28 th february 2017 amrut project implementation progress

28 th February 2017 AMRUT : Project Implementation Progress 500 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ministry of Urban Development 28 th February 2017 AMRUT : Project Implementation Progress 500 cities covered 1 AMRUT OUTCOMES 3 rd & Final SAAPs for all States and UTs by 31 st March 100% Coverage for access 2 to clean drinking

  1. Ministry of Urban Development 28 th February 2017

  2. AMRUT : Project Implementation Progress • 500 cities covered 1 AMRUT OUTCOMES • 3 rd & Final SAAPs for all States and UTs by 31 st March  100% Coverage for access 2 to clean drinking water • Mission Target (Projects): Rs 70,000 Cr 3  To develop city parks • Approved Till Date: Rs 57,000 Cr  Substantial improvement in 4 coverage & treatment • Projects Started: Rs 10,132 Cr 5 capacities of sewerage • Projects under bidding: Rs 21,000 Cr  Reform Implementation 6  Capacity Building • Share of Water Sector: 55% 5 • Share of Sewerage Sector: 40% 7 2

  3. Conditions for approval of SAAP III  Projects worth at least 25% against SAAP I to be awarded .  Projects worth at least 50% of total approvals (SAAP I & II) to have the DPRs approved .  Central & State share against SAAP-I and SAAP-II to be transferred  PDMC should have been appointed  Work must be awarded for all Mission Cities for credit rating  Adoption of Model Building Byelaws, by March, 2017. Next Apex Meeting (SAAP III Approval) Last date for uploading SAAP III 10 th March, 2017 6 th March, 2017 3

  4. AMRUT: SAAP III Approval Status Approved (10) Conditional Approved (09) Submission Awaited (17) Andhra Pradesh Bihar Andaman and Nicobar Chandigarh Goa Arunachal Pradesh Gujarat Jharkhand Assam Himachal Pradesh Meghalaya Chhattisgarh Jammu and Kashmir Puducherry Dadra and Nagar Haveli Karnataka Punjab Daman and Diu Madhya Pradesh Tripura Delhi Mizoram Uttarakhand Haryana Odisha West Bengal Kerala Rajasthan Lakshadweep Maharashtra Manipur Nagaland Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Uttar Pradesh 4

  5. New Urban Transformative Reforms : AMRUT 2017-2020 Trust and Verify Credit Rating Value Capture Finance Land Titling Professionalize Municipal Cadre 5

  6. Weightage for New Reforms Sr. No. Reform Weightage 1 Trust and Verify 40 2 Credit rating 10 3 Value capture Finance 10 4 Land Titling law 15 5 Professionalize Municipal Cadre 25 Total 100 6

  7. Trust and Verify Cities to issue Permissions online and before physical inspection/verification for at least following 3 citizen services: 1. Birth and death certificates 2. Mutation in municipal property tax records 3. Building Permission • All building permissions to be made online with complete integration of all agencies • Building plan approvals for low risk residential buildings on T & V principle  Inspections and Verification to be done subsequently  Stringent action for misrepresentation Reform 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 • • • Trust and Bring 3 services online For all 500 AMRUT mission For all 4041 ULB Verify with T & V approach for cities all 53 million plus & capital cities 7

  8. Credit Rating and Bonds • Credit Rating of all ULBs • Cities below IGAR : Enhancement of the credit worthiness • Cities with IGAR : Float Municipal Bonds Reform 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 • • Credit Rating Complete credit rating Cities with IGAR Second round of credit rating • and Bonds for all 500 cities Continue accessing bond to be completed • Cities having IGAR market Achieve upgradation by at • Appoint Transaction least one level • Advisory Cities below IGAR Take steps to float bonds • • Float Bonds To implement the action Cities below IGAR plan for enhancement of • Prepare an action plan credit rating for enhancement of credit rating 8

  9. Land Titling • To enact Land Titling Law • To operationalize the law with rules and regulations • Initially, Titles may be made available on demand • Eventually, Titles to be made available for all properties Reform 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 • • • Land Titling To Bring out state law To Implement and To Complete all survey and for urban land titling provide urban title legacy data and make certificates on demand available urban land titling data for all properties 9

  10. Value Capture Finance • Policy to facilitate Value Capture Financing • Rules & regulations for implementation • Revenue generated through VCF to be shared with the ULBs Reform 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 • • • Value Capture Formulate VCF policy, Operationalize and Operationalize and Finance tools and rules at implement VCF policy, implement VCF policy in all state level tools and rules at state AMRUT cities level (For all million plus cities) 10

  11. Professionalize Municipal Cadre • Staffing norms for the Municipal Corporation • Norms to include strength, method of recruitment and competency requirements • Recruitment rules to include lateral entry along with standard means • Professionals to be appointed Reform 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 • Professionalize Establish MC along with Posts to be filled up Posts to be filled up Municipal strength, RRs and Competency Cadre 15 Marks > 75% posts - 25 marks > 90% posts – 25 marks • RRs to allow recruitment of 50-75% posts - 15 marks 75-90% posts – 15 marks professionals through 25-50% posts - 5 marks 50-75% posts – 10 marks contract/lateral entry to enable Below 25% - 0 marks Below 50% - 0 marks early filling of vacancies with persons of desire, experience and qualification, in addition to standard means 10 Marks 11

  12. Procedure for Grant of Disbursement for Reforms (2017-2020) • The States/Uts to submit claims Reform Incentive YEAR (Rs Crore) • Assessment by a Third Party 2015-16 Rs. 400 Cr • Claims to be submitted by December each 2016-17 Rs. 600 Cr year Total (first 2 years) Rs. 1,000 Cr • Milestones given weightage For the remaining 3 years • 60% score to be the qualifying score 2017-18 Rs. 3,400 Cr • Weightage for higher achievement beyond 2018-19 Rs. 3,300 Cr 60% 2019-20 Rs. 3,300 Cr Total (Next 3 years) Rs. 10,000 Cr • Efforts are on to further enhance this fund through additional performance linked schemes and funds 12

  13. THANK YOU 13


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