3D Graphics 1 Simulation Engines 2008 Chalmers University of Technology Markus Larsson markus.larsson@slxgames.com 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 1
3D Graphics 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 2
Questions ? 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 3
Once again... Real-time 3D graphics is all about triangles. Properties of a renderable triangle. Vertices Normals Vertex order (Tangents) (Binormals/Bitangents) (...) 3D graphics is the art of coloring triangles. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 4
3D Graphics is also about... Vectors Matrices Quaternions Loads and loads of mathematical operations on the above. If you feel that you are shaky on vector algebra, take a look in your old math books. You will thank yourself later. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 5
Categorization of 3D entities Static Objects that are immutable Good candidates for extreme optimization Dynamic Moves or changes over time Harder to optimize Animated Could be either static or dynamic The vertex object can not be locked 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 6
Spatial data structures Demands on real-time graphics grow rapidly. Modern graphics hardware is: Fast Programmable Has plenty of memory However... ”The fastest polygon to render is the one never sent down to the accelerator's pipeline.” 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 7
Words of wisdom "25k batches/s @ 100% 1GHz CPU" (i 60fps, 417 batches) 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 8
Spatial data structures A spatial data structure: Orders geometric data by its location Is often hierarchic, which allows O(log n) searches and rapidly discarding irrelevant data. Spatial data structures can be expensive to construct. Construction is often preprocessed. Separate structures for static and dynamic data. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 9
Bounding volume hierarchies In general: better fit = more memory and more expensive intersection algorithm. Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes (AABB) The simplest type of bounding box. Enclosed by a model's minimum and maximum values along the x-, y- and z-axis. Ordinarily described by a center and the distance from the center to the edge along each axis. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 10
Bounding volume hierarchies Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBB) Similar to AABB's, but rotated to fit the model more tightly. Ordinarily described by a center, three normalized vectors and the distance from the center to the edges. Discrete Oriented Polytope (k-DOP) Consists of k/2 normalized plane-normals associated with two scalars. Together they describe the volume between the two planes: The k-DOP is the volume enclosed by all planes. min : n i ⋅ x d i min = 0 max : n i ⋅ x d i max = 0 pi i pi i 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 11
Outdoor scenery Outdoor scenery is rarely represented in the same fashion as indoor scenery The main problem is the scale of outdoor scenery Outdoor scenery often needs special considerations for optimization Continuous level of detail 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 12
Heightfields The most common representation of a terrain Generally stored in a grayscale 2D texture Often divided into several smaller objects and rendered as series of triangle strips 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 13
Cracks in the terrain Beware of cracks in the terrain when rendering with non-uniform tessellation Different levels of detail Limited numerical accuracy in 3D card or API Can be avoided by drawing “skirts” Multiple techniques for this... 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 14
The ROAM algorithm The Realtime Optimally Adapting Meshes algorithm was designed as a high-performance, flexible terrain rendering algorithm with continuous LOD Uses a special data structure called a “triangle bintree” and two priority queues that drive the split and merge operations of patches in the height-field based on the location of the camera 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 15
Trends in terrain rendering On modern hardware, algorithms like ROAM use unnecessarily much CPU-power Fill rate and triangle-drawing capabilities on modern 3D hardware are very good Nowadays, terrain rendering is mostly done by grouping blocks of terrain patches into vertex buffer objects of just a few detail levels, and culled using only view frustum culling 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 16
Volumetric terrain rendering Uses voxels (volume pixels) Can be used with 3D scans Can be used to render height-maps Potentially very high resolution Used in Comanche: Maximum overkill, 1992 No hardware support 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 17
Skyboxes and skydomes Used to render the background of 3D scenes Waste of resources to draw small background objects as meshes Drawn in the following way Clear depth and color buffers Apply camera transformation Disable the depth buffer test and writes Draw the skybox or skydome Enable depth buffer test and writes Draw the rest of the scene 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 18
Indoor scenery Data is organized in a very different manner than for outdoor scenery Very different scales than for outdoor scenery The existence of enclosing walls and ceilings give excellent opportunities for culling Thanks to the smaller scale, requirements on detail are much greater than outdoors Tim Sweeney estimates that we have a factor of 10.000 to 40.000 to go before we are able to render photo-realistic indoor environments 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 19
Uniform grids The world is split into uniformly sized voxels (in 3D) or squares (in 2D). Very easy to implement. Relatively efficient with ray-grid- intersection tests, therefore often used for ray-tracing http://www.cs.yorku.ca/~amana/research/grid.pdf Useful for dynamic data. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 20
Binary space partitioning trees Have been popular since they were used in DOOM. Was originally designed to solve depth sorting in the late 60's. Sorts geometry by splitting along planes. Axis-aligned Also known as KD-tree. Ordinarily built by alternating the splitting axis. Polygon-aligned The most commonly used variant in games 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 21
Quad trees Two-dimensional representation. Similar to KD-trees, but always split in the middle. Useful for representing outdoor environments which are represented with height- maps. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 22
Octtrees ● Like quad trees, but in 3D. ● Efficient for large three- dimensional spaces. ● Often have criteria for how many children are needed in a voxel before splitting it as well as how many levels of hierarchy are allowed. ● Structures where the voxels do not necessarily have the same size are called loose octtrees/quadtrees. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 23
Culling Culling is the act of removing polygons that do not need to be rendered. Can be done by either the CPU or the GPU. Culling on CPU generally saves bandwidth. Culling on GPU (probably) saves CPU-time. Modern hardware stores geometry in vertex buffers, and encourages culling per object instead of per polygon, because that allows reusing of vertex buffer objects. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 24
Software vs. Hardware culling GPU CPU Viewport clipping View frustum culling Z-buffer testing Occlusion culling Backface culling Backface culling 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 25
Backface culling Ordinarily done in the geometry stage of the pipeline. All data is sent to the GPU, but only visible pixels are rasterized. A polygon is backfacing if n·v < 0. The amount of rendered triangles is normally reduced by 50%. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 26
View frustum culling Culls objects that are outside of the view frustum. The view frustum is volume enclosed by six planes that is visible from the camera. Very efficient when used on a hierarchic spatial data structure. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 27
Example: View frustum culling over an octtree The view frustum is represented by six planes that point to the inside of the enclosed volume. Recurse over the following algorithm for voxels in the octtree, beginning with the voxel that contains the entire tree: If the voxel is outside of any of the planes, do not draw it. If the voxel is inside all of the planes, draw all of its contents. If the voxel intersects any of the planes, perform this test for all of its children. 08-11-17 Simulation Engines 2008, Markus Larsson 28
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