Riv iverside side House ouse Design sign Crite riteria ria • Library/ Arts and Gallery • Customer Service Centre • Registrars Office & record storage • Café • Social Services Case Conferencing Facilities. With a separate public entrance. • Statutory Small Marriage Room (Marriages now at the Town Hall & Museum) • Emergency Control Rooms which double up as ICT training rooms.
Riv iverside side House ouse Design sign Crite riteria ria Meeting R Me ting Room ooms/ s/ Individua Individual Offic l Offices In R s In Rive iverside rside H House ouse. . • All room ll rooms ha s have ve A AV inc V including IP TV (5 luding IP TV (5 pre pre-se -set t cha hanne nnels). ls). - 49 off 4 Person Quiet Pods/ Booths (not bookable) - 8 off 4 Person - 8 off 8 Person - 4 off 8 Person (Flexible Configuration can be 2 x 16) - 2 off 12 Person - 2 off 16 People (Flexible Configuration can be 1 x 32) - 1 off 18 Person - 4 off 20 Person - 2 off 15 Person Emergency Control/ ICT Training Rooms - 5 off Directors Offices with 6 Person meeting Table • 8 pe person a rson and a nd above bove ha have ve IR IR induc induction loops tion loops • 16 pe person a rson and a nd above bove ha have ve a audio e udio enha nhanc ncement a nt and B nd Blu-ra lu-ray y playe pla yers. rs.
Wor orkSmar mart Meeting Room Images
Wor orkSmart t ods Quie Quiet B t Booths/ ooths/ Pods
Wor orkSmar mart • Spa Space A Alloc llocation:- tion:- – Fixe Fixed work d worker r • 1 desk per fixed worker • An assigned Locker 0.45 lm • Assigned Team Storage 1.5lm. – Fle Flexible xible work worker r • 5.8 Desks per 10 Flexible Workers • An assigned Locker 0.45 lm • Assigned Team Storage 1.5lm. – Mobile Mobile Work Worker r • 1 Desks per 4 Flexible Workers • An assigned Locker 0.45 lm • Assigned Storage 0.8 lm. – Pe Perm rmane nent H nt Hom ome Work Worker r • No allocation in the office
Wor orkSmar mart • Spa Space D Design Sta sign Standa ndards:- rds:- • Sta Staff Fa ff Facilitie ilities s – 12 Showers (2 Disabled) – 9 Lifts ( inc 2 Fire Lifts + 1 goods lift) – Prayer/ Contemplation Room – Medical Room – Parenting Room – Public Café + Kitchens/ Tea Points + Vending + Breakout spaces • Im Improve proved Se d Security urity – Electronic Pass systems – CCTV Coverage
DELIVERIES CAR PARK ENTRANCE loor Plan Base sement F nt Floor Pla
Ground F Gr ound Floor Pla loor Plan n Library A Libr ry Arts ts Wing A Wing A Marria Ma riage Room oom Entr Entranc nce Case se Conf onferenc ncing ing Suite Suite Café fé CSC SC Wing B Wing B Building uilding Reception ption Library A Libr ry Arts ts Wing C Wing C
Kitc itche hen, n, Vending & nding & Break Out A Out Area Toile oilets & ts & Stair Sta irs Lifts Lifts Meeting Me ting Room oom Kitc itche hen, n, Vending & nding & Break Out A Out Area Fir irst F st Floor Pla loor Plan
Kitc itche hen, V n, Vending nding & B Break Out A Out Area Toile oilets & ts & Lifts Lifts Sta Stair irs Me Meeting ting Room ooms Kitc itche hen, n, Vending & nding & Break Out Out Ar Area ea loor Plan 2 nd nd & & 3 3 rd rd F Floor Pla
4th F th Floor Pla loor Plan n IT Of IT Offic ice Space Spa Kitc itche hen, V n, Vending nding & B Break Out A Out Area IC ICT Se T Server r Room oom CX & X & Registry gistry Pla Plan n IC ICT B T Build uild Strate Str tegic gic Store Stor Printing Printing Area Ar ea Dir irector tors s Emergenc Em ncy Of Offic ices Contr ontrol ol Pr Prayer R r Room ooms Urba rban n Traffic ic Contr ontrol ol Me Meeting ting Room oom Me Medic dical l Parenting R nting Room oom Room ooms Room oom
loor Plan 5 th th F Floor Pla
Wor orkSmar mart Decant into R nt into Riv iverside side Decant is a major project in its own right. • Decant Project Manager • Directorate WILs took up a secondary role as Decant Champions to collate information on each teams:- • Reasonable adjustments • Specialist ICT needs • Storage allocation • Lockers • One Move per week of up to 200 employees on a Friday - Monday is much easier to manage than 40 per day 5 days a week. • Move guide detailing all employees need to do and know. • Detailed co-ordination with ICT department particularly around desktop equipment. • Decant & IT staff available on site when employees first arrive, removes many issues at source. • Weekly feedback meetings with occupants.
