDGE RESULTS Spring Pledge Opened: 10/1/18  Students completed pledge online at www.4cd.edu/ed/c p Spring Pledge Deadline: 2/11/19 Pledges Submitted YTD: 40  Pledge Opened: 8/15/18 Expect improved outreach and communication.  Pledge Deadline: 9/10/18 Fall 2019 Pledge will open after spring  Pledges Submitted: 897 pledge closes.  Marketing Campaign  Customized Email Communication Student Follow-Up Customized Automated Emails at least monthly indicating checklist items completed and still missing Phone calls to students offering assistance and appointments ASSEMBLY BILL 705… INSERT SLIDES 4


  6. 4/25/2020 CLOSING REMARKS Susan Lamb, College President 6

  7. 4/25/2020 7

  8. 4/25/2020 8


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