29 illinois administrative code 301

29 Illinois Administrative Code 301 Updates Currently in Effect 29 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

29 Illinois Administrative Code 301 Updates Currently in Effect 29 Illinois Administrative Code 301 Title 29: Emergency Services, Disasters, and Civil Defense Chapter 1: Emergency Management Agency SubChapter C: Administration and

  1. 29 Illinois Administrative Code 301 Updates Currently in Effect

  2. 29 Illinois Administrative Code 301 Title 29: Emergency Services, Disasters, and Civil Defense Chapter 1: Emergency Management Agency Sub‐Chapter C: Administration and Organization of Political Subdivision Emergency Service and Disaster Agencies (ESDA) Part 301: Political Subdivision Emergency Services and Disaster Agencies ‐ Mandated ‐ Non‐Mandated

  3. Part 301 Sub‐Part A: General Provisions Sub‐Part B: Emergency Operations Plan Requirements Sub‐Part C: Emergency Operations Plan Submission and Review Requirements Sub‐Part D: Exercise Requirements Sub‐Part E: Accreditation and Certification of ESDAs Sub‐Part F: Workers Compensation Act and Workers’ Occupational Diseases Act Coverage for Volunteers Sub‐Part G: Requirements for the Emergency Management Assistance Grant Program

  4. Part 301 Sub‐Part A: General Provisions Sub‐Part B: Emergency Operations Plan Requirements Sub‐Part C: Emergency Operations Plan Submission and Review Requirements Sub‐Part D: Exercise Requirements Sub‐Part E: Accreditation and Certification of ESDAs Sub‐Part F: Workers Compensation Act and Workers’ Occupational Diseases Act Coverage for Volunteers Sub‐Part G: Requirements for the Emergency Management Assistance Grant Program

  5. Applicability All of the updates provided today are currently in effect. DuPage County communities will need to be in compliance with these changes by September 1, 2020. Repercussions if a community is NOT in compliance (information comes directly from IEMA): 1. They are ineligible to apply for any grants. 2. DuPage County can’t apply for any grants on their behalf. 3. If a disaster occurs, the State will provide them assistance if needed during the response phase only. 4. Once they are compliant again, and only then, will they become eligible for any federal or state funding.

  6. Part 301 Sub‐Part A: General Provisions Sub‐Part B: Emergency Operations Plan Requirements Sub‐Part C: Emergency Operations Plan Submission and Review Requirements Sub‐Part D: Exercise Requirements Sub‐Part E: Accreditation and Certification of ESDAs Sub‐Part F: Workers Compensation Act and Workers’ Occupational Diseases Act Coverage for Volunteers Sub‐Part G: Requirements for the Emergency Management Assistance Grant Program

  7. Sub‐Part A Section 301.110 – Purpose, Scope, and Applicability a) In serving the IEMA mandate to prepare the State of Illinois to deal with disasters, to preserve the lives and property of the people of this State and to protect the public peace, health and safety in the event of a disaster, the purposes of this Part are: 1) To encourage local policy makers and emergency management program administrators to plan and coordinate a comprehensive emergency management strategy to improve prevention, protection, response, recovery and mitigation capabilities at the local level;

  8. Sub‐Part A Section 301.110 – Purpose, Scope, and Applicability a) In serving the IEMA mandate to prepare the State of Illinois to deal with disasters, to preserve the lives and property of the people of this State and to protect the public peace, health and safety in the event of a disaster, the purposes of this Part are: 1) To encourage local policy makers and emergency management program administrators to plan and coordinate a comprehensive emergency management strategy to improve prevention, protection, response, recovery and mitigation capabilities at the local level;

  9. Sub‐Part A 1) To encourage local policy makers and emergency management program administrators to plan and coordinate a comprehensive emergency management strategy to improve prevention, protection, response, recovery and mitigation capabilities at the local level; and 2) To establish requirements for: A) Emergency management programs; B) Emergency operations plans; C) Exercises of emergency operations plans; D) Other required plans; E) Accreditation and certification of ESDAs; F) Workers' compensation coverage and workers' occupational diseases coverage for volunteers; and G) The emergency management assistance grant program.