Wor orkSmar mart Decant into R nt into Riv iverside side Decant is a major project in its own right. • Decant Project Manager Don’t forget about • Directorate WILs took up a secondary role as Decant Champions to collate information on each teams:- work and costs to • Reasonable adjustments decommissioning • Specialist ICT needs • Storage allocation • Lockers and holding vacated • One Move per week of up to 200 employees on a Friday - buildings… Monday is much easier to manage than 40 per day 5 days a week. • Move guide detailing all employees need to do and know. • Detailed co-ordination with ICT department particularly around desktop equipment. • Decant & IT staff available on site when employees first arrive, removes many issues at source. • Weekly feedback meetings with occupants.
Asse sset t Outc utcom omes • Reduc duction in Town c tion in Town centre ntre floor a floor are rea from from 4 45,0 ,000 m m 2 2 to to 30,0 ,000 m m 2 • Reduc duction in town c tion in town centre ntre buildings e buildings ene nergy c rgy costs from osts from £867,0 ,000 to £ to £396,0 ,000 a a ye year. r. – Ene Energy c rgy cost pe ost per e r employe ployee re reduc duced from d from £ £369 to £ to £166 pe per r annum nnum (R (Rive iverside rside = £ = £122 Pa Pa) ) • 58 work worksta stations for e tions for eve very 1 ry 100 pre previous de vious desk sks. s. – Desk sk usa usage ge surve survey indic y indicate te we we still ha still have ve a an a n ave vera rage ge of 4 of 40% % free de fre desk sks a s across the ross the we week. So we . So we will be will be look looking to bring ing to bring more ore sta staff in. ff in. • Va Vastly im stly improve proved re d resilie silienc nce of building a of building and IC nd ICT T syste systems. s. • £85 m million le illion less (ove ss (over 3 r 35 ye years) tha rs) than option of n option of refurbishm re furbishment a nt alone lone. . • £180,0 ,000 pe per ye r year le r less offic ss office c churn. hurn.
IC ICT A Key Enabler of WorkSmart But not rocket science…
La Laptops F ptops For A or All Sta ll Staff To support hot-desking and remote working. >90% of RMBC’s 4500 computers are now laptops 750 laptops delivered each year Sometimes laptops are overkill…
Thin c hin clie lient nt To make computing device-independent But don’t close the desk to others
Bring Y ring Your Own D our Own Devic vice (B (BYOD OD) ) Win-Win! Security is everything
VPN VPN (V (Vir irtua tual Priv l Private te N Netw twor ork) ) To securely access systems from outside the Council network. 2000 accounts live VPN is not the only game in town
MyMa MyMail (Outlook il (Outlook W Web A b Access) ss) To access your RMBC email from any computer. Available to all staff by default.
Ope Open Outlook n Outlook C Cale lenda ndars s To quickly see where colleagues are and when they are available. Mandated for all staff. There are ways to make it work for everyone
Resour source B Book ooking Sy ing Syste stem Meeting room booking Conde ondeco o Book ooking ing Sy Syste stem is is Now Liv ow Live
Resour source B Book ooking Sy ing Syste stem Meeting room booking Conde ondeco o Book ooking ing Sy Syste stem is is Staff don’t Now Liv ow Live have time to search for rooms
VOIP T OIP Tele lephony phony To easily log on to your phone extension from anywhere – a key enabler of the accommodation strategy. 4000 extensions live. Softphones for home workers.
