22 Introduction to Distributed Databases Intro to Database Systems Andy Pavlo AP AP 15-445/15-645 Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2019
2 ADM IN ISTRIVIA Homework #5 : Monday Dec 3 rd @ 11:59pm Project #4 : Monday Dec 10 th @ 11:59pm Extra Credit : Wednesday Dec 10 th @ 11:59pm Final Exam : Monday Dec 9 th @ 5:30pm CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
3 ADM IN ISTRIVIA Monday Dec 2 th – Oracle Lecture → Shasank Chavan (VP In-Memory Databases) Wednesday Dec 4 th – Potpourri + Review → Vote for what system you want me to talk about. → https://cmudb.io/f19-systems Sunday Nov 24 th – Extra Credit Check → Submit your extra credit assignment early to get feedback from me. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
4 UPCO M IN G DATABASE EVEN TS Oracle Research Talk → Tuesday December 4 th @ 12:00pm → CIC 4 th Floor CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
5 PARALLEL VS. DISTRIBUTED Parallel DBMSs: → Nodes are physically close to each other. → Nodes connected with high-speed LAN. → Communication cost is assumed to be small. Distributed DBMSs: → Nodes can be far from each other. → Nodes connected using public network. → Communication cost and problems cannot be ignored. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
6 DISTRIBUTED DBM Ss Use the building blocks that we covered in single- node DBMSs to now support transaction processing and query execution in distributed environments. → Optimization & Planning → Concurrency Control → Logging & Recovery CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
7 TO DAY'S AGEN DA System Architectures Design Issues Partitioning Schemes Distributed Concurrency Control CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
8 SYSTEM ARCH ITECTURE A DBMS's system architecture specifies what shared resources are directly accessible to CPUs. This affects how CPUs coordinate with each other and where they retrieve/store objects in the database. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
9 SYSTEM ARCH ITECTURE Network Network Network Shared Shared Shared Shared Everything Memory Disk Nothing CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
10 SH ARED M EM O RY CPUs have access to common memory address space via a fast Network interconnect. → Each processor has a global view of all the in-memory data structures. → Each DBMS instance on a processor has to "know" about the other instances. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
11 SH ARED DISK All CPUs can access a single logical disk directly via an interconnect, but each have their own private Network memories. → Can scale execution layer independently from the storage layer. → Must send messages between CPUs to learn about their current state. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
12 SH ARED DISK EXAM PLE Node Storage Page ABC Update 101 Get Id=101 Get Id=101 Page ABC Node Get Id=200 Page XYZ Application Server Node CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
13 SH ARED N OTH IN G Each DBMS instance has its own Network CPU, memory, and disk. Nodes only communicate with each other via network. → Hard to increase capacity. → Hard to ensure consistency. → Better performance & efficiency. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
14 SH ARED N OTH IN G EXAM PLE Get Id=10 Node Get Id=200 P1→ ID:1-150 P1→ ID:1-100 Node Get Id=200 Get Id=200 P3→ ID:101-200 Application Server Node P2→ ID:201-300 P2→ ID:151-300 CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
15 EARLY DISTRIBUTED DATABASE SYSTEM S MUFFIN – UC Berkeley (1979) SDD-1 – CCA (1979) System R* – IBM Research (1984) Stonebraker Bernstein Gamma – Univ. of Wisconsin (1986) NonStop SQL – Tandem (1987) Mohan DeWitt Gray CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
16 DESIGN ISSUES How does the application find data? How to execute queries on distributed data? → Push query to data. → Pull data to query. How does the DBMS ensure correctness? CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
17 H O M O GEN O US VS. H ETERO GEN O US Approach #1: Homogenous Nodes → Every node in the cluster can perform the same set of tasks (albeit on potentially different partitions of data). → Makes provisioning and failover "easier". Approach #2: Heterogenous Nodes → Nodes are assigned specific tasks. → Can allow a single physical node to host multiple "virtual" node types for dedicated tasks. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
18 M O N GO DB H ETERO GEN O US ARCH ITECTURE Shards ( mongod ) Router ( mongos ) P1 P2 Get Id=101 Router ( mongos ) ⋮ P3 P4 Application Server P1→ ID:1-100 Config Server ( mongod ) P2→ ID:101-200 P3→ ID:201-300 ⋮ P4→ ID:301-400 CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
