28 april 2019 introduction to iranian railway network

28 April 2019 Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Isfahan University of Technology Department of Transportation Engineering Dr. Mohammad Tamannaei 28 April 2019 Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Geostrategic position of Iran Department of

  1. Isfahan University of Technology Department of Transportation Engineering Dr. Mohammad Tamannaei 28 April 2019

  2. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Geostrategic position of Iran Department of Transportation Engineering

  3. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Potentials of Iran • Overfilled by natural resources Department of Transportation Engineering

  4. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network 2014 World Proven Natural Gas Reserves (Trillions cubic ft) Natural Gas 2 nd World Rank Department of Transportation Engineering

  5. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network 2 nd World Rank Natural Gas 20 % 1200 trillion (million million) cubic feet 4 th World Rank Oil 10 % 1400 billion barrels 2 nd World Rank Mines 7 % Iran's mineral reserves are valued at more than 800 billion $  Iron  Copper  Lead  Gold  Silver  Uranium  Manganese  Titanium  Zinc  precious stones  … Department of Transportation Engineering

  6. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network We are speaking about a very rich country! Department of Transportation Engineering

  7. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Potentials of Iran • Overfilled by natural resources • Excellent geographical position Department of Transportation Engineering

  8. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network  About 30% of world energy passes through Strait of Hormuz  With 15 neighboring countries with population of 500 million persons  About 2000 km Coast borders from south and north  With 30 small and large islands Department of Transportation Engineering

  9. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Movement of cargo ships in south of Iran Department of Transportation Engineering

  10. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Potentials of Iran • Overfilled by natural resources • Excellent geographical position • Accessibility to international corridors Department of Transportation Engineering

  11. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Traditional Silk road officially opened about 200 years Before Christ. stretched more than 7000 miles from east to west Department of Transportation Engineering

  12. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Crossroad of different important international corridors!  North-South Corridor (UIC 9 or OSJD11)  East-West Corridor  TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia)  ALTID (Asian Land Transportation Infrastructure Development)  TAR (Trans – Asian Railway Southern Corridor)  … Department of Transportation Engineering

  13. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network و دوجوم يللملا نيب ياهروديرك يياسانش ياهريسم و يا هقطنم يلير لقن و لمح هوقلاب ناريا زا يروبع Department of Transportation Engineering

  14. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network North-South Corridor Sea-Rail route: 21 days 10000 km Disjunction: Only 160 km Sea route: 45 days 16000 km Department of Transportation Engineering

  15. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network 2017: freight exchanges between India & all destinations their routes probably pass through Iran: 4.2 billion tons!! Department of Transportation Engineering

  16. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network North-South Corridor Travel Cost Travel Time Security … Department of Transportation Engineering

  17. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Sea route: not pure benefits! Department of Transportation Engineering

  18. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network 2017: freight exchanges between China & all destinations their routes probably pass through Iran: 320 million tons! Department of Transportation Engineering

  19. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network 2017: freight exchanges between CIS countries & all destinations their routes probably pass through Iran: 110 million tons Department of Transportation Engineering

  20. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Dream of Russia! Department of Transportation Engineering

  21. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Chabahar vs Gwader Department of Transportation Engineering

  22. “Chinese Containment” Strategy Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Department of Transportation Engineering

  23. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Department of Transportation Engineering

  24. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network We are speaking about a shop with a good location! Department of Transportation Engineering

  25. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network National Perspective Department of Transportation Engineering

  26. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Total Annual transport demand of Iran: • Passenger: 2 billion passenger-trips • Freight: 500 million tons Rail freight: 14% Goal: 30% (in 2025) Road freight: 86% Rail passenger: less than 10% Goal: 18% (in 2025) Road passenger: more than 85% Rail: 13000 km Goal: 25000 km (in 2025) Road: 250000 km Department of Transportation Engineering

  27. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Road vs Rail: Department of Transportation Engineering

  28. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Sustainability Economic 𝐌 𝟐𝟏 𝟒 𝑼𝑳 𝟓𝟓. 𝟔 Road 𝐌 𝟐𝟏 𝟒 𝑼𝑳 Fuel Consumption 𝟖. 𝟐𝟕 Rail Environmental 𝟗. 𝟓 $ 𝟐𝟏 𝟒 𝑼𝑳 Road 𝟐. 𝟐 $ 𝟐𝟏 𝟒 𝑼𝑳 Air Pollution Rail Social 𝟐𝟖 $ 𝟐𝟏 𝟒 𝑼𝑳 Road 𝟏. 𝟑 $ 𝟐𝟏 𝟒 𝑼𝑳 Accidents Rail Reference: de Miranda Pinto, J.T., Mistage, O., Bilotta, P., Helmers, E., 2017. Road-rail intermodal freight transport as a strategy for climate change mitigation. Environmental Development . Reference: Delft, C., Infras, F.I., 2011. External costs of transport in Europe. Update study for 2008. Department of Transportation Engineering

  29. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network How to make hard and soft policies to achieve a sustainable solution? Department of Transportation Engineering

  30. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Passenger vs Freight in Iran Railway:  Freight trains earn the income!  Passenger trains deliver the subsidy!! Department of Transportation Engineering

  31. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Current National Project:  The Integrated Design of Infrastructures in Iranian Railway Transportation Network  Employer: Ministry of Road and Urban Development  Executor: Dr. Mohammad Tamannaei  Date of Start: 2019 Comprehensive plan of Iran railways for next 20 years (2040c) Department of Transportation Engineering

  32. Existing Introduction to Iranian Railway Network (by sequence of construction) 3 MT MT: Million Tons (Capacity) Department of Transportation Engineering

  33. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Iron stone with purity of 70% to 80% !!! Department of Transportation Engineering

  34. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Severe lack of Capacity Department of Transportation Engineering

  35. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Priorities of construct/improve 5000 km 300 km 300 km Department of Transportation Engineering

  36. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Isfahan-Tehran HSR A rough headway required? 300 km 300 km Department of Transportation Engineering

  37. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network An experience: A good solution can be neutralized due to other problems!! Department of Transportation Engineering

  38. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network “FARS” software Freight Assignment in Railway System Department of Transportation Engineering

  39. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Department of Transportation Engineering

  40. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Mineral Production Trip Generation Department of Transportation Engineering

  41. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Petroleum Production Trip Generation Department of Transportation Engineering

  42. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network My main insight from Iran railways: Different problems of Iran rail network are hidden behind Low Speed Department of Transportation Engineering

  43. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network My Challenging concerns!  HSR: • Does HSR construction have priority in our network? • Can we account extra capacity of HSR for absorbing transit freight?  Whole: • How to dedicate limited rail capacity to both passenger and freight? (Each one has much enough rail demand to overflow the network!!) Department of Transportation Engineering

  44. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Department of Transportation Engineering

  45. Introduction to Iranian Railway Network Isfahan City of Culture, Art and Civilization Department of Transportation Engineering


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