VOIP T OIP Tele lephony phony To easily log on to your phone extension from anywhere – a key enabler of the accommodation strategy. 4000 extensions live. Softphones for home Call flow, call workers. flow, call flow
Conf onferenc nce C Calling lling To reduce the need for travelling to meetings. Conf. call etiquette training is important
Follow Me ollow Me Printing Printing, F , Fax & x & Sc Scan T n To Me o Me To enable more flexible and efficient printing\scanning. Collect prints from any machine. No traditional fax machines in Riverside – incoming faxes are delivered as email attachments. Outgoing faxes are send from MFDs.
Follow Me ollow Me Printing Printing, F , Fax & x & Sc Scan T n To Me o Me To enable more flexible and efficient printing\scanning. Collect prints from Side benefit – any machine. 45% reduction in print volumes No traditional fax machines in Riverside – incoming faxes are delivered as email attachments. Outgoing faxes are send from MFDs.
Pub Public lic Inte Interne rnet A t Access ss To enable more citizens and Members to use iPhones, iPads etc to access the Internet from Riverside’s café and the Town Hall Useful for partners and popular with staff
Red\ d\Gr Green N n Netw twor ork Se Segregation tion Allows closer partnership working. The network detects non- RMBC machines and routes then out to the Internet to allow partners to work from Riverside
Red\ d\Gr Green N n Netw twor ork Se Segregation tion Allows closer partnership working. The network detects non- Public WiFi is RMBC machines and routes then a better way out to the to do this Internet to allow partners to work from Riverside
Desk sk-le -level pow l power r So that people don’t have to crawl around under desks
PC PC V Vir irtua tualisa lisation tion Saves on valuable desk space Eliminate PCs acting as servers \reporting machines through virtualisation.
PC PC V Vir irtua tualisa lisation tion Saves on valuable desk space Eliminate PCs You can’t start acting as servers this too soon… \reporting machines through virtualisation.
BCP\ P\DR – – a hug huge side side-be -bene nefit to a it to agile gile w wor orking ing 2013 snow >700 people available to work because of remote access technologies
New D w Data ta C Centr ntre\New N w Netw twor ork Backup systems for air conditioning, power and fire suppression.
New D w Data ta C Centr ntre\New N w Netw twor ork Backup systems for air conditioning, Don’t bite off power and fire more than you suppression. can chew…
new ways of working enabled by technology 21 st Century Office Showcase
Work orkSmart – rt – Im Imple plementa ntation of tion of Agile gile Work Working ing The There resa sa C Caswe swell ll HR Progra Programme Mgr Mgr
The Challenge • To introduce new ways of (agile) working including introduction of new technology to 2000 employees • Achieve 42% reduction in desk occupancy • Relocating 2000 employees from their current location to new office • Reduce paper files to meet a reduced storage allocation • Provide better customer service through improving the ‘way we work’ • Reduce costs All with minimal employee relations issues !
What we wanted to avoid • Increasing footprint/storage space • Customers being affected by the move and change in work styles • Employment relations issues • ‘Down Time’ resulting from change not being effective • Affects on staff morale and impact on performance
Our starting point • Staff suspicious of desk reductions • Myths – mistrust in the process ‘only doing this to fit in to the building’ • ‘It will never work’ • Staff pushing the boundaries on protocols • Management clinging to ‘passive face time’ • Management worries about performance management – out of sight, out of mind • The costs of ‘agile working’ “Change”
Wor orkSmart t Busine usiness ss Case se Realisa lisation ta tion targets ts The Council has adopted the following WorkSmart benefit targets. • 15% increase in personal productivity over 5 yrs (i.e. personal time savings) • 20% reduction in business miles travelled & expenses costs in 2010/11. Increasing to 30% by 2011/12 (Base year 2007/8). • Reduce workstation numbers by 33% across the corporate estate by 2014. • Reduce office estate across localities by 33% by 2014 & realise resultant savings. • Improve measures of staff satisfaction
Wor orkSmar mart B Bene nefits its Realisa lisation ta tion targets ts These targets are to be incorporated into Directorate / Department Service plans, department Asset Plans and into the existing Performance Management Systems.