  10. Part 301 Sub‐Part A: General Provisions Sub‐Part B: Emergency Operations Plan Requirements Sub‐Part C: Emergency Operations Plan Submission and Review Requirements Sub‐Part D: Exercise Requirements Sub‐Part E: Accreditation and Certification of ESDAs Sub‐Part F: Workers Compensation Act and Workers’ Occupational Diseases Act Coverage for Volunteers Sub‐Part G: Requirements for the Emergency Management Assistance Grant Program

  11. Sub‐Part B Section 301.210 – Authority a) In accordance with requirements of Section 10(g) of the Act [Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act – 20 ILCS 3305], each ESDA established pursuant to the Act shall prepare an emergency operations plan for its geographic boundaries that complies with the planning, review and approval standards set forth in this Part.

  12. Sub‐Part B What goes into an Emergency Operations Plan? Initial Analysis and Assessment (Section 301.220) Basic Plan (Section 301.230) Functional Annexes (Section 301.240) Hazard Specific Annexes (301.250) Supporting Plans (301.280)

  13. Sub‐Part B What goes into an Emergency Operations Plan? Initial Analysis and Assessment (Section 301.220) Basic Plan (Section 301.230) Functional Annexes (Section 301.240) Hazard Specific Annexes (301.250) Supporting Plans (301.280)

  14. Sub‐Part B What goes into an Emergency Operations Plan? Initial Analysis and Assessment (Section 301.220) Basic Plan (Section 301.230) Functional Annexes (Section 301.240) Hazard Specific Annexes (301.250) Supporting Plans (301.280)

  15. Sub‐Part B Section 301.220 – Initial Analysis and Assessment Before: Conduct a hazard analysis. • Frequency, magnitude, location, spatial extent, duration, seasonal pattern, speed of onset, availability of warning, historical data, scientific methods, and other sources. Content: Currently within the CEMP. • The information is generic. • The information is not specific to each community. • The information is out of date.

  16. Sub‐Part B Section 301.220 – Initial Analysis and Assessment a) Conduct a hazard identification and risk assessment for the political subdivision: 1) Identify hazards, including natural, technological and human‐caused; 2) Hazard profiles shall include risk and vulnerability assessments and consequence analysis; and 3) Compare, prioritize and document risks of the hazards identified.

  17. Sub‐Part B Section 301.220 – Initial Analysis and Assessment b) Develop a profile of the political subdivision: 1) Collect demographic data (such as daily population patterns, traffic patterns, seasonal population changes, populations with functional and access needs) from public and private sources to determine potential consequences of identified hazards for people and community functions. 2) Collect structural inventory data (including data on critical facilities, residential, commercial, and industrial structures, lifelines, and transportation) to determine potential consequences of identified hazards for community functions, property and sites of potential secondary hazards.

  18. Sub‐Part B Section 301.220 – Initial Analysis and Assessment b) Develop a profile of the political subdivision: 2) Collect structural inventory data (including data on critical facilities, residential, commercial, and industrial structures, lifelines, and transportation) to determine potential consequences of identified hazards for community functions, property and sites of potential secondary hazards.

  19. Sub‐Part B Section 301.220 – Initial Analysis and Assessment c) Complete a Threat and Hazard Identification Risk Assessment [THIRA] to assess • all core capabilities for prevention, protection, response, recovery • and mitigation mission areas of the political subdivision, • identify shortfalls in core capabilities • and develop strategies to alleviate shortfalls in planning, organization, equipment, training and exercises.

  20. Sub‐Part B Section 301.220 – Initial Analysis and Assessment c) Complete a Threat and Hazard Identification Risk Assessment [THIRA] to assess • all core capabilities for prevention, protection, response, recovery • and mitigation mission areas of the political subdivision, • identify shortfalls in core capabilities • and develop strategies to alleviate shortfalls in planning, organization, equipment, training and exercises.

  21. Sub‐Part B Section 301.220 – Initial Analysis and Assessment Next Steps: • Determine what template that IEMA will use for a THIRA. • Provide training on conducting / completing the THIRA process. • Continue to focus on the DHS 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors.

  22. Sub‐Part B Section 301.220 – Initial Analysis and Assessment Next Steps: • Determine what template that IEMA will use for a THIRA. • Provide training on conducting / completing the THIRA process. • Continue to focus on the DHS 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors.


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