19 DATA TRAN SPAREN CY Users should not be required to know where data is physically located, how tables are partitioned or replicated . A SQL query that works on a single-node DBMS should work the same on a distributed DBMS. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
20 DATABASE PARTITIO N IN G Split database across multiple resources: → Disks, nodes, processors. → Sometimes called "sharding" The DBMS executes query fragments on each partition and then combines the results to produce a single answer. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
21 N AÏVE TABLE PARTITIO N ING Each node stores one and only table. Assumes that each node has enough storage space for a table. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
22 N AÏVE TABLE PARTITIO N ING Partitions Table2 Table1 Table1 Ideal Query: Table2 SELECT * FROM table CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
23 H O RIZO N TAL PARTITIO N IN G Split a table's tuples into disjoint subsets. → Choose column(s) that divides the database equally in terms of size, load, or usage. → Hash Partitioning, Range Partitioning The DBMS can partition a database physical (shared nothing) or logically (shared disk). CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
24 H O RIZO N TAL PARTITIO N IN G Partitioning Key Partitions Table1 101 a XXX 2019-11-29 hash(a)%4 = P2 P1 P2 102 b XXY 2019-11-28 hash(b)%4 = P4 103 c XYZ 2019-11-29 hash(c)%4 = P3 104 d XYX 2019-11-27 hash(d)%4 = P2 105 e XYY 2019-11-29 hash(e)%4 = P1 P3 P4 Ideal Query: SELECT * FROM table WHERE partitionKey = ? CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
25 CO N SISTEN T H ASH IN G hash(key1) 1 0 E Replication Factor = 3 A C If hash(key)=D F hash(key2) B D 1/2 CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
26 LO GICAL PARTITIO N IN G Node Id=1 Storage Id=2 Get Id=1 Id=1 Id=2 Get Id=3 Id=3 Application Id=4 Server Node Id=3 Id=4 CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
27 PH YSICAL PARTITIO N IN G Node Id=1 Get Id=1 Id=2 Get Id=3 Application Server Node Id=3 Id=4 CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
29 SIN GLE- N O DE VS. DISTRIBUTED A single-node txn only accesses data that is contained on one partition. → The DBMS does not need coordinate the behavior concurrent txns running on other nodes. A distributed txn accesses data at one or more partitions. → Requires expensive coordination. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
30 TRAN SACTIO N CO O RDIN ATIO N If our DBMS supports multi-operation and distributed txns, we need a way to coordinate their execution in the system. Two different approaches: → Centralized : Global "traffic cop". → Decentralized : Nodes organize themselves. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
31 TP M O N ITO RS Example of a centralized coordinator. Originally developed in the 1970-80s to provide txns between terminals and mainframe databases. → Examples: ATMs, Airline Reservations. Many DBMSs now support the same functionality internally. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
32 CEN TRALIZED CO O RDIN ATO R P1 P2 Coordinator Partitions Commit Request Lock Request P3 P4 P1 P2 Acknowledgement Application Safe to commit? Server P3 P4 CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
33 CEN TRALIZED CO O RDIN ATO R Partitions Middleware Commit Request Query Requests Safe to commit? P1 P2 Application P1→ ID:1-100 Server P3 P4 P2→ ID:101-200 P3→ ID:201-300 P4→ ID:301-400 CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
34 DECEN TRALIZED CO O RDIN ATO R Partitions Commit Request Begin Request P1 P2 Query Request Safe to commit? Application Server P4 P3 CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
35 DISTRIBUTED CO N CURREN CY CO N TRO L Need to allow multiple txns to execute simultaneously across multiple nodes. → Many of the same protocols from single-node DBMSs can be adapted. This is harder because of: → Replication. → Network Communication Overhead. → Node Failures. → Clock Skew. CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
36 DISTRIBUTED 2PL Waits-For Graph Set A=2 Set B=7 T 1 T 2 Application Application Set B=9 Server Server Set A=0 A=1 A=2 B=8 B=7 NETWORK Node 2 Node 1 CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
37 CO N CLUSIO N I have barely scratched the surface on distributed database systems… It is hard to get right. More info (and humiliation): → Kyle Kingsbury's Jepsen Project CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
38 N EXT CLASS Distributed OLTP Systems Replication CAP Theorem Real-World Examples CMU 15-445/645 (Fall 2019)
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