Our Approach • Change management programme • Challenge ‘the way we do things round here’ • Dispel myths, put fears in context – myth buster • Involve staff - clear communications plan • Survey staff opinion – empowerment • Job role – invite suggestions on how things can be done better • Business case approach for agile working • The ‘flexible’ workstyle was adopted as the standard for all staff • Plan would follow a phased approach and include a ‘quick win’ team and a more ‘challenging’ team • Each Directorate had a dedicated resource
Directorate Teams WILS Directorate Direcorate Programme Requirement Analyst Manager (M3) Sponsor EDS Diane Douglas Diane Douglas Jane Evans Kirsty Faundez Resources Phil Howe Dave Sissions Lyndsey Woodger Tracy Blakemore CYPS Warren Carratt Warren Carratt Emma Hayes Barrie Hardwick NAS Dave Roddis Dave Roddis Sharon Barker Denise Mitchell
Imple plementa ntation – tion – Activitie tivities s Unde nderta rtaken n Implementation Programme involved the completion of a number of activities across 4 stages: - • 1 - Kick off – Identify local stakeholders, including local sponsors, influencers, adopters – Develop a local Communications plan – Launch/kick-off event • 2 - Explore – Conduct senior stakeholder interviews – identify enabler and objectors – Engage staff through focus groups – Conduct analysis Activities: DILO, Space Utilisation, Gap Analysis workshop – Produce the benefits Case
Imple plementa ntation – tion – Activitie tivities s Unde nderta rtaken ..c n ..cont. ont. • 3 - Design – Conduct solution Design workshop – Develop local business case – Conduct solution Design approval interviews with senior stakeholders – Document solution proposal and submit for approval • 4 - Plan – Develop transition and people change plan – Develop Benefits realisation plan – Acquire acceptance/sign off • The ultimate outcome being the production of a recommended solution – tailored to the team/service
Example Exa ple Findings Findings • Space Utilisation • It is useful to conduct a space utilisation exercise before, during and after to measure the impact 0% Service Name - Detailed Space Utilisation 14-18 March 2011) 16 14 46% 45% 12 Workstation Occupancy 10 Occupied 8 Signs of Life 9% 6 4 Occupied 2 0 Signs of Life Mon Mon Mon Mon Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed Wed Thurs Thurs Thurs Thurs Fri Fri Fri Fri 9.00 10.30 14.00 15.00 9.00 10.30 14.00 15.00 9.00 10.30 14.00 15.00 9.00 10.30 14.00 15.00 9.00 10.30 14.00 15.00 Day / Time Empty
Findings indings continue ontinued d Diary Analysis / DILO Phase One Team • Approximately: – 40% of time per week is spent on research and reading (‘Other’ activity includes delivering and receiving training) – 20% of time per week is Admin updating systems and paper-based – Only 20% of time is spent in face to face contact either with the customer or internal • Overall, around 80% of all activities recorded in this exercise can be undertaken from any location e.g. Reading / Research, e-mails, admin, telephone calls, data input etc .
tion Im Imple plementa ntation • Phased approach • Stepped Process • Tools – Space utilisation, DILO’s, work shadowing • Information gathering and local business case Managers • Barriers/enablers implement! • Gap Analysis • Recommend solution
Recom ommende nded d Work Workstyle style
Work WorkStyle Styles - de s - definition finition Fixed Location Flexible Location Mobile Home • 100% desk allocation • 58% desk allocation • 25% desk allocation – No desks allocated to home workers • Fixed location • (10 people per 5.8 desks) • (4 people per 1 desks) – Support to work from • Specialist equipment • Ability to log on to any • Ability to log-on from any home (where required) e.g. fixed or flexi desk flexi-desk or fixed desk chair – Home Furniture (desk, • Personal locker storage • Personal locker storage chair & file storage) • Storage – Filing cabinets • Resource booking • Co-location of team / team (and electronic) – Ability to use flexi desk in system area office • Access to additional work • Co-location of team / • Mobile workers may be space – Home Based roles are team area required to visit their admin typically data processing • Co-location of team / base but the majority of • The work may also be type roles that do not team area their work is carried out in carried out occasionally require face to face the community e.g. Social • A specific front facing role from home e.g. Human contact e.g. processing Workers, Clerk of Works, that has to be delivered Resources Officer, M3 claims for revenues and from a fixed point e.g. Buildings Managers Manager, Business benefits, remote ICT Cashier Support Officer support.
Findings indings • Some areas of good practice already existed – case of formalising how they already worked – quick wins • Most duties could be undertaken from any location i.e. research, telephone calls, data input • The extent of the 4 stages were tailored to suit similar teams – did not always need to take all teams through the whole process e.g. social work team • Desk reduction overall achieved from team, service or Directorate • Reasonable adjustment requirements within most teams – do not underestimate but also do not go further than necessary • Reasonable adjustment solutions were designed for all where possible and bespoke where not possible
HR Policies Develop or review ;- - Home Based Working - Office Protocols - Occasional Working from Home - Information Security - Travel & Expenses – travel and parking Wor orkSmar mart
Polic olicie ies s Contin ontinue ued…. d…. - Health & Safety Ensure HR - Lone working Data is current - DSE - Risk Assessments - Fire procedures - Reasonable Adjustments – Produce baseline Accommodation, travel etc information as - Working hours/Flexi scheme benchmark - Performance management – is existing policy fit for purpose? Wor orkSmar mart
Communication & Consultation External • Public consultation – planning, Disabled users, Civic Society etc • Media relations • Communication with customers on services – closing/opening of buildings
Com ommunic unication & tion & Consulta onsultation tion Pla lan n What to include;- - Stakeholder analysis – identifies the resistors/supporters - Survey Employee opinion – WLB, Flexible working, Accommodation - Provide employee open days - Set up a Trade Union/Worker Rep consultation group - Promote case studies - Circulate newsletters Wor orkSmar mart
Com ommunic unication tion & & Consulta onsultation tion Contin ontinue ued ……… d ……… • Provide regular updates to Elected Members • Provide more informal ways to communicate e.g discussion board, E-mail address • Develop FAQ’s • Brief Teams regularly Pre-move • Comms to prepare for move – offer visits to new building • Provide move guide and briefings Post move • Hold drop in sessions, weekly communications – you asked we did! • Celebrate success – promote good news stories – internal/ external promotion, aids recruitment Wor orkSmar mart
Sta Staff Consulta onsultation tion Ev Event nt
Results 634 c consulta onsultation f tion form orms w s were c com omple plete ted b d by visiting sta y visiting staff Que Questions w stions were split into 4 split into 4 m main a in areas Accom ommoda odation : tion : The he sur survey g y gave a a c cle lear indic r indication tha tion that sta t staff pr preferred option d option • 1 la layout a out and de nd desk sking (1 ing (120° de ° desk sks) s) In te In term rms of s of de decor or, m , mood boa ood board 1 d 1, “c , “conte ontempor porary”, w ry”, was the s the • most f ost favour oured, a d, also sta lso staff c chose hose a a w wood v ood vene neer f r finish to inish to de desk sks a s as oppose s opposed to white d to white or c or colour oloured d • In te In term rms of s of br breakout furnitur out furniture sta staff ha had a d a pr preferenc nce f for or sof sofas a s and a nd arm rmcha hair irs o s over ta r table les a s and c nd cha hair irs
Results Car P r Parking / ing /Transpor nsporta tation tion A thir third of d of the the r responde spondents w nts were c conc oncerne rned a d about the bout the a amount, ount, • pr proxim ximity or qua ity or quality of lity of the the pr propose oposed pa d parking pr ing provision vision A qua quarte ter f r felt tha lt that the t they m y must ha ust have a a c car r r readily a dily availa ilable le in in • or orde der to c r to carry out the ry out their w ir wor ork dutie duties 17% f % felt str lt strong ongly tha ly that sta t staff should not ha should not have to pa to pay or pa y or pay so y so • muc uch to bring the h to bring their c ir cars to w s to wor ork
Results Agile gile W Wor orking ing Sur Survey r y results a sults and f nd feedba dback on the on the da day w y were m mostly v ostly very ry • positiv positive, both a , both about the bout the e event a nt and W nd Wor orkSm Smart (4 t (45% positiv % positive, , 24% c % cautiously optim utiously optimistic istic) Technology hnology A m majority of jority of sta staff (6 (69%) be %) belie lieved tha d that the t they w y would be ould be • pr provide vided with the d with the te technology to w hnology to wor ork in a in an a n agile gile w way
Learning & rning & Developm lopment nt Areas s to o conside onsider r - Cha hang nge m mana nagement nt - Induc Induction to ne tion to new b w building uilding - Fle lexib xible le w wor orking – m ing – mana nager/ r/emplo ployee m module odule - Fir ire sa safety ty - Displa isplay Sc y Screen Equipm n Equipment nt - IC ICT – e T – e-le -learning to suppor rning to support a t agile gile w wor orking ing e e.g .g. outlook . outlook c cale lenda ndar r E-le E-learning or c rning or cla lassr ssroom oom ba base sed? d? Wor orkSmar mart
Key HR Outcomes • Reduced sickness absence - 7.96 days average per employee/annum (9.62 at the start of project – 2007/8) • Reduced Mileage • Employee Opinion Survey Results 2012 2008 My manager actively promotes and supports flexible working & work-life balance 72% 65% I am proud to work for the Council 66% 62% Overall, I am satisfied to be working for the Council 72% 63%*
Key Outcomes • Reduction in workstation numbers (reduced by 42%) 2010/11 Reduction of 316,523 miles from previous year generating £126,609 • Efficiencies realised by reducing reception points • Increased data security • Better working environment enhanced • Enhanced personal effectiveness • Active face to face time – more cross department working • Better customer services • Greater employee satisfaction • Business continuity safeguarded through more flexible ways of working
Future Measures Future measures to be realised;- • 15% increase in personal productivity over 5 years. (i.e. personal time savings) • Reduce office estate across localities by 33% by 2014 and realise resultant savings (currently at 30%) • Reduce desk occupancy further in 2013 as desk occupancy surveys indicate • Improve the measures of staff satisfaction
Gary Gaunt Project Manager
Consultancy Background – Provided to another local authority – 1600 employees over 10 town centre locations – New civic office accommodation housing 900 workstations (60% desk occupancy) – Approached in March 2012 to provide guidance on WorkSmart principles – Approached in June 2012 to provide project management
Why Were We Asked To Support? • Client had limited project management resources and experience • Short timescales involved • Proven track record on delivery • Tested processes and material • Local Authority knowledge • Experience of knowledge transfer
What did we provide? • An adapted WorkSmart methodology • Training to the core team on the process • Documentation and tools to support the process • E-Learning packages • Policies and procedures • Advice and guidance Provided Project Management on;- • WorkSmart • Furniture and ICT fit out • Operational requirements & Decant
What we provided? Provided Project Management on;- • WorkSmart • Furniture and ICT fit out • Operational requirements • Decant
Wor orkSmar mart P Proje oject t Ov Overall R ll Refle lection tion What Went Well? Project on time, on budget • Desk occupancy achieved • Centralised integrated team • Empowerment – delegated decision making • Senior Leadership Team & Member buy in • Continuity – team members (WorkSmart/Decant) • No employee relations issues • Positive feedback from staff • Preparation – implementation of agile working in existing • locations
Reflection What Would We Do Differently? • ICT refresh package – centralise costs to remove barrier (e.g. VPN token) • Desktop v laptop v mobile device • Be aware of other initiatives – that may affect project delivery • Full time resource allocation to a dedicated project team
new ways of working enabled by technology 21 st Century Office Showcase
Worksmart Nigel Hancock Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council DEVELOPMENT MANAGER
The Planning Application Process may be better understood by mapping its sub processes Each sub process requires a different amount of effort to complete it Pre Application Receipt Validation Other Admin tasks Consultation and Notification Evaluation Delegated decisions Committee decisions Decision making Discharge of conditions Post decision amendments
How Much Does It Cost? • Sub process Council 1 Council 2 Council 3 • Pre Application £ 53,407 £ 270,419 £ 372,949 • Receipt £ 16,588 £ 42,647 £ 39,576 • Validation £ 25,266 £ 203,232 £ 287,140 • Other Admin tasks £ 26,104 £ 48,030 £ 89,618 • Consultation and Notification £ 11,806 £ 124,478 £ 267,448 • Evaluation £ 102,090 £ 425,847 £ 762,831 • Delegated applications £ 78,242 £ 226,835 £ 523,770 • Committee applications £ 30,591 £ 196,976 £ 206,950 • Decision £ 7,748 £ 82,237 £ 93,884 • Discharge of conditions £ 13,365 £ 67,415 £ 110,611 • Post decision amendments £ 7,283 £ 33,669 £ 32,842 • Managing the process £ 30,736 £ 117,809 £ 143,065 £ 403,226 £ 1,839,592 £ 2,930,684
Pre Application Receipt Validation Other Admin tasks Consultation and Notification Evaluation Delegated applications Committee applications Decision Discharge of conditions Post decision amendments Selby lton Bury rley am eeds ing eton 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
More